Monday, December 19, 2005
X-Mas Stocking Stories
Yeah- I know OORB is a rugby blog , but rugby stories- except those that Rasputin keeps digging out at is a bit slow this time of year.
I am also quite sure that all have hailed the AB's for their performances this year and I will try not to mention (again who had won the Currie Cup in 2005- ;-).
Speaking of an early X-mas present- I found this on
Their x-mas whishes is a bit more lofty than mine- but still an interesting read. It seems that "family" is still the biggest present- but that a jet isn't too shaby either.
Hope all of you spend the X-mas with the people that you love- and for all the Saffa ex-pats- wipe away the tears and may 2006 be a good year for you- wherever you are.
Mind you, I would have like it,if Kimi had said that Santa must bring him a Mclaren that can finish the race- 90 % of the time.
Oranje Orakel

Kimi Raikkonen
"I am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family, this is a tradition for me as Christmas is a great time to catch up and spend time with parents and in-laws. This year the perfect present for me would be a jet; this would make my journeys to all the overseas races a lot easier as there would be less waiting around, however I would be happy with clothes, CD's and DVD's as well."

Juan Pablo Montoya
"This year will be my son Sebastian's first Christmas and to make it extra special we are going to take him to a ski resort in Europe with our family and friends so that he will get to see snow for the first time. Our Christmas is usually fairly traditional, which in Colombia we celebrate on Christmas Eve. We attend church and that is usually followed by a meal and all the children are given their presents then. For me all I will be hoping for is that Team McLaren Mercedes have a great 2006!"

Alex Wurz
"My Christmas was going to be different this year as my wife and I were expecting our second child on Christmas Eve however Charlie was born early so my hope for getting out of cooking the turkey has gone. That means that we will go back to our usual celebrations which are a mixture of the Austrian (where we celebrate on Christmas Eve) and the British traditions. I will have to start thinking of new presents to wish for as I had only been thinking about the birth of my son."

Pedro de la Rosa
"Christmas for me is a family occasion with us visiting my wife Maria's family for lunch on Christmas day and then going onto my parents in the evening. This is usually a fun occasion as my brother dresses up as Santa to give all the children their presents. This year we are also going to go to New York on the 27th December so that should be great fun for the family. As for presents all I hope for is good health as when you are healthy then you can achieve anything.
I am also quite sure that all have hailed the AB's for their performances this year and I will try not to mention (again who had won the Currie Cup in 2005- ;-).
Speaking of an early X-mas present- I found this on
Their x-mas whishes is a bit more lofty than mine- but still an interesting read. It seems that "family" is still the biggest present- but that a jet isn't too shaby either.
Hope all of you spend the X-mas with the people that you love- and for all the Saffa ex-pats- wipe away the tears and may 2006 be a good year for you- wherever you are.
Mind you, I would have like it,if Kimi had said that Santa must bring him a Mclaren that can finish the race- 90 % of the time.
Oranje Orakel

Kimi Raikkonen
"I am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family, this is a tradition for me as Christmas is a great time to catch up and spend time with parents and in-laws. This year the perfect present for me would be a jet; this would make my journeys to all the overseas races a lot easier as there would be less waiting around, however I would be happy with clothes, CD's and DVD's as well."

Juan Pablo Montoya
"This year will be my son Sebastian's first Christmas and to make it extra special we are going to take him to a ski resort in Europe with our family and friends so that he will get to see snow for the first time. Our Christmas is usually fairly traditional, which in Colombia we celebrate on Christmas Eve. We attend church and that is usually followed by a meal and all the children are given their presents then. For me all I will be hoping for is that Team McLaren Mercedes have a great 2006!"

Alex Wurz
"My Christmas was going to be different this year as my wife and I were expecting our second child on Christmas Eve however Charlie was born early so my hope for getting out of cooking the turkey has gone. That means that we will go back to our usual celebrations which are a mixture of the Austrian (where we celebrate on Christmas Eve) and the British traditions. I will have to start thinking of new presents to wish for as I had only been thinking about the birth of my son."

Pedro de la Rosa
"Christmas for me is a family occasion with us visiting my wife Maria's family for lunch on Christmas day and then going onto my parents in the evening. This is usually a fun occasion as my brother dresses up as Santa to give all the children their presents. This year we are also going to go to New York on the 27th December so that should be great fun for the family. As for presents all I hope for is good health as when you are healthy then you can achieve anything.
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