Wednesday, September 06, 2006

OORB will post in future a thread early in the week - on which all the various posts - building up the Cheetah game in question- will be posted. This will then be followed by a weekly wrap on general Cheetah news- by midweek and a Pre match arti by Thursday/Friday.
The Vodacom Cheetahs face the log leaders Vodacom Western Province at home on Friday night at 1910.
Most likely this game will be broadcasted by Supersport.
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‘Agterste driehoek gevaarliker’
Sep 05 2006 11:29:46:983PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
Die agterste driehoek van Westelike Provinsie hou groter gevaar as sy lostrio vir die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs in.
So sê Hendro Scholtz, beseerde kaptein en Springbok-flank van die Vrystaat, oor Vrydag se Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein tussen dié premierliga-spanne.
“Ek dink ons agttal kan WP s’n in die skrums en in die ander vaste fasette onder druk plaas. WP se lostrio is nie die grootste gevaar vir die Cheetahs nie,” sê Scholtz.
“Ons lostrio is net so goed. Inteendeel het ons dalk meer vaart in die stryd na die afbreekpunte,” sê Scholtz.
’n Reuse-taak rus nietemin in die afwesigheid van Scholtz op die skouers van die lostrio van die Cheetahs om WP se Luke Watson (kaptein), Justin Melck en Robbie Diack in toom te hou.
WP wend Diack veral goed onder die hoë skoppe aan en die WP-agtsteman het reeds gewys dat hy nie bottervat onder die hangskoppe nie.
Danksy Diack se lengte, gewig en vermoë onder die hangskoppe, word die lengte van WP-agterspelers soos Gio Aplon (heelagter), Zhahier Ryland (vleuel) en Joe Pietersen (vleuel) nie as ’n tekortkoming beskou nie.
Voordat Diack vanjaar op die voorgrond getree het, het die Cheetahs nog verlede jaar die hangskoppe van Willem de Waal (losskakel) gebruik om die Streeptruie kaf te speel.
“Vrydag is egter een van ’n handvol wedstryde wat deur die agterlyne gewen of verloor kan word.
“Die agterste driehoek van WP speel vanjaar uitmuntend.
“Ons agterlyn sal moet uithaal,” sê Scholtz.
Aplon is die groot gevaarman in die WP-agterlyn.
Hy word moeilik neergetrek en trek baie aandag met sy onvoorspelbaarheid.
Dit moet bygesê word dat Naas Olivier op losskakel en Corné Uys op buitesenter nie die krediet kry wat hulle verdien nie.
Olivier stuur sy agterlyn seepglad weg en in teenstelling met verlede jaar het WP weer ’n losskakel wat met sy skopskoen die druk op kritieke tye kan verlig.
Die Cheetahs is in die bevoorregte posisie dat hulle laaste twee wedstryde nie gebeeldsend is nie.
Maar sake word vir WP vergemaklik met Vrystaat-spelbrekers soos Giscard Pieters (vleuel, skouer) en Meyer Bosman (veelsydige agterspeler, gebreekte hand) wat nie beskikbaar is nie.
Vrystaat het egter in spelers soos Philip Burger (veelsydige agterspeler), Alwyn Hollenbach (veelsydige agterspeler) en Hendrik Meyer (binne-senter) agterspelers wat soos Aplon oor die X-faktor beskik.
Burger is die aangewese man om in die laaste paar minute groot verwoesting met sy dartellopies te saai. Burger het in minder speeltyd as Aplon nege drieë ingeryg en hy is tans die voorste driedrukker in die Curriebeker.
Sep 05 2006 11:29:46:983PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
Die agterste driehoek van Westelike Provinsie hou groter gevaar as sy lostrio vir die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs in.
So sê Hendro Scholtz, beseerde kaptein en Springbok-flank van die Vrystaat, oor Vrydag se Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein tussen dié premierliga-spanne.
“Ek dink ons agttal kan WP s’n in die skrums en in die ander vaste fasette onder druk plaas. WP se lostrio is nie die grootste gevaar vir die Cheetahs nie,” sê Scholtz.
“Ons lostrio is net so goed. Inteendeel het ons dalk meer vaart in die stryd na die afbreekpunte,” sê Scholtz.
’n Reuse-taak rus nietemin in die afwesigheid van Scholtz op die skouers van die lostrio van die Cheetahs om WP se Luke Watson (kaptein), Justin Melck en Robbie Diack in toom te hou.
WP wend Diack veral goed onder die hoë skoppe aan en die WP-agtsteman het reeds gewys dat hy nie bottervat onder die hangskoppe nie.
Danksy Diack se lengte, gewig en vermoë onder die hangskoppe, word die lengte van WP-agterspelers soos Gio Aplon (heelagter), Zhahier Ryland (vleuel) en Joe Pietersen (vleuel) nie as ’n tekortkoming beskou nie.
Voordat Diack vanjaar op die voorgrond getree het, het die Cheetahs nog verlede jaar die hangskoppe van Willem de Waal (losskakel) gebruik om die Streeptruie kaf te speel.
“Vrydag is egter een van ’n handvol wedstryde wat deur die agterlyne gewen of verloor kan word.
“Die agterste driehoek van WP speel vanjaar uitmuntend.
“Ons agterlyn sal moet uithaal,” sê Scholtz.
Aplon is die groot gevaarman in die WP-agterlyn.
Hy word moeilik neergetrek en trek baie aandag met sy onvoorspelbaarheid.
Dit moet bygesê word dat Naas Olivier op losskakel en Corné Uys op buitesenter nie die krediet kry wat hulle verdien nie.
Olivier stuur sy agterlyn seepglad weg en in teenstelling met verlede jaar het WP weer ’n losskakel wat met sy skopskoen die druk op kritieke tye kan verlig.
Die Cheetahs is in die bevoorregte posisie dat hulle laaste twee wedstryde nie gebeeldsend is nie.
Maar sake word vir WP vergemaklik met Vrystaat-spelbrekers soos Giscard Pieters (vleuel, skouer) en Meyer Bosman (veelsydige agterspeler, gebreekte hand) wat nie beskikbaar is nie.
Vrystaat het egter in spelers soos Philip Burger (veelsydige agterspeler), Alwyn Hollenbach (veelsydige agterspeler) en Hendrik Meyer (binne-senter) agterspelers wat soos Aplon oor die X-faktor beskik.
Burger is die aangewese man om in die laaste paar minute groot verwoesting met sy dartellopies te saai. Burger het in minder speeltyd as Aplon nege drieë ingeryg en hy is tans die voorste driedrukker in die Curriebeker.
VS sal WP se skrums voor stryd met Jonker bespreek
Sep 05 2006 11:29:48:750PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
DIE wettigheid van Westelike Provinsie se skrumwerk bekommer die rugbykamp van die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs soveel dat hulle dié netelige saak voor afskoptyd met mnr. Marius Jonker (skeidsregter) sal bespreek.
Dié Curriebeker-wedstryd vind Vrydag om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein plaas.
“Ek sal met Marius oor WP se skrumwerk praat. Na my mening skrum WP in die lug op as hy onder druk geplaas word,” sê mnr. Naka Drotské, spanbestuurder van die Vrystaat.
“Ek meen dit is nie wettig om in die lug in te skrum nie. Al waarvoor ons vra, is vir wettige skrums,” sê Drotské.
Die voormalige Springbok-haker en skrumdokter van die Cheetahs, Drotské, sê Vrystaat beskou die Streeptrui-skrum nie as swakker as enige van die sewe ander spanne s’n in die premierliga nie.
“Ons beskou ons eie skrumwerk eerder as ’n sterk punt. Ons het besluit om op dié sterk punt te herfokus. Ons is in die bevoorregte posisie dat ons voortreflike stutte in Ollie le Roux, Wian du Preez, CJ van der Linde, Jannie du Plessis en Kobus Calldo het,” sê Drotské.
Hoewel mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, eers vandag sy 22-tal aanwys, word dit verwag dat hy minstens vier stutte sal insluit.
Die Cheetahs het verlede jaar die vrugte van hul stutfaktor met die verowering van die Curriebeker gepluk en dit verras nie dat Vrystaat besluit het om op dié sterk punt te herfokus nie.
Le Roux, Van der Linde, Du Preez, Du Plessis en Os du Randt was deel van die stutfaktor.
Le Roux sal Vrydag baie aanmoediging daaruit put dat hy in sy 50ste wedstryd vir die Vrystaat speel. Le Roux is ’n speler wat daarvan hou om in belangrike wedstryde die pap dik aan te maak.
In Vrydag se wedstryd tussen die voorlopers op die puntelys, WP en die Cheetahs, sal ’n vyfster-vertoning deur Le Roux verlang word as Vrystaat sy aanspraak op ’n tuiswedstryd in die halfeindstryd lewend wil hou. Le Roux en Du Preez sal baie druk op die vaskopstut van die Streeptruie wil plaas.
Dit sal nie verbaas as die Cheetah-kamp Jonker vra om veral Brok Harris (vaskopstut) se skrumwerk dop te hou nie. Harris word as een van die WP-vondse van die seisoen beskou en hy speel ’n barshou in die vastelos, maar ’n vraagteken bestaan egter oor die wettigheid van sy skrumwerk onder druk.
Mnr. Kobus van der Merwe, afrigter van WP, is bevoorreg dat die Bokke die dienste van Eddie Andrews (vaskopstut) aan sy span beskikbaar gestel het.
Andrews is ewe gesout aan die loskop- of vaskopkant.
Sep 05 2006 11:29:48:750PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
DIE wettigheid van Westelike Provinsie se skrumwerk bekommer die rugbykamp van die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs soveel dat hulle dié netelige saak voor afskoptyd met mnr. Marius Jonker (skeidsregter) sal bespreek.
Dié Curriebeker-wedstryd vind Vrydag om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein plaas.
“Ek sal met Marius oor WP se skrumwerk praat. Na my mening skrum WP in die lug op as hy onder druk geplaas word,” sê mnr. Naka Drotské, spanbestuurder van die Vrystaat.
“Ek meen dit is nie wettig om in die lug in te skrum nie. Al waarvoor ons vra, is vir wettige skrums,” sê Drotské.
Die voormalige Springbok-haker en skrumdokter van die Cheetahs, Drotské, sê Vrystaat beskou die Streeptrui-skrum nie as swakker as enige van die sewe ander spanne s’n in die premierliga nie.
“Ons beskou ons eie skrumwerk eerder as ’n sterk punt. Ons het besluit om op dié sterk punt te herfokus. Ons is in die bevoorregte posisie dat ons voortreflike stutte in Ollie le Roux, Wian du Preez, CJ van der Linde, Jannie du Plessis en Kobus Calldo het,” sê Drotské.
Hoewel mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, eers vandag sy 22-tal aanwys, word dit verwag dat hy minstens vier stutte sal insluit.
Die Cheetahs het verlede jaar die vrugte van hul stutfaktor met die verowering van die Curriebeker gepluk en dit verras nie dat Vrystaat besluit het om op dié sterk punt te herfokus nie.
Le Roux, Van der Linde, Du Preez, Du Plessis en Os du Randt was deel van die stutfaktor.
Le Roux sal Vrydag baie aanmoediging daaruit put dat hy in sy 50ste wedstryd vir die Vrystaat speel. Le Roux is ’n speler wat daarvan hou om in belangrike wedstryde die pap dik aan te maak.
In Vrydag se wedstryd tussen die voorlopers op die puntelys, WP en die Cheetahs, sal ’n vyfster-vertoning deur Le Roux verlang word as Vrystaat sy aanspraak op ’n tuiswedstryd in die halfeindstryd lewend wil hou. Le Roux en Du Preez sal baie druk op die vaskopstut van die Streeptruie wil plaas.
Dit sal nie verbaas as die Cheetah-kamp Jonker vra om veral Brok Harris (vaskopstut) se skrumwerk dop te hou nie. Harris word as een van die WP-vondse van die seisoen beskou en hy speel ’n barshou in die vastelos, maar ’n vraagteken bestaan egter oor die wettigheid van sy skrumwerk onder druk.
Mnr. Kobus van der Merwe, afrigter van WP, is bevoorreg dat die Bokke die dienste van Eddie Andrews (vaskopstut) aan sy span beskikbaar gestel het.
Andrews is ewe gesout aan die loskop- of vaskopkant.
Van der Linde kan dalk vir VS uitdraf
Sep 04 2006 08:48:39:227PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
’n BUITEKANS bestaan dat CJ van der Linde (vaskopstut) Vrydag om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein vir die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs in ’n Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd teen Westelike Provinsie speel.
Van der Linde het gisteroggend saam met sy Cheetah-spanmaats geoefen, maar die middagoefening weens dieselfde nekbesering misgeloop waarvoor hy vroeg in die Bok-toets teen die All Blacks in Pretoria deur BJ Botha vervang is.
Van der Linde sê hoewel hy die middagoefening misgeloop het, het sy besering die afgelope tien dae verbeter. Hy kan die WP-wedstryd gebruik om sy eerste tree terug na ’n plek in die Bok-span te gee.
Mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, sal egter nie met Van der Linde waag as hy nie honderd persent is nie. Hoewel Van der Linde homself al op toetsvlak bewys het en dit ’n aanwins vir die Cheetahs is as hy beskikbaar is, sal dit eerder van groter waarde vir hom wees om volkome van sy besering te herstel.
Jannie du Plessis en Kobus Calldo het as vaskopstutte saamgeoefen en as Van der Linde weens sy besering nie beskikbaar is nie, kan hulle in die Vrystaatse 22-tal teen WP ingesluit word.
Calldo het weer die eerste keer voluit ná ’n liesbesering geoefen.
Erasmus verwag intussen dat die fiksheid van sy span deurslaggewend teen WP sal wees. “Ons fiksheid is baie goed,” sê Erasmus.
“Ons slaag danksy ons fiksheid daarin om teenstanders in die tweede helfte taai teenstand te bied,” sê Erasmus.
Hoewel die Cheetahs se naels nie seer gekrap het teen die Leeus nie, het Vrystaat in die tweede helfte vier drieë vir ’n waardevolle bonuspunt behaal.
Gemeet aan gister se oefening, lyk dit of Erasmus verskeie veranderings aan sy span kan aanbring wat teen die Leeus verloor het.
Meyer Bosman (losskakel, gebreekte hand) en Jaco du Toit (haker, borsbeen) sal weens beserings nie oorweeg word nie. Willem de Waal kan by Bosman oorneem en Richardt Strauss kan in die middel van die skrum sak, hoewel Erasmus kan besluit om Ollie le Roux die nommer-twee-trui te laat dra.
Dit lyk of Erasmus minstens vyf stutte in sy 22-tal kan insluit en dit aan hom die keuse sal bied om sy stutfaktor in te span waarmee hy verlede jaar soveel sukses in die reeks behaal het.
Wian du Preez (loskopstut) is die ander stut wat ’n rol in ’n moontlike Cheetah-stutfaktor teen WP kan speel.
Gaffie du Toit (veelsydige agterspeler) kan ook ná ’n deeglike ruskans weer nadergeroep word, terwyl Gavin Passens (vleuel) sonder enige ongerief van ’n dyspierbesering saamgeoefen het.
Sep 04 2006 08:48:39:227PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
’n BUITEKANS bestaan dat CJ van der Linde (vaskopstut) Vrydag om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein vir die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs in ’n Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd teen Westelike Provinsie speel.
Van der Linde het gisteroggend saam met sy Cheetah-spanmaats geoefen, maar die middagoefening weens dieselfde nekbesering misgeloop waarvoor hy vroeg in die Bok-toets teen die All Blacks in Pretoria deur BJ Botha vervang is.
Van der Linde sê hoewel hy die middagoefening misgeloop het, het sy besering die afgelope tien dae verbeter. Hy kan die WP-wedstryd gebruik om sy eerste tree terug na ’n plek in die Bok-span te gee.
Mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, sal egter nie met Van der Linde waag as hy nie honderd persent is nie. Hoewel Van der Linde homself al op toetsvlak bewys het en dit ’n aanwins vir die Cheetahs is as hy beskikbaar is, sal dit eerder van groter waarde vir hom wees om volkome van sy besering te herstel.
Jannie du Plessis en Kobus Calldo het as vaskopstutte saamgeoefen en as Van der Linde weens sy besering nie beskikbaar is nie, kan hulle in die Vrystaatse 22-tal teen WP ingesluit word.
Calldo het weer die eerste keer voluit ná ’n liesbesering geoefen.
Erasmus verwag intussen dat die fiksheid van sy span deurslaggewend teen WP sal wees. “Ons fiksheid is baie goed,” sê Erasmus.
“Ons slaag danksy ons fiksheid daarin om teenstanders in die tweede helfte taai teenstand te bied,” sê Erasmus.
Hoewel die Cheetahs se naels nie seer gekrap het teen die Leeus nie, het Vrystaat in die tweede helfte vier drieë vir ’n waardevolle bonuspunt behaal.
Gemeet aan gister se oefening, lyk dit of Erasmus verskeie veranderings aan sy span kan aanbring wat teen die Leeus verloor het.
Meyer Bosman (losskakel, gebreekte hand) en Jaco du Toit (haker, borsbeen) sal weens beserings nie oorweeg word nie. Willem de Waal kan by Bosman oorneem en Richardt Strauss kan in die middel van die skrum sak, hoewel Erasmus kan besluit om Ollie le Roux die nommer-twee-trui te laat dra.
Dit lyk of Erasmus minstens vyf stutte in sy 22-tal kan insluit en dit aan hom die keuse sal bied om sy stutfaktor in te span waarmee hy verlede jaar soveel sukses in die reeks behaal het.
Wian du Preez (loskopstut) is die ander stut wat ’n rol in ’n moontlike Cheetah-stutfaktor teen WP kan speel.
Gaffie du Toit (veelsydige agterspeler) kan ook ná ’n deeglike ruskans weer nadergeroep word, terwyl Gavin Passens (vleuel) sonder enige ongerief van ’n dyspierbesering saamgeoefen het.
Ollie chirps WP front row
Tuesday 5 September 2006
Free State captain Ollie le Roux has added some spice to the already mouthwatering prospect of a top-of-the-table battle in Bloemfontein.
Friday night sees the champs hosting Vodacom Western Province in yet another Absa Currie Cup scrap for premier position on the log. Province have the momentum after a spectacular 23-12 victory over the Vodacom Blue Bulls last week, while the Vodacom Cheetahs will conversely be looking to regain their balance after being rocked by their recent 39-28 loss to the Lions.
But Le Roux is confident that the defeat at Ellis Park will detract nothing from the impending contest. He admitted to that although WP have done well to reach the top, their scrum will definitely be targeted on Friday.
“I think that having a good solid scrum in this competition is non-negotiable, and WP have scrummed well this season,” he said. “However, I’m not so sure that their scrumming has been all that legal.”
Le Roux applauded the WP front row for getting away with repeated infringements and illegal tactics to combat the superior props of the Bulls and other strong scrums in the competition.
“When you are under a lot of pressure, you tend to stand up in the front row. Brock Harris is especially guilty of this, but we have been working on a way to nullify that. It should be a very interesting contest.”
The Cheetahs outplayed WP in the scrums and lineouts of the Round 1 match at Newlands. Le Roux feels that these aspects as well as the rolling maul will once again be the Free Staters’ strengths. But after last week’s big defeat to the Lions, they will have plenty of work to do in preparation for a Province team who has improved with every game this season.
“I think that the big thing we will need to work on in the next few days is absorbing the pressure applied by the bigger sides. We were a bit too erratic last Friday, and this is because we lost our heads in pressure situations.”
Meyer Bosman has been sidelined with a broken hand, and so Willem de Waal makes a welcomed return. Le Roux believes that although the Cheetahs will miss the services of Bosman, the incoming De Waal is a man for the big occasion.
“Meyer is a phenomenal talent, but Willem is a also a very good player. He’s also a very experienced flyhalf with a cool head, and excels under pressure.”
Both teams to play in Bloemfontein will be announced on Wednesday afternoon.
By Jon Cardinelli
Tuesday 5 September 2006
Free State captain Ollie le Roux has added some spice to the already mouthwatering prospect of a top-of-the-table battle in Bloemfontein.
Friday night sees the champs hosting Vodacom Western Province in yet another Absa Currie Cup scrap for premier position on the log. Province have the momentum after a spectacular 23-12 victory over the Vodacom Blue Bulls last week, while the Vodacom Cheetahs will conversely be looking to regain their balance after being rocked by their recent 39-28 loss to the Lions.
But Le Roux is confident that the defeat at Ellis Park will detract nothing from the impending contest. He admitted to that although WP have done well to reach the top, their scrum will definitely be targeted on Friday.
“I think that having a good solid scrum in this competition is non-negotiable, and WP have scrummed well this season,” he said. “However, I’m not so sure that their scrumming has been all that legal.”
Le Roux applauded the WP front row for getting away with repeated infringements and illegal tactics to combat the superior props of the Bulls and other strong scrums in the competition.
“When you are under a lot of pressure, you tend to stand up in the front row. Brock Harris is especially guilty of this, but we have been working on a way to nullify that. It should be a very interesting contest.”
The Cheetahs outplayed WP in the scrums and lineouts of the Round 1 match at Newlands. Le Roux feels that these aspects as well as the rolling maul will once again be the Free Staters’ strengths. But after last week’s big defeat to the Lions, they will have plenty of work to do in preparation for a Province team who has improved with every game this season.
“I think that the big thing we will need to work on in the next few days is absorbing the pressure applied by the bigger sides. We were a bit too erratic last Friday, and this is because we lost our heads in pressure situations.”
Meyer Bosman has been sidelined with a broken hand, and so Willem de Waal makes a welcomed return. Le Roux believes that although the Cheetahs will miss the services of Bosman, the incoming De Waal is a man for the big occasion.
“Meyer is a phenomenal talent, but Willem is a also a very good player. He’s also a very experienced flyhalf with a cool head, and excels under pressure.”
Both teams to play in Bloemfontein will be announced on Wednesday afternoon.
By Jon Cardinelli
WP up the ante
Tuesday 5 September 2006
SOURCE: brought you the Vodacom Western Province training session live from Bellville Rugby Club, where the emphasis was mainly on ball skills.
1. The players make their way onto the field. The weather in Cape Town today has been very humid, and despite the overcast conditions, it is a moggy 28 degrees. All of the players seem to be in high spirits, laughing and joking around with each other.
2. The coaches are yet to emerge from the clubhouse, but the players begin the session with some skills exercises. This particular drill involves two men running at one defender between the touchline and the 5m and trying to get the pass away without getting touched. The passes become more flamboyant and inventive as the exercise progresses, and even the tight forwards are showing some good hands.
3. Kobus van der Merwe, Gary Gold and Jerome Paarwater arrive on the field and the squad comes together. So far, there has been no Ross Skeate, Huia Edmonds or Justin Melck on the scene. Robbie Diack sidles up to the grandstand and takes a seat. His calf is heavily strapped, but he assures the fans watching on that he will be alright for the crunch match in Bloemfontein.
4. Van der Merwe instigates some simple skill drills to start off with, and the squad splits up into groups of five and run it through the hands. The coach ups the tempo every five minutes by urging the players to get the ball away quicker, cutting down the amount of time it takes to reach the man out wide.
5. Now the team begins to run some shadow rugby from the lineout. The team is really mixing it up, with forwards and backs alternating all the time in the backline.
6. Eddie Andrews hasn’t been at the practice. The inside information is that he’s gone back to train with the Springboks.
7. WP have been trying some elaborate manouevuers in the backline off the lineout, with mixed success. A few balls have gone down, and passes have gone astray. Luke Watson calls in his charges presumably to chat to them about their concentration.
8. There is a period where the players continue to drop the final pass, and then Kobus van der Merwe calls them in for a talk. The improvement is immediate and the intensity has increased threefold. There’s also plenty of communication, as they practice a few more attacking moves from the lineout before doing the same with their scrums. This continues for awhile longer, and leaves them still training arduously.
By Jon Cardinelli, at Bellville Rugby Club
Tuesday 5 September 2006
SOURCE: brought you the Vodacom Western Province training session live from Bellville Rugby Club, where the emphasis was mainly on ball skills.
1. The players make their way onto the field. The weather in Cape Town today has been very humid, and despite the overcast conditions, it is a moggy 28 degrees. All of the players seem to be in high spirits, laughing and joking around with each other.
2. The coaches are yet to emerge from the clubhouse, but the players begin the session with some skills exercises. This particular drill involves two men running at one defender between the touchline and the 5m and trying to get the pass away without getting touched. The passes become more flamboyant and inventive as the exercise progresses, and even the tight forwards are showing some good hands.
3. Kobus van der Merwe, Gary Gold and Jerome Paarwater arrive on the field and the squad comes together. So far, there has been no Ross Skeate, Huia Edmonds or Justin Melck on the scene. Robbie Diack sidles up to the grandstand and takes a seat. His calf is heavily strapped, but he assures the fans watching on that he will be alright for the crunch match in Bloemfontein.
4. Van der Merwe instigates some simple skill drills to start off with, and the squad splits up into groups of five and run it through the hands. The coach ups the tempo every five minutes by urging the players to get the ball away quicker, cutting down the amount of time it takes to reach the man out wide.
5. Now the team begins to run some shadow rugby from the lineout. The team is really mixing it up, with forwards and backs alternating all the time in the backline.
6. Eddie Andrews hasn’t been at the practice. The inside information is that he’s gone back to train with the Springboks.
7. WP have been trying some elaborate manouevuers in the backline off the lineout, with mixed success. A few balls have gone down, and passes have gone astray. Luke Watson calls in his charges presumably to chat to them about their concentration.
8. There is a period where the players continue to drop the final pass, and then Kobus van der Merwe calls them in for a talk. The improvement is immediate and the intensity has increased threefold. There’s also plenty of communication, as they practice a few more attacking moves from the lineout before doing the same with their scrums. This continues for awhile longer, and leaves them still training arduously.
By Jon Cardinelli, at Bellville Rugby Club
Province shrug off Cheetahs’ jibes
Wednesday 6 September 2006
The Cape Town side are well aware of the mind games that abound in crunch matches, and have chosen to ignore the Free State taunts.
Ollie le Roux told this website on Tuesday that although the Vodacom Western Province pack are playing well, they are standing up in the scrums. This is an illegal method utilised by props who cannot sustain the pressure applied by the opposition.
WP coach Kobus van der Merwe dismissed this reasoning with a light chuckle. “Ollie is always one for a little psychological warfare,” he explained to “We know that it will be tough in the scrums, but we have scrummed well this season against every team we have played against.”
Le Roux had singled out WP youngster Brock Harris as the main culprit for illegal tactics. Van der Merwe defended his tighthead, remarking on his steady improvement throughout the season.
“Brock has been scrumming extremely well. I think he had one of his best games when he went up against Kees Lensig, who is probably the best loosehead in the country.
“Marius Jonker [who will handle Friday’s game in Bloemfontein] is also a very good referee, so we have faith that there will be no room for any illegalities.”
Van der Merwe admits that he is nervous about going up to Bloemfontein. The Vodacom Cheetahs will have plenty to prove after losing to WP in the first round, and will also be dangerous following the defeat at Ellis Park last week.
“I think that they have some tough games coming up, and at home they will be viewing this match as one they have to win,” he said.
Van der Merwe also remarked on Meyer Bosman’s injury as a huge blow to the Free State team.
“Even although they have two good flyhalves, we had expected them to play Bosman at No 10 in this match. But Willem de Waal is a good goal kicker, and you need that in these close games.”
WP are likely to field the same starting line-up that beat the Vodacom Blue Bulls at Newlands last week. Both Robbie Diack and Justin Melck sat on the grandstand for the duration of Tuesday’s practice, but are expected to be ready in time for the game.
Huia Edmonds (lower back) and Ross Skeate (ankle) will not travel up to Bloemfontein, but are expected to be fit for next week’s home fixture against the Valke.
The team will be announced live from Newlands at noon today.
By Jon Cardinelli
Wednesday 6 September 2006
The Cape Town side are well aware of the mind games that abound in crunch matches, and have chosen to ignore the Free State taunts.
Ollie le Roux told this website on Tuesday that although the Vodacom Western Province pack are playing well, they are standing up in the scrums. This is an illegal method utilised by props who cannot sustain the pressure applied by the opposition.
WP coach Kobus van der Merwe dismissed this reasoning with a light chuckle. “Ollie is always one for a little psychological warfare,” he explained to “We know that it will be tough in the scrums, but we have scrummed well this season against every team we have played against.”
Le Roux had singled out WP youngster Brock Harris as the main culprit for illegal tactics. Van der Merwe defended his tighthead, remarking on his steady improvement throughout the season.
“Brock has been scrumming extremely well. I think he had one of his best games when he went up against Kees Lensig, who is probably the best loosehead in the country.
“Marius Jonker [who will handle Friday’s game in Bloemfontein] is also a very good referee, so we have faith that there will be no room for any illegalities.”
Van der Merwe admits that he is nervous about going up to Bloemfontein. The Vodacom Cheetahs will have plenty to prove after losing to WP in the first round, and will also be dangerous following the defeat at Ellis Park last week.
“I think that they have some tough games coming up, and at home they will be viewing this match as one they have to win,” he said.
Van der Merwe also remarked on Meyer Bosman’s injury as a huge blow to the Free State team.
“Even although they have two good flyhalves, we had expected them to play Bosman at No 10 in this match. But Willem de Waal is a good goal kicker, and you need that in these close games.”
WP are likely to field the same starting line-up that beat the Vodacom Blue Bulls at Newlands last week. Both Robbie Diack and Justin Melck sat on the grandstand for the duration of Tuesday’s practice, but are expected to be ready in time for the game.
Huia Edmonds (lower back) and Ross Skeate (ankle) will not travel up to Bloemfontein, but are expected to be fit for next week’s home fixture against the Valke.
The team will be announced live from Newlands at noon today.
By Jon Cardinelli
Cheetahs hold out hope for Bosman
Tuesday September 05 2006
Fractured hand sidelines Bok utility
The Cheetahs management are still holding out hope that their Springbok utility back, Meyer Bosman, will recover in time from a hand fracture to be available for the Currie Cup play-offs next month. Meyer suffered the injury in his side's 39-28 loss to the Lions at Ellis Park last week and will be out for the remainder of the regular season.
Meyer Bosman:
This setback could not have come at a worse time for Bosman or the Cheetahs, who are aiming to defend the Currie Cup title they won in glorious fashion by beating the Blue Bulls in the Final last year.
Bosman seemed to have finally edged out stalwart Willem de Waal in the battle to be the regular starting fly-half for the Free State side, but a badly timed tackle forced the youngster out of the competition.
His return to form came after he spent the majority of the season holding tackle bags for the Springboks during their Tri-Nations stint in Australasia and also missing out on a trip to the Under-21 World Championship tournament in France, while Bok coach Jake White struggled to make up his mind about who should be in and who should be out of his squad.
But it doesn't appear to be all doom and gloom for the talented 21-year-old, with Cheetahs manager Naka Drotské hoping that their game breaker will recover before the play-offs.
"We are hoping he will be ready for the Currie Cup semi-final [October 7], but right now it's touch and go," Drotské told this website.
The Cheetahs face Western Province in a top-of-the-table clash in Bloemfontein on Friday night and Meyer's presence would have gone a long way towards helping the Cheetahs get back on the winning path.
The Cheetahs surrendered their first place on the standings to Province after they (the Cheetahs) lost to the Lions and WP beat the Blue Bulls.
But the team from Bloemfontein, who is just one point behind WP in the standings, will regain first place if they win.
Just how badly Bosman's injury will affect the Cheetahs' preparations remains to be seen.
"It's always difficult losing a player like Meyer [Bosman], but the preparations have gone well so far this week," said Drotské.
"The guys know they let themselves down last week against the Lions and it's going to be a big game [against WP].
"This match will be crucial to our campaign," he added.
Drotské confirmed that De Waal will take over the No.10 jersey from the injured Bosman against Province, with Hendrik Meyer remaining at inside centre.
Drotské agrees that the Springboks could have given Bosman some game time instead of making him warm the bench for the majority of the Tri-Nations tour to Australia and New Zealand.
"It certainly didn't do his game any good, just training for five weeks while he was over there," said Drotské.
"But when he came back, he became an important player in our team - both at fly-half and centre.
"His injury really is a big blow to the team," the disappointed Cheetahs manager added.
The Cheetahs will be keen to avenge their defeat against Province earlier in the season, but according to Drotské they won't be able to bank too much on "home ground advantage".
The former Bok hooker, who captained the Cheetahs when they beat the Bulls in last year's Final, pointed out that the Cheetahs have performed better away from home this year than in Bloemfontein.
"We won't worry too much about home ground advantage. The guys have just got to get out there and play.
"It's not going to be an easy game, Province are playing really well - especially their back three.
"They are looking really dangerous, but the guys know it's a crunch game and hopefully we can pull through."
The Cheetahs and Province play a similar attacking game and will hopefully go out on Friday and give the Bloemfontein crowd something to celebrate, weather permitting of course.
And this may well also be a dress rehearsal for the Currie Cup Final on October 14.
The last time these two met in a final was way back in 1997 at Newlands, where Province took the spoils 14-12 in a pulsating match - when a Rassie Erasmus pass to his wing Jan Harm van Wyk was blown up as forward. Van Wyk was racing clear and on his way to the tryline for what would have been the winning score.
But Drotské feels past games should not have any relevance on what will happen in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
"Some of the guys that are playing now weren't even playing in 1997, in fact I doubt a lot of people playing now even remember it," Drotske said.
"In the professional game, you run out and give it your best shot. I don't think any players will have any form of revenge on their minds come Friday."
By Dave Morris
Tuesday September 05 2006
Fractured hand sidelines Bok utility
The Cheetahs management are still holding out hope that their Springbok utility back, Meyer Bosman, will recover in time from a hand fracture to be available for the Currie Cup play-offs next month. Meyer suffered the injury in his side's 39-28 loss to the Lions at Ellis Park last week and will be out for the remainder of the regular season.
Meyer Bosman:
This setback could not have come at a worse time for Bosman or the Cheetahs, who are aiming to defend the Currie Cup title they won in glorious fashion by beating the Blue Bulls in the Final last year.
Bosman seemed to have finally edged out stalwart Willem de Waal in the battle to be the regular starting fly-half for the Free State side, but a badly timed tackle forced the youngster out of the competition.
His return to form came after he spent the majority of the season holding tackle bags for the Springboks during their Tri-Nations stint in Australasia and also missing out on a trip to the Under-21 World Championship tournament in France, while Bok coach Jake White struggled to make up his mind about who should be in and who should be out of his squad.
But it doesn't appear to be all doom and gloom for the talented 21-year-old, with Cheetahs manager Naka Drotské hoping that their game breaker will recover before the play-offs.
"We are hoping he will be ready for the Currie Cup semi-final [October 7], but right now it's touch and go," Drotské told this website.
The Cheetahs face Western Province in a top-of-the-table clash in Bloemfontein on Friday night and Meyer's presence would have gone a long way towards helping the Cheetahs get back on the winning path.
The Cheetahs surrendered their first place on the standings to Province after they (the Cheetahs) lost to the Lions and WP beat the Blue Bulls.
But the team from Bloemfontein, who is just one point behind WP in the standings, will regain first place if they win.
Just how badly Bosman's injury will affect the Cheetahs' preparations remains to be seen.
"It's always difficult losing a player like Meyer [Bosman], but the preparations have gone well so far this week," said Drotské.
"The guys know they let themselves down last week against the Lions and it's going to be a big game [against WP].
"This match will be crucial to our campaign," he added.
Drotské confirmed that De Waal will take over the No.10 jersey from the injured Bosman against Province, with Hendrik Meyer remaining at inside centre.
Drotské agrees that the Springboks could have given Bosman some game time instead of making him warm the bench for the majority of the Tri-Nations tour to Australia and New Zealand.
"It certainly didn't do his game any good, just training for five weeks while he was over there," said Drotské.
"But when he came back, he became an important player in our team - both at fly-half and centre.
"His injury really is a big blow to the team," the disappointed Cheetahs manager added.
The Cheetahs will be keen to avenge their defeat against Province earlier in the season, but according to Drotské they won't be able to bank too much on "home ground advantage".
The former Bok hooker, who captained the Cheetahs when they beat the Bulls in last year's Final, pointed out that the Cheetahs have performed better away from home this year than in Bloemfontein.
"We won't worry too much about home ground advantage. The guys have just got to get out there and play.
"It's not going to be an easy game, Province are playing really well - especially their back three.
"They are looking really dangerous, but the guys know it's a crunch game and hopefully we can pull through."
The Cheetahs and Province play a similar attacking game and will hopefully go out on Friday and give the Bloemfontein crowd something to celebrate, weather permitting of course.
And this may well also be a dress rehearsal for the Currie Cup Final on October 14.
The last time these two met in a final was way back in 1997 at Newlands, where Province took the spoils 14-12 in a pulsating match - when a Rassie Erasmus pass to his wing Jan Harm van Wyk was blown up as forward. Van Wyk was racing clear and on his way to the tryline for what would have been the winning score.
But Drotské feels past games should not have any relevance on what will happen in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
"Some of the guys that are playing now weren't even playing in 1997, in fact I doubt a lot of people playing now even remember it," Drotske said.
"In the professional game, you run out and give it your best shot. I don't think any players will have any form of revenge on their minds come Friday."
By Dave Morris
Onder 19's slaags met WP
Met twee oorwinnings in die sakkie pak die Vrystaatse onder 19-span hul eweknie van die Westelike Provinsie die Vrydag vol selfvertroue. ‘n Interresante stryd word verwag tussen die twee spanne se senterpare. Die Vrystaatse senterpaar, Roux du Toit en Philip Snyman, was verlede jaar in Grey Kollege se eerste span en albei het aan die Cravenwwek deelgeneem. Du Toit het op vleuel diens gedoen vir die span. Die WP-senters, PJ Vermeulen en Dabeon Draghoender, is ook vanuit die Sentrale-streek. Vermeulen het Griekwas op die Cravenweek verlede jaar gelei asook die nasionale onder 19-span wat aan die Wereldkampioenskappe gaan deelneem het. Draghoender is ‘n produk van die Virginia Sportakademie en is ook ‘n vleuel soos Roux wat in die middelveld diens doen. Vermeulen se sentermaat by verlede jaar se Cravenweek, Rowan Walters draf op vleuel vir die Vrystaters uit. Wilhelm Loock sal ook deur die Jong Cheetahs dopgehou moet word. Aan die kant van die Vrystaat kan verwag word dat Cornel Greyling, Kevin Stevans en Bernard Wolmarans meer as hul deel sal lewer. Greyling is verlede week as die Konica-Minolta Stadsbeker Speler van die Jaar bekroon.
Vrystaat o.19: Cornel Greyling; Rowan Walters, Roux du Toit, Philip Snyman, Theunis Cilliers; Henry du Toit, Jaco Colyn (kaptein); Coenraad Pieterse, Maurice Ambrose, Bernard Wolmarans, Marnus Briedenhann, Hansie Moolman, Daniel Kotzé, Janco Holtzhausen, Kevin Stevans. Plaasvervangers: Frederick van Heerden, Roelof Koorsen, David Chevu, Johnny Schoeman, Nelis Wilken, Bernd Theisinger en Lincoln Redcliffe.
WP o.19: Hayden Groepes, Wilhelm Loock, PJ Vermeulen (kaptein), Dabeon Draghoender, Marvin Christians, Jason de Villiers, Conrad Hoffman, Cameron Peverett, Mzothando Simani, Conrad Brits, De Kock Steenkamp, George Earle, JC Kritzinger, Michael Lockyear, Michael de Neuilly-Rice. Plaasvervangers: Mark Goosen, Bennie Botes, Michael Ledwidge, Zandre Jordaan, Clayton Stewart, Nog Een en Dalaxolo Didishe.
Deur Hannes Nienaber
Met twee oorwinnings in die sakkie pak die Vrystaatse onder 19-span hul eweknie van die Westelike Provinsie die Vrydag vol selfvertroue. ‘n Interresante stryd word verwag tussen die twee spanne se senterpare. Die Vrystaatse senterpaar, Roux du Toit en Philip Snyman, was verlede jaar in Grey Kollege se eerste span en albei het aan die Cravenwwek deelgeneem. Du Toit het op vleuel diens gedoen vir die span. Die WP-senters, PJ Vermeulen en Dabeon Draghoender, is ook vanuit die Sentrale-streek. Vermeulen het Griekwas op die Cravenweek verlede jaar gelei asook die nasionale onder 19-span wat aan die Wereldkampioenskappe gaan deelneem het. Draghoender is ‘n produk van die Virginia Sportakademie en is ook ‘n vleuel soos Roux wat in die middelveld diens doen. Vermeulen se sentermaat by verlede jaar se Cravenweek, Rowan Walters draf op vleuel vir die Vrystaters uit. Wilhelm Loock sal ook deur die Jong Cheetahs dopgehou moet word. Aan die kant van die Vrystaat kan verwag word dat Cornel Greyling, Kevin Stevans en Bernard Wolmarans meer as hul deel sal lewer. Greyling is verlede week as die Konica-Minolta Stadsbeker Speler van die Jaar bekroon.
Vrystaat o.19: Cornel Greyling; Rowan Walters, Roux du Toit, Philip Snyman, Theunis Cilliers; Henry du Toit, Jaco Colyn (kaptein); Coenraad Pieterse, Maurice Ambrose, Bernard Wolmarans, Marnus Briedenhann, Hansie Moolman, Daniel Kotzé, Janco Holtzhausen, Kevin Stevans. Plaasvervangers: Frederick van Heerden, Roelof Koorsen, David Chevu, Johnny Schoeman, Nelis Wilken, Bernd Theisinger en Lincoln Redcliffe.
WP o.19: Hayden Groepes, Wilhelm Loock, PJ Vermeulen (kaptein), Dabeon Draghoender, Marvin Christians, Jason de Villiers, Conrad Hoffman, Cameron Peverett, Mzothando Simani, Conrad Brits, De Kock Steenkamp, George Earle, JC Kritzinger, Michael Lockyear, Michael de Neuilly-Rice. Plaasvervangers: Mark Goosen, Bennie Botes, Michael Ledwidge, Zandre Jordaan, Clayton Stewart, Nog Een en Dalaxolo Didishe.
Deur Hannes Nienaber
WP Team to Play Cheetahs
Categories: Currie Cup — Posted by KSA Shark © @ 2:40 pm September 6, 2006
Kobus van der Merwe, head coach of Vodacom WP, on Wednesday announced an unchanged starting line-up to play the Vodacom Free State Cheetahs at Vodacom Park, Bloemfontein, on Friday.
There is only one change to the substitutes’ bench, where Francois Louw is in for lock Ross Skeate. The latter damaged an ankle in last Friday night’s victory over the Blue Bulls at Newlands.
Louw has been a regular member of the WP Vodacom Cup team this season and last Friday also played for the WP under-21 side.
Coach Kobus van der Merwe had the option of including the experienced former Springbok Selborne Boome, but said because of light injuries to two loose-frorwards they decided to go with Louw. There is a bit of doubt over the participation in Friday night’s game of flank Justin Melck and No 8 Robbie Diack.
“We have decided to include Francois as a precautionary measure in case Justin and Robbie don’t come through,” he said.
Van der Merwe said they have included Springbok prop Eddie Andrews in the match 22, but he was called up to the Springboks as cover for the injured Os du Randt. Andrews was released by the Bok camp and returned to training with Province, but had to rejoin the national side for Saturday’s Tri Nations test against Australia in Johannesburg.
The coach described the “clearance storm” surrounding Fijian import Sireli Naqelevuki as “a storm in a teacup”. He said: “As far as we are concerned we have followed the right channels and we are very comfortable with it.”
The Vodacom WP team is as follows:
15. Gio Aplon, 14. Sireli Naqelevuki, 13. Corne Uys, 12. De Wet Barry, 11. Joe Pietersen, 10. Naas Olivier, 9. Bolla Conradie, 8. Robbie Diack, 7 Justin Melck, 6. Luke Watson (C), 5. Gerrie Britz, 4. Francois Van Der Merwe, 3. Brok Harris, 2. Hanyani Shimange, 1. JD Moller.
16. Deon Fourie, 17. Schalk Ferreira, 18. Andries Bekker, 19. Francois Louw, 20. Pieter Louw, 21. Paul Delport, 22. Sarel Potgieter.
Categories: Currie Cup — Posted by KSA Shark © @ 2:40 pm September 6, 2006
Kobus van der Merwe, head coach of Vodacom WP, on Wednesday announced an unchanged starting line-up to play the Vodacom Free State Cheetahs at Vodacom Park, Bloemfontein, on Friday.
There is only one change to the substitutes’ bench, where Francois Louw is in for lock Ross Skeate. The latter damaged an ankle in last Friday night’s victory over the Blue Bulls at Newlands.
Louw has been a regular member of the WP Vodacom Cup team this season and last Friday also played for the WP under-21 side.
Coach Kobus van der Merwe had the option of including the experienced former Springbok Selborne Boome, but said because of light injuries to two loose-frorwards they decided to go with Louw. There is a bit of doubt over the participation in Friday night’s game of flank Justin Melck and No 8 Robbie Diack.
“We have decided to include Francois as a precautionary measure in case Justin and Robbie don’t come through,” he said.
Van der Merwe said they have included Springbok prop Eddie Andrews in the match 22, but he was called up to the Springboks as cover for the injured Os du Randt. Andrews was released by the Bok camp and returned to training with Province, but had to rejoin the national side for Saturday’s Tri Nations test against Australia in Johannesburg.
The coach described the “clearance storm” surrounding Fijian import Sireli Naqelevuki as “a storm in a teacup”. He said: “As far as we are concerned we have followed the right channels and we are very comfortable with it.”
The Vodacom WP team is as follows:
15. Gio Aplon, 14. Sireli Naqelevuki, 13. Corne Uys, 12. De Wet Barry, 11. Joe Pietersen, 10. Naas Olivier, 9. Bolla Conradie, 8. Robbie Diack, 7 Justin Melck, 6. Luke Watson (C), 5. Gerrie Britz, 4. Francois Van Der Merwe, 3. Brok Harris, 2. Hanyani Shimange, 1. JD Moller.
16. Deon Fourie, 17. Schalk Ferreira, 18. Andries Bekker, 19. Francois Louw, 20. Pieter Louw, 21. Paul Delport, 22. Sarel Potgieter.
Centurion joins Meyer - André Bester
Rassie Erasmus has again put his trust in his new acquisition Hendrik Meyer, this time with midfield partner Chris Kruger, who will be playing his 100th game for the Cheetahs.
With Meyer Bosman out for the season Erasmus has also called up the trusty boot of Willem de Waal, who has been the Western Province’s nemeses on more than a few occasions.
Kruger has been ‘n stalwart in the Cheetah jersey and partnered Meyer on debut against the Valke. This time he replaces the youngster JW Jonker.
In the pack Barend Pieterse moves to seven and Ryno van der Merwe starts at openside flanker, which means that Kabamba Floors once again have to start from the bench.
The only other change is in the front row where Richard Strauss starts ahead of Jaco du Roit.
Cheetahs vs. WP: Bevin Fortuin; Eddie Fredericks, Chris Kruger, Hendrik Meyer, Alwyn Hollenbach; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassen; Darron Nel, Barend Pieterse, Ryno van der Merwe, Rory Duncan, Corniel van Zyl, Jannie du Plessis, Richardt Strauss, Ollie le Roux ©. Reserwes: Kobus Calkdo, Wian du Preez, Bian Vermaak, Kabamba Floors, Noel Oelschig, Gaffie du Toit, Philip Burger.
Rassie Erasmus has again put his trust in his new acquisition Hendrik Meyer, this time with midfield partner Chris Kruger, who will be playing his 100th game for the Cheetahs.
With Meyer Bosman out for the season Erasmus has also called up the trusty boot of Willem de Waal, who has been the Western Province’s nemeses on more than a few occasions.
Kruger has been ‘n stalwart in the Cheetah jersey and partnered Meyer on debut against the Valke. This time he replaces the youngster JW Jonker.
In the pack Barend Pieterse moves to seven and Ryno van der Merwe starts at openside flanker, which means that Kabamba Floors once again have to start from the bench.
The only other change is in the front row where Richard Strauss starts ahead of Jaco du Roit.
Cheetahs vs. WP: Bevin Fortuin; Eddie Fredericks, Chris Kruger, Hendrik Meyer, Alwyn Hollenbach; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassen; Darron Nel, Barend Pieterse, Ryno van der Merwe, Rory Duncan, Corniel van Zyl, Jannie du Plessis, Richardt Strauss, Ollie le Roux ©. Reserwes: Kobus Calkdo, Wian du Preez, Bian Vermaak, Kabamba Floors, Noel Oelschig, Gaffie du Toit, Philip Burger.
Cheetahs selection wheel spins again
Wednesday 6 September 2006
The Free State side have named six changes to the starting team that were soundly beaten 39-28 by the Lions in Ellis Park last week.
With Meyer Bosman out for at least three weeks due to a broken hand, Willem de Waal returns at flyhalf. The sporadically-selected Gaffie du Toit gets another start on the wing, while Chris Kruger will play in his 100th game for Free State at the expense of 19-year-old JW Jonker, who is being rested.
Jaco du Toit has been ruled out for the week because of injury, and so the equally adept Richard Strauss steps in as hooker. Kabamba Floors resumes the role of impact-player on the bench, which sees Darron Nel move to No 6, and versatile lock Barend Pieterse to the blindside flank. As a result of the switch, Corniel van Zyl comes into the second row.
The selection of Pieterse on the flank indicates that Rassie Erasmus wants more options in the lineout, a facet of the game that the Cheetahs love to dominate. The scrum will also be significantly bigger than that of Province, suggesting the Cheetahs may play a tighter game in the first half of the game.
This theory is also boosted by the omission of Floors, and whether Nel will even compete with Luke Watson and company on the ground as a fetcher remains to be seen.
Ollie le Roux will obtain his 50th cap for Free State this weekend. Overall he has played 313 first class games, which is a South African record.
Despite all the changes, Erasmus has confirmed that the win is all-important this Friday, and the experiments are over.
“Last week’s match was important, but we only managed one point from the defeat. So we are short of three points on the log. We need to make up for those lost points on the weekend,” he said.
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15. Bevin Fortuin, 14. Eddie Fredericks, 13. Chris Kruger, 12. Hendrik Meyer, 11. Gaffie du Toit, 10. Willem de Waal, 9. Michael Claassens; 8. Ryno van der Merwe, 7. Barend Pieterse, 6. Darron Nel, 5. Corniel van Zyl, 4. Rory Duncan, 3. Jannie du Plessis, 2. Richardt Strauss, 1. Ollie le Roux (c). Reserves: 16. Wian du Preez, 17. Cobus Caldo, 18. Heinrich Brussouw, 19. Kabamba Floors, 20. Noel Oeslchig, 21. Alwyn Hollenbach, 22. Phillip Burger.
Posted by JC @ 4:25 PM
Cheetahs selection wheel spins again
Wednesday 6 September 2006
The Free State side have named six changes to the starting team that were soundly beaten 39-28 by the Lions in Ellis Park last week.
With Meyer Bosman out for at least three weeks due to a broken hand, Willem de Waal returns at flyhalf. The sporadically-selected Gaffie du Toit gets another start on the wing, while Chris Kruger will play in his 100th game for Free State at the expense of 19-year-old JW Jonker, who is being rested.
Jaco du Toit has been ruled out for the week because of injury, and so the equally adept Richard Strauss steps in as hooker. Kabamba Floors resumes the role of impact-player on the bench, which sees Darron Nel move to No 6, and versatile lock Barend Pieterse to the blindside flank. As a result of the switch, Corniel van Zyl comes into the second row.
The selection of Pieterse on the flank indicates that Rassie Erasmus wants more options in the lineout, a facet of the game that the Cheetahs love to dominate. The scrum will also be significantly bigger than that of Province, suggesting the Cheetahs may play a tighter game in the first half of the game.
This theory is also boosted by the omission of Floors, and whether Nel will even compete with Luke Watson and company on the ground as a fetcher remains to be seen.
Ollie le Roux will obtain his 50th cap for Free State this weekend. Overall he has played 313 first class games, which is a South African record.
Despite all the changes, Erasmus has confirmed that the win is all-important this Friday, and the experiments are over.
“Last week’s match was important, but we only managed one point from the defeat. So we are short of three points on the log. We need to make up for those lost points on the weekend,” he said.
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15. Bevin Fortuin, 14. Eddie Fredericks, 13. Chris Kruger, 12. Hendrik Meyer, 11. Gaffie du Toit, 10. Willem de Waal, 9. Michael Claassens; 8. Ryno van der Merwe, 7. Barend Pieterse, 6. Darron Nel, 5. Corniel van Zyl, 4. Rory Duncan, 3. Jannie du Plessis, 2. Richardt Strauss, 1. Ollie le Roux (c). Reserves: 16. Wian du Preez, 17. Cobus Caldo, 18. Heinrich Brussouw, 19. Kabamba Floors, 20. Noel Oeslchig, 21. Alwyn Hollenbach, 22. Phillip Burger.
Posted by JC @ 4:25 PM
Wednesday 6 September 2006
The Free State side have named six changes to the starting team that were soundly beaten 39-28 by the Lions in Ellis Park last week.
With Meyer Bosman out for at least three weeks due to a broken hand, Willem de Waal returns at flyhalf. The sporadically-selected Gaffie du Toit gets another start on the wing, while Chris Kruger will play in his 100th game for Free State at the expense of 19-year-old JW Jonker, who is being rested.
Jaco du Toit has been ruled out for the week because of injury, and so the equally adept Richard Strauss steps in as hooker. Kabamba Floors resumes the role of impact-player on the bench, which sees Darron Nel move to No 6, and versatile lock Barend Pieterse to the blindside flank. As a result of the switch, Corniel van Zyl comes into the second row.
The selection of Pieterse on the flank indicates that Rassie Erasmus wants more options in the lineout, a facet of the game that the Cheetahs love to dominate. The scrum will also be significantly bigger than that of Province, suggesting the Cheetahs may play a tighter game in the first half of the game.
This theory is also boosted by the omission of Floors, and whether Nel will even compete with Luke Watson and company on the ground as a fetcher remains to be seen.
Ollie le Roux will obtain his 50th cap for Free State this weekend. Overall he has played 313 first class games, which is a South African record.
Despite all the changes, Erasmus has confirmed that the win is all-important this Friday, and the experiments are over.
“Last week’s match was important, but we only managed one point from the defeat. So we are short of three points on the log. We need to make up for those lost points on the weekend,” he said.
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15. Bevin Fortuin, 14. Eddie Fredericks, 13. Chris Kruger, 12. Hendrik Meyer, 11. Gaffie du Toit, 10. Willem de Waal, 9. Michael Claassens; 8. Ryno van der Merwe, 7. Barend Pieterse, 6. Darron Nel, 5. Corniel van Zyl, 4. Rory Duncan, 3. Jannie du Plessis, 2. Richardt Strauss, 1. Ollie le Roux (c). Reserves: 16. Wian du Preez, 17. Cobus Caldo, 18. Heinrich Brussouw, 19. Kabamba Floors, 20. Noel Oeslchig, 21. Alwyn Hollenbach, 22. Phillip Burger.
Posted by JC @ 4:25 PM
Cheetahs selection wheel spins again
Wednesday 6 September 2006
The Free State side have named six changes to the starting team that were soundly beaten 39-28 by the Lions in Ellis Park last week.
With Meyer Bosman out for at least three weeks due to a broken hand, Willem de Waal returns at flyhalf. The sporadically-selected Gaffie du Toit gets another start on the wing, while Chris Kruger will play in his 100th game for Free State at the expense of 19-year-old JW Jonker, who is being rested.
Jaco du Toit has been ruled out for the week because of injury, and so the equally adept Richard Strauss steps in as hooker. Kabamba Floors resumes the role of impact-player on the bench, which sees Darron Nel move to No 6, and versatile lock Barend Pieterse to the blindside flank. As a result of the switch, Corniel van Zyl comes into the second row.
The selection of Pieterse on the flank indicates that Rassie Erasmus wants more options in the lineout, a facet of the game that the Cheetahs love to dominate. The scrum will also be significantly bigger than that of Province, suggesting the Cheetahs may play a tighter game in the first half of the game.
This theory is also boosted by the omission of Floors, and whether Nel will even compete with Luke Watson and company on the ground as a fetcher remains to be seen.
Ollie le Roux will obtain his 50th cap for Free State this weekend. Overall he has played 313 first class games, which is a South African record.
Despite all the changes, Erasmus has confirmed that the win is all-important this Friday, and the experiments are over.
“Last week’s match was important, but we only managed one point from the defeat. So we are short of three points on the log. We need to make up for those lost points on the weekend,” he said.
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15. Bevin Fortuin, 14. Eddie Fredericks, 13. Chris Kruger, 12. Hendrik Meyer, 11. Gaffie du Toit, 10. Willem de Waal, 9. Michael Claassens; 8. Ryno van der Merwe, 7. Barend Pieterse, 6. Darron Nel, 5. Corniel van Zyl, 4. Rory Duncan, 3. Jannie du Plessis, 2. Richardt Strauss, 1. Ollie le Roux (c). Reserves: 16. Wian du Preez, 17. Cobus Caldo, 18. Heinrich Brussouw, 19. Kabamba Floors, 20. Noel Oeslchig, 21. Alwyn Hollenbach, 22. Phillip Burger.
Posted by JC @ 4:25 PM
‘Laat die sterkste skrum oorheers’
Sep 06 2006 09:24:09:163PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
EERS die kaptein, toe die skrumdokter en nou die afrigter.
Almal met dieselfde pleidooi aan mnr. Marius Jonker (skeidsregter) voor môre se Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein tussen die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs en Westelike Provinsie: Laat die span met die sterkste skrumwerk toe om te oorheers.
Mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, het gister sy woord by sy kaptein, Ollie le Roux (stut), en mnr. Naka Drotské (skrumdokter) s’n oor die skrumstryd in die belangrike premierliga-wedstryd gevoeg.
“Ek wil net hê dat die skrums binne die reëls moet plaasvind,” sê Erasmus.
“Ek glo WP sal ons met mening in die skrums probeer aanvat en ons sal dieselfde doen.
Dit sal interessant wees om te sien wie die sterkste agttal is,” sê Erasmus.
“Marius is ’n puik skeidsregter,” sê Erasmus.
Die Cheetah-breier sê maklik sal dit nie vir sy span wees om die Streeptruie in die skrums te karnuffel nie.
“Sover ek weet, is WP net een keer in sy laaste paar wedstryde terug van die bal geskrum. WP het ’n goeie skrum.”
Erasmus sê selfs Hanyani Shimange (haker) se skrumwerk is nie ’n swakplek nie. “Ek het ’n hoë agting vir Shimmi. Ek het vroeër vanjaar probeer om hom te kontrakteer, maar Kobus (van der Merwe, WP-breier) wou hom toe nie beskikbaar stel nie.”
Shimmi, wat teen die Blou Bulle voortreflike spel gelewer het, is voorheen as ’n swak skrumwerker deur Cobus Visagie, voormalige Bok-vaskopstut, beskou.
Vanweë die feit dat CJ van der Linde (vaskopstut) slegs vir vandeesweek vir Curriebeker-verpligtinge deur die nasionale keurders beskikbaar gestel is, het Erasmus besluit om nie dié Springbok te kies nie. Dit het die Cheetah-breier egter nie verhinder nie om steeds vier stutte in sy 22-tal in te sluit. Le Roux, Wian du Preez, Jannie du Plessis en Kobus Calldo sal as stutte teen WP diens doen.
Erasmus het voorts voorlangs besluit om Richardt Strauss op haker in die plek van die beseerde Jaco du Toit (haker, skouer) te kies.
Corniel van Zyl is terug op vyfslot met Barend Pieterse wat in Kabamba Floors se plek na flank verskuif. Erasmus het agterlangs plek vir Gaffie du Toit op linkervleuel gemaak, wat ’n aanduiding is dat sy skopskoen op ’n taktiese wyse ingespan kan word. Du Toit speel in Alwyn Hollenbach se plek wat weer ’n plaasvervanger word.
Chris Kruger is op buitesenter ten koste van JW Jonker ingesluit, terwyl Willem de Waal op losskakel by die beseerde Meyer Bosman (gebreekte hand) oorvat.
Die Cheetah-span is: Bevin Fortuin; Eddie Fredericks, Chris Kruger, Hendrik Meyer, Gaffie du Toit; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassens; Ryno van der Merwe, Barend Pieterse, Darron Nell, Corniel van Zyl, Rory Duncan, Jannie du Plessis, Richardt Strauss, Ollie le Roux (k).
PLAASVERVANGERS: Wian du Preez, Kobus Calldo, Heinrich Brüssow, Kabamba Floors, Falie Oelschig, Alwyn Hollenbach, Philip Burger.
Sep 06 2006 09:24:09:163PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
EERS die kaptein, toe die skrumdokter en nou die afrigter.
Almal met dieselfde pleidooi aan mnr. Marius Jonker (skeidsregter) voor môre se Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein tussen die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs en Westelike Provinsie: Laat die span met die sterkste skrumwerk toe om te oorheers.
Mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, het gister sy woord by sy kaptein, Ollie le Roux (stut), en mnr. Naka Drotské (skrumdokter) s’n oor die skrumstryd in die belangrike premierliga-wedstryd gevoeg.
“Ek wil net hê dat die skrums binne die reëls moet plaasvind,” sê Erasmus.
“Ek glo WP sal ons met mening in die skrums probeer aanvat en ons sal dieselfde doen.
Dit sal interessant wees om te sien wie die sterkste agttal is,” sê Erasmus.
“Marius is ’n puik skeidsregter,” sê Erasmus.
Die Cheetah-breier sê maklik sal dit nie vir sy span wees om die Streeptruie in die skrums te karnuffel nie.
“Sover ek weet, is WP net een keer in sy laaste paar wedstryde terug van die bal geskrum. WP het ’n goeie skrum.”
Erasmus sê selfs Hanyani Shimange (haker) se skrumwerk is nie ’n swakplek nie. “Ek het ’n hoë agting vir Shimmi. Ek het vroeër vanjaar probeer om hom te kontrakteer, maar Kobus (van der Merwe, WP-breier) wou hom toe nie beskikbaar stel nie.”
Shimmi, wat teen die Blou Bulle voortreflike spel gelewer het, is voorheen as ’n swak skrumwerker deur Cobus Visagie, voormalige Bok-vaskopstut, beskou.
Vanweë die feit dat CJ van der Linde (vaskopstut) slegs vir vandeesweek vir Curriebeker-verpligtinge deur die nasionale keurders beskikbaar gestel is, het Erasmus besluit om nie dié Springbok te kies nie. Dit het die Cheetah-breier egter nie verhinder nie om steeds vier stutte in sy 22-tal in te sluit. Le Roux, Wian du Preez, Jannie du Plessis en Kobus Calldo sal as stutte teen WP diens doen.
Erasmus het voorts voorlangs besluit om Richardt Strauss op haker in die plek van die beseerde Jaco du Toit (haker, skouer) te kies.
Corniel van Zyl is terug op vyfslot met Barend Pieterse wat in Kabamba Floors se plek na flank verskuif. Erasmus het agterlangs plek vir Gaffie du Toit op linkervleuel gemaak, wat ’n aanduiding is dat sy skopskoen op ’n taktiese wyse ingespan kan word. Du Toit speel in Alwyn Hollenbach se plek wat weer ’n plaasvervanger word.
Chris Kruger is op buitesenter ten koste van JW Jonker ingesluit, terwyl Willem de Waal op losskakel by die beseerde Meyer Bosman (gebreekte hand) oorvat.
Die Cheetah-span is: Bevin Fortuin; Eddie Fredericks, Chris Kruger, Hendrik Meyer, Gaffie du Toit; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassens; Ryno van der Merwe, Barend Pieterse, Darron Nell, Corniel van Zyl, Rory Duncan, Jannie du Plessis, Richardt Strauss, Ollie le Roux (k).
PLAASVERVANGERS: Wian du Preez, Kobus Calldo, Heinrich Brüssow, Kabamba Floors, Falie Oelschig, Alwyn Hollenbach, Philip Burger.
Source :
Cheetahs 'beef up' for Province
Wednesday September 06 2006
Erasmus opts for more experience
Cheetahs coach Rassie Erasmus has opted for a more experienced side, especially in the backline, for their crucial Currie Cup Round 11 clash against Western Province in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
Wings Gaffie du Toit and Eddie Fredericks add more experience to the back three while Chris Kruger gets a start at centre.
Following the Cheetahs loss to the Lions last week, Erasmus has changed the face of his team, with Willem de Waal replacing the injured Meyer Bosman at fly-half.
The injury to Bosman may have precipitated Erasmus' starting line-up, with the tactics likely to be more forward and kicking-orientated.
Erasmus has also named a stronger and more physical pack, with Barend Pieterse moving to the flank in the place of the benched Kabamba Floors.
Corniel van Zyl moves into the lock position while Richardt Strauss gets a start at hooker.
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15 Bevin Fortuin, 14 Eddie Fredericks, 13 Chris Kruger, 12 Hendrik Meyer, 11 Gaffie du Toit, 10 Willem de Waal, 9 Michael Claassens, 8 Ryno van der Merwe, 7 Barend Pieterse, 6 Darron Nel, 5 Corniel van Zyl, 4 Rory Duncan, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Richardt Strauss, 1 Ollie le Roux (captain).
Replacements: 16 Wian du Preez, 17 Kobus Caldo, 18 Heinrich Brussouw, 19 Kabamba Floors, 20 Falie Oelschig, 21 Alwyn Hollenbach, 22 Phillip Burger.
Kick-off: 19.10 (17.10 GMT)
Powerful Province unchanged for Cheetahs
Wednesday September 06 2006
'They pass the ball more than the Bulls'
Western Province coach Kobus van der Merwe has not tampered with the side that conquered the Blue Bulls last week, when he named the team to face the Cheetahs in a crucial Currie Cup Round 11 match in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
"There is only one forced change on the bench. Ross Skeate is out with an ankle sprain. We have replaced him with Francois Louw," Van der Merwe said at a press conference at Newlands on Wednesday.
With Pieter Louw also among the substitutes, WP will have two back-up loose forwards. However, Robbie Diack and Justin Melck both have niggles and looked on from the sidelines as WP trained this week, so Van der Merwe is ensuring that he has adequate cover.
Province have been buoyed by their 23-12 win over the Bulls, but know they are in for a very tough assignment against the champions in Bloemfontein.
"They pass the ball more than the Bulls and have a good kicking fly-half. The positional play of our back three will be very important," said Van der Merwe.
"The Cheetahs played expansively in the second half of their match against the Lions last week and scored some good tries. We expect they will play that way against us as well."
Vodacom Western Province: 15 Gio Aplon, 14 Sireli Naqelevuki, 13 Corne Uys, 12 De Wet Barry, 11 Joe Pietersen, 10 Naas Olivier, 9 Bolla Conradie, 8 Robbie Diack, 7 Justin Melck, 6 Luke Watson (captain), 5 Gerrie Britz, 4 Francois van der Merwe, 3 Juan Harris, 2 Hanyani Shimange, 1 JD Moller.
Replacements: 16 Deon Fourie, 17 Schalk Ferreira, 18 Andries Bekker, 19 Francois Louw, 20 Pieter Louw, 21 Paul Delport, 22 Sarel Potgieter.
Kick-off: 19.10 (17.10 GMT)
Cheetahs 'beef up' for Province
Wednesday September 06 2006
Erasmus opts for more experience
Cheetahs coach Rassie Erasmus has opted for a more experienced side, especially in the backline, for their crucial Currie Cup Round 11 clash against Western Province in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
Wings Gaffie du Toit and Eddie Fredericks add more experience to the back three while Chris Kruger gets a start at centre.
Following the Cheetahs loss to the Lions last week, Erasmus has changed the face of his team, with Willem de Waal replacing the injured Meyer Bosman at fly-half.
The injury to Bosman may have precipitated Erasmus' starting line-up, with the tactics likely to be more forward and kicking-orientated.
Erasmus has also named a stronger and more physical pack, with Barend Pieterse moving to the flank in the place of the benched Kabamba Floors.
Corniel van Zyl moves into the lock position while Richardt Strauss gets a start at hooker.
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15 Bevin Fortuin, 14 Eddie Fredericks, 13 Chris Kruger, 12 Hendrik Meyer, 11 Gaffie du Toit, 10 Willem de Waal, 9 Michael Claassens, 8 Ryno van der Merwe, 7 Barend Pieterse, 6 Darron Nel, 5 Corniel van Zyl, 4 Rory Duncan, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Richardt Strauss, 1 Ollie le Roux (captain).
Replacements: 16 Wian du Preez, 17 Kobus Caldo, 18 Heinrich Brussouw, 19 Kabamba Floors, 20 Falie Oelschig, 21 Alwyn Hollenbach, 22 Phillip Burger.
Kick-off: 19.10 (17.10 GMT)
Powerful Province unchanged for Cheetahs
Wednesday September 06 2006
'They pass the ball more than the Bulls'
Western Province coach Kobus van der Merwe has not tampered with the side that conquered the Blue Bulls last week, when he named the team to face the Cheetahs in a crucial Currie Cup Round 11 match in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
"There is only one forced change on the bench. Ross Skeate is out with an ankle sprain. We have replaced him with Francois Louw," Van der Merwe said at a press conference at Newlands on Wednesday.
With Pieter Louw also among the substitutes, WP will have two back-up loose forwards. However, Robbie Diack and Justin Melck both have niggles and looked on from the sidelines as WP trained this week, so Van der Merwe is ensuring that he has adequate cover.
Province have been buoyed by their 23-12 win over the Bulls, but know they are in for a very tough assignment against the champions in Bloemfontein.
"They pass the ball more than the Bulls and have a good kicking fly-half. The positional play of our back three will be very important," said Van der Merwe.
"The Cheetahs played expansively in the second half of their match against the Lions last week and scored some good tries. We expect they will play that way against us as well."
Vodacom Western Province: 15 Gio Aplon, 14 Sireli Naqelevuki, 13 Corne Uys, 12 De Wet Barry, 11 Joe Pietersen, 10 Naas Olivier, 9 Bolla Conradie, 8 Robbie Diack, 7 Justin Melck, 6 Luke Watson (captain), 5 Gerrie Britz, 4 Francois van der Merwe, 3 Juan Harris, 2 Hanyani Shimange, 1 JD Moller.
Replacements: 16 Deon Fourie, 17 Schalk Ferreira, 18 Andries Bekker, 19 Francois Louw, 20 Pieter Louw, 21 Paul Delport, 22 Sarel Potgieter.
Kick-off: 19.10 (17.10 GMT)
Joubert Vrystaat se nuutste aanwins
Sep 07 2006 09:33:45:307PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
MARIUS JOUBERT (senter) sal sy internasionale loopbaan in die rugbytrui van die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs weer op koers probeer kry.
Die Springbok-buitesenter het vandeesweek ’n kontrak met die Cheetahs gesluit, nadat Westelike Provinsie nie verder in sy dienste belang stel nie.
Joubert het voor sy kontraktering deur die Cheetahs glo ook met ’n Franse klubspan onderhandel, terwyl sy naam ook op die inkopielys van ander plaaslike unies was.
Hy voeg nou sy naam by Vrystaat-aanwinste soos Hendrik Meyer (senter), Warren de Bruin (senter), Frank Wagenstroom (vleuel, SA o.21), Adriaan Strauss (haker, SA o.21 en Blou Bulle), Ashley Johnson (agtsteman, SA o.21), Jonathan Mokuena (agtsteman, Bok-sewes), Marius Schoeman (vleuel, Bok-sewes) en Quinton Davids (Bok-slot) s’n wat die afgelope vier maande kontrakte met die Curriebeker-kampioen gesluit het.
’n Amptelike verklaring oor sy kontraktering word vandag verwag.
Hoewel menige kenner meen Joubert se toetsloopbaan het ’n doodloopstraat bereik, het die 26-jarige senter nog baie rugby in hom oor nadat hy in 2001 in sy debuuttoets teen die All Blacks gespeel het.
Hy het in sy 30 toetse die besonderse prestasie behaal om in 2004 slegs die tweede speler naas Ray Mordt (vleuel) te word wat drie drieë in ’n toets teen die All Blacks kon druk.
In dieselfde jaar is hy as een van die Internasionale Rugbyraad (IRR) se vyf spelers van die jaar benoem. Hy is in 2004 ook as een van SA Rugby se vyf spelers van die jaar aangewys.
Nadat Joubert in 2005 sy peil verloor het, het ’n rugbesering verhinder dat hy intussen weer sy aanspraak kon verstewig.
Hy het voorts sy hand in die Stormers se laaste Super 14-wedstryd gebreek, wat verhinder het dat hy enige deelname in die Curriebeker-reeks het.
Die sentrale Super 14-streekspan kan voortaan uit Joubert, Ronnie Cooke van Griekwas, JW Jonker en Alwyn Hollenbach as buitesenters kies.
Joubert se kontraktering is nie al goeie nuus vir die Cheetahs nie. Meyer Bosman (losskakel/heelagter) sal weer in vanjaar se Curriebeker-reeks in aksie wees nadat hy sy hand teen die Leeus gebreek het.
“Meyer behoort weer teen die Blou Bulle in aksie te wees,” sê mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs.
Dit is aanvanklik verwag dat Bosman weens die besering nie weer vanjaar Curriebeker-rugby sal speel nie.
Sep 07 2006 09:33:45:307PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
MARIUS JOUBERT (senter) sal sy internasionale loopbaan in die rugbytrui van die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs weer op koers probeer kry.
Die Springbok-buitesenter het vandeesweek ’n kontrak met die Cheetahs gesluit, nadat Westelike Provinsie nie verder in sy dienste belang stel nie.
Joubert het voor sy kontraktering deur die Cheetahs glo ook met ’n Franse klubspan onderhandel, terwyl sy naam ook op die inkopielys van ander plaaslike unies was.
Hy voeg nou sy naam by Vrystaat-aanwinste soos Hendrik Meyer (senter), Warren de Bruin (senter), Frank Wagenstroom (vleuel, SA o.21), Adriaan Strauss (haker, SA o.21 en Blou Bulle), Ashley Johnson (agtsteman, SA o.21), Jonathan Mokuena (agtsteman, Bok-sewes), Marius Schoeman (vleuel, Bok-sewes) en Quinton Davids (Bok-slot) s’n wat die afgelope vier maande kontrakte met die Curriebeker-kampioen gesluit het.
’n Amptelike verklaring oor sy kontraktering word vandag verwag.
Hoewel menige kenner meen Joubert se toetsloopbaan het ’n doodloopstraat bereik, het die 26-jarige senter nog baie rugby in hom oor nadat hy in 2001 in sy debuuttoets teen die All Blacks gespeel het.
Hy het in sy 30 toetse die besonderse prestasie behaal om in 2004 slegs die tweede speler naas Ray Mordt (vleuel) te word wat drie drieë in ’n toets teen die All Blacks kon druk.
In dieselfde jaar is hy as een van die Internasionale Rugbyraad (IRR) se vyf spelers van die jaar benoem. Hy is in 2004 ook as een van SA Rugby se vyf spelers van die jaar aangewys.
Nadat Joubert in 2005 sy peil verloor het, het ’n rugbesering verhinder dat hy intussen weer sy aanspraak kon verstewig.
Hy het voorts sy hand in die Stormers se laaste Super 14-wedstryd gebreek, wat verhinder het dat hy enige deelname in die Curriebeker-reeks het.
Die sentrale Super 14-streekspan kan voortaan uit Joubert, Ronnie Cooke van Griekwas, JW Jonker en Alwyn Hollenbach as buitesenters kies.
Joubert se kontraktering is nie al goeie nuus vir die Cheetahs nie. Meyer Bosman (losskakel/heelagter) sal weer in vanjaar se Curriebeker-reeks in aksie wees nadat hy sy hand teen die Leeus gebreek het.
“Meyer behoort weer teen die Blou Bulle in aksie te wees,” sê mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs.
Dit is aanvanklik verwag dat Bosman weens die besering nie weer vanjaar Curriebeker-rugby sal speel nie.
Brock: Save it for the field
Friday 8 September 2006
Young tighthead Brock Harris looks forward to his battle with former Springbok Ollie le Roux tonight, and has ignored Le Roux’s allegations of foul play.
Earlier this week, Le Roux accused the Vodacom Western Province prop of scrumming illegally as a result of pressure applied by the opposition. Kobus van der Merwe told this website that he felt that the Vodacom Cheetahs were up to their usual pre-match psychological antics, and it seems that Harris feels the same way.
“He is probably trying to unnerve us, but I’m a peaceful guy who does not take much notice of such things,” he told superrugby’s Gavin Rich. “What happens on the field on Friday night is what matters.”
Addressing the legality of his scrumming technique, Harris feels that he has not been under as much pressure as Le Roux suggests, and has faired well this season.
“It’s strange that Ollie should say that,” Harris said. “In nine Currie Cup matches this year, I have not been penalised once for an offence in the scrum. I don’t know where he got this story.”
At 23, Harris is 10 years Le Roux’s junior, and so desite his form in the Absa Currie Cup he will face a huge challenge in Bloemfontein tonight. Harris has been a key man in holding up the WP scrum, which was flagellated for their inadequacy ahead of the domestic competition. Le Roux has played 313 first class games, and is likely to be mindful of a few tricks of his own.
Both teams depend on a good hit in the front row to ensure decent first phase possession, which contributes to momentum and an open and expansive game. Although it may not be the all-determining factor in Bloemfontein tonight, gaining the ascendancy at scrum time is going to be very important to the outcome of the game.
Posted by JC @ 7:14 AM
Friday 8 September 2006
Young tighthead Brock Harris looks forward to his battle with former Springbok Ollie le Roux tonight, and has ignored Le Roux’s allegations of foul play.
Earlier this week, Le Roux accused the Vodacom Western Province prop of scrumming illegally as a result of pressure applied by the opposition. Kobus van der Merwe told this website that he felt that the Vodacom Cheetahs were up to their usual pre-match psychological antics, and it seems that Harris feels the same way.
“He is probably trying to unnerve us, but I’m a peaceful guy who does not take much notice of such things,” he told superrugby’s Gavin Rich. “What happens on the field on Friday night is what matters.”
Addressing the legality of his scrumming technique, Harris feels that he has not been under as much pressure as Le Roux suggests, and has faired well this season.
“It’s strange that Ollie should say that,” Harris said. “In nine Currie Cup matches this year, I have not been penalised once for an offence in the scrum. I don’t know where he got this story.”
At 23, Harris is 10 years Le Roux’s junior, and so desite his form in the Absa Currie Cup he will face a huge challenge in Bloemfontein tonight. Harris has been a key man in holding up the WP scrum, which was flagellated for their inadequacy ahead of the domestic competition. Le Roux has played 313 first class games, and is likely to be mindful of a few tricks of his own.
Both teams depend on a good hit in the front row to ensure decent first phase possession, which contributes to momentum and an open and expansive game. Although it may not be the all-determining factor in Bloemfontein tonight, gaining the ascendancy at scrum time is going to be very important to the outcome of the game.
Posted by JC @ 7:14 AM
VS-sege in agterlyn se hande
Sep 07 2006 09:33:41:323PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
ERVARING moet vandag om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein die deurslag vir die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs gee.
Veral wat die agterspel van die Vrystaat in vandag se Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd teen Westelike Provinsie betref.
Die insluiting van die ervare Chris Kruger (buitesenter) en Gaffie du Toit (linkervleuel) is daarom nie om dowe neute deur mnr. Rassie Erasmus (afrigter) gedoen nie.
Du Toit het homself al op toetsvlak bewys en dit is duidelik dat Erasmus ’n plan met die deurwinterde agterspeler in die mou voer. Volgens sy spankeuses lyk dit of Erasmus verwag dat die eerste 40 minute van die stryd klipharde “toetsrugby” kan oplewer en dit is waar Kruger-hulle se ervaring teen ’n opwindende WP-agterlyn kan tel.
Gemeet aan sy insluiting van Philip Burger (veelsydige agterspeler), Alwyn Hollenbach (veelsydige agterspeler), Kabamba Floors (losvoorspeler) en Heinrich Brüssow (flank) op die Vrystaat-bank, verwag Erasmus waarskynlik dat albei spanne in die tweede helfte die bal sal lug gee. Dit sal egter self van Kruger, wat in sy 100ste wedstryd speel, en Du Toit afhang hoe lank hulle aan die wedstryd deelneem. As hulle peil goed is, het Erasmus geen rede om hulle deur Hollenbach-hulle te vervang nie.
Hollenbach en Burger is veelsydig genoeg dat hulle in enige ander posisie kan speel.
Kruger se insluiting kan voorts langs die onervare Hendrik Meyer (binnesenter) vir die Cheetahs van groot waarde wees.
Kruger kan die kalmte aan Meyer gee wanneer die deurwinterde De Wet Barry, binnesenter van WP, hom probeer ontsenu.
Barry, wat die afgelope tyd beter rugby speel, sal alles in sy vermoë doen om Meyer te probeer ontsenu. WP-agterspelers soos Gio Aplon (heelagter) en Sireli Naqelevuki (vleuel) hou voorts op die aanval ’n bedreiging vir die gasheer in, terwyl Kruger ’n reuse-fout sal maak deur Corné Uys (buitesenter) te onderskat.
Uys is ’n belangrike rat in die WP-agterlyn en hy is soos die Springbok-vleuel, Bryan Habana, lief daarvoor om onderskepdrieë in te ryg. WP het agterlangs min swak plekke en sal daarop ingestel wees om enige foute deur die Cheetahs uit te buit.
Hoewel daar vandeesweek baie klem op voorspelerspel gelê is, is ’n Cheetah-sege vandag in die hande van die Vrystaat-agterlyn.
Die spanne is:
Cheetahs: Bevin Fortuin; Eddie Fredericks, Chris Kruger, Hendrik Meyer, Gaffie du Toit; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassens; Ryno van der Merwe, Barend Pieterse, Darron Nell, Corniel van Zyl, Rory Duncan, Jannie du Plessis, Richardt Strauss, Ollie le Roux (k).
PLAASVERVANGERS: Wian du Preez, Kobus Calldo, Kabamba Floors, Heinrich Brüssow, Falie Oelschig, Philip Burger, Alwyn Hollenbach.
WP: Gio Aplon; Sireli Naqelevuki, Corné Uys, De Wet Barry, Joe Pietersen; Naas Olivier, Bolla Conradie; Robbie Diack, Justin Melck, Luke Watson (k), Gerrie Britz, Francois van der Merwe, Juan Harris, Hanyani Shimange, JD Moller.
PLAASVERVANGERS: Deon Fourie, Schalk Ferreira, Andries Bekker, Francois Louw, Pieter Louw, Paul Delport, Sarel Potgieter.Skeidsregter: mnr. Marius Jonker.
Afskop: 19:10.
TV: van 18:55 tot 21:00 op SS 1/CSN.
Sep 07 2006 09:33:41:323PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
ERVARING moet vandag om 19:10 op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein die deurslag vir die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs gee.
Veral wat die agterspel van die Vrystaat in vandag se Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd teen Westelike Provinsie betref.
Die insluiting van die ervare Chris Kruger (buitesenter) en Gaffie du Toit (linkervleuel) is daarom nie om dowe neute deur mnr. Rassie Erasmus (afrigter) gedoen nie.
Du Toit het homself al op toetsvlak bewys en dit is duidelik dat Erasmus ’n plan met die deurwinterde agterspeler in die mou voer. Volgens sy spankeuses lyk dit of Erasmus verwag dat die eerste 40 minute van die stryd klipharde “toetsrugby” kan oplewer en dit is waar Kruger-hulle se ervaring teen ’n opwindende WP-agterlyn kan tel.
Gemeet aan sy insluiting van Philip Burger (veelsydige agterspeler), Alwyn Hollenbach (veelsydige agterspeler), Kabamba Floors (losvoorspeler) en Heinrich Brüssow (flank) op die Vrystaat-bank, verwag Erasmus waarskynlik dat albei spanne in die tweede helfte die bal sal lug gee. Dit sal egter self van Kruger, wat in sy 100ste wedstryd speel, en Du Toit afhang hoe lank hulle aan die wedstryd deelneem. As hulle peil goed is, het Erasmus geen rede om hulle deur Hollenbach-hulle te vervang nie.
Hollenbach en Burger is veelsydig genoeg dat hulle in enige ander posisie kan speel.
Kruger se insluiting kan voorts langs die onervare Hendrik Meyer (binnesenter) vir die Cheetahs van groot waarde wees.
Kruger kan die kalmte aan Meyer gee wanneer die deurwinterde De Wet Barry, binnesenter van WP, hom probeer ontsenu.
Barry, wat die afgelope tyd beter rugby speel, sal alles in sy vermoë doen om Meyer te probeer ontsenu. WP-agterspelers soos Gio Aplon (heelagter) en Sireli Naqelevuki (vleuel) hou voorts op die aanval ’n bedreiging vir die gasheer in, terwyl Kruger ’n reuse-fout sal maak deur Corné Uys (buitesenter) te onderskat.
Uys is ’n belangrike rat in die WP-agterlyn en hy is soos die Springbok-vleuel, Bryan Habana, lief daarvoor om onderskepdrieë in te ryg. WP het agterlangs min swak plekke en sal daarop ingestel wees om enige foute deur die Cheetahs uit te buit.
Hoewel daar vandeesweek baie klem op voorspelerspel gelê is, is ’n Cheetah-sege vandag in die hande van die Vrystaat-agterlyn.
Die spanne is:
Cheetahs: Bevin Fortuin; Eddie Fredericks, Chris Kruger, Hendrik Meyer, Gaffie du Toit; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassens; Ryno van der Merwe, Barend Pieterse, Darron Nell, Corniel van Zyl, Rory Duncan, Jannie du Plessis, Richardt Strauss, Ollie le Roux (k).
PLAASVERVANGERS: Wian du Preez, Kobus Calldo, Kabamba Floors, Heinrich Brüssow, Falie Oelschig, Philip Burger, Alwyn Hollenbach.
WP: Gio Aplon; Sireli Naqelevuki, Corné Uys, De Wet Barry, Joe Pietersen; Naas Olivier, Bolla Conradie; Robbie Diack, Justin Melck, Luke Watson (k), Gerrie Britz, Francois van der Merwe, Juan Harris, Hanyani Shimange, JD Moller.
PLAASVERVANGERS: Deon Fourie, Schalk Ferreira, Andries Bekker, Francois Louw, Pieter Louw, Paul Delport, Sarel Potgieter.Skeidsregter: mnr. Marius Jonker.
Afskop: 19:10.
TV: van 18:55 tot 21:00 op SS 1/CSN.
Province pivot wary of De Waal
Thursday 7 September 2006
Naas Olivier will oppose another former Leopards man in Willem de Waal when their two sides meet in Bloemfontein on Friday.
De Waal has come into the starting line-up with Meyer Bosman out for three weeks with a broken hand. In the big games where close finishes are the norm, he is invaluable for his kicking game.
“I think that with Willem it’s a case of what you see is what you get,” Olivier, the Vodacom Western Province flyhalf told “Meyer Bosman is a lot less predictable, and his injury should be a great loss to their team.
“But take nothing away from Willem. I have played with him up at the Leopards, so am well aware of his capabilities. He’s a really strong pivot with a superb kicking game: tactically and for poles as well.”
The game is billed to be a festival of running rugby, but the heavy Vodacom Cheetahs pack that excludes a specialist fetcher indicates that the Free State side may lean towards the conservative. Nevertheless, Olivier explained that WP are taking nothing for granted.
“They aren’t the Currie Cup champions for nothing. The fact that they need to win this week at home will make them all the more threatening. They do have a great running game and our defence is going to have to be at its best.”
Following his solid performances in the Vodacom Super 14, Olivier has progressed well at first receiver, offering plenty of options on attack for the Cape Town side. Province have scored a lot of tries from broken play, and he feels that their on-field innovation is what makes them both successful and dangerous.
“Our unpredictability is our major strength. We are enjoying our rugby at the moment and our confidence is high. That shows on the field.”
The Cheetahs have also gone for more options in the line-out, with lock Barend Pieterse moving to the flank to allow Corniel van Zyl to come back into the side. WP have been preparing for the line-out onslaught all week, as good first phase possession plays such a vital role in any game plan.
“They place a huge emphasis on their set-pieces and the first phase, and have the best line-out jumpers in South Africa. One of the keys to their success this season has been the way their forwards have provided a solid platform for their backs to score. It’s going to be a really tough game.”
by Jon Cardinelli
Thursday 7 September 2006
Naas Olivier will oppose another former Leopards man in Willem de Waal when their two sides meet in Bloemfontein on Friday.
De Waal has come into the starting line-up with Meyer Bosman out for three weeks with a broken hand. In the big games where close finishes are the norm, he is invaluable for his kicking game.
“I think that with Willem it’s a case of what you see is what you get,” Olivier, the Vodacom Western Province flyhalf told “Meyer Bosman is a lot less predictable, and his injury should be a great loss to their team.
“But take nothing away from Willem. I have played with him up at the Leopards, so am well aware of his capabilities. He’s a really strong pivot with a superb kicking game: tactically and for poles as well.”
The game is billed to be a festival of running rugby, but the heavy Vodacom Cheetahs pack that excludes a specialist fetcher indicates that the Free State side may lean towards the conservative. Nevertheless, Olivier explained that WP are taking nothing for granted.
“They aren’t the Currie Cup champions for nothing. The fact that they need to win this week at home will make them all the more threatening. They do have a great running game and our defence is going to have to be at its best.”
Following his solid performances in the Vodacom Super 14, Olivier has progressed well at first receiver, offering plenty of options on attack for the Cape Town side. Province have scored a lot of tries from broken play, and he feels that their on-field innovation is what makes them both successful and dangerous.
“Our unpredictability is our major strength. We are enjoying our rugby at the moment and our confidence is high. That shows on the field.”
The Cheetahs have also gone for more options in the line-out, with lock Barend Pieterse moving to the flank to allow Corniel van Zyl to come back into the side. WP have been preparing for the line-out onslaught all week, as good first phase possession plays such a vital role in any game plan.
“They place a huge emphasis on their set-pieces and the first phase, and have the best line-out jumpers in South Africa. One of the keys to their success this season has been the way their forwards have provided a solid platform for their backs to score. It’s going to be a really tough game.”
by Jon Cardinelli
Cheetahs chase 'first place'
Thursday September 07 2006
'We lost three points and we have to catch up'
Cheetahs coach Rassie Erasmus makes no secret of the fact that first place on the standings is his team's prime motivating factor in their crucial Currie Cup Round 11 encounter against the table-topping Western Province outfit in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
Erasmus, rated as one of the most astute coaches in the country, said the outcome of the match will have a huge bearing on the final positions on the table - heading into the play-offs.
"This is a crunch game for both teams," Erasmus said. "The team that are victorious on Friday night will top the standings at the end of the league phase (ensuring home ground advantage in the semi-final and a possible Final].
"That's why there's huge pressure on both teams," Erasmus added.
For the Cheetahs the game is also significant for another reason, they have lost some valuable points in going down (39-28) to the Lions last week.
"Last week's match was also important and we only managed to get one point from it, following the defeat [to the Lions].
"We lost three points on the standings and we have to catch up to secure a home semi-final. We will try to make up some of the points we lost when we face WP on Friday."
The Cheetahs mentor was full of praise for his rivals, but cautioned those who want to put them on a pedestal above the rest.
It was suggested earlier in the competition, during a particular impressive spell by WP, that they are South Africa's version of the Crusaders - New Zealand's six-time Super 12/14 champions.
"Western Province are playing really good rugby at the moment, but they are certainly not yet as good as the Crusaders," he said.
The Cheetahs coaching staff also pointed to three backline players he feels are crucial to the visitors' cause.
"[Fullback] Gio Aplon, [centre] De Wet Barry and Sireli Naqelevuki are their key players for the clash on Friday." said Franco Smith, the Cheetahs' backline coach.
Erasmus focus on the threat posed by the WP loose forwards, including inspirational captain Luke Watson.
"Justin Melck and Luke [Watson] are excellent on the ground and we would try to counter them. We selected Barend Pieterse on flank to try and take some of their line-out possession.
"They showed against the Bulls how good they are on their own ball at line-out time and we need to contest strongly in that department," Erasmus said.
By Hannes Nienaber
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Thursday September 07 2006
'We lost three points and we have to catch up'
Cheetahs coach Rassie Erasmus makes no secret of the fact that first place on the standings is his team's prime motivating factor in their crucial Currie Cup Round 11 encounter against the table-topping Western Province outfit in Bloemfontein on Friday night.
Erasmus, rated as one of the most astute coaches in the country, said the outcome of the match will have a huge bearing on the final positions on the table - heading into the play-offs.
"This is a crunch game for both teams," Erasmus said. "The team that are victorious on Friday night will top the standings at the end of the league phase (ensuring home ground advantage in the semi-final and a possible Final].
"That's why there's huge pressure on both teams," Erasmus added.
For the Cheetahs the game is also significant for another reason, they have lost some valuable points in going down (39-28) to the Lions last week.
"Last week's match was also important and we only managed to get one point from it, following the defeat [to the Lions].
"We lost three points on the standings and we have to catch up to secure a home semi-final. We will try to make up some of the points we lost when we face WP on Friday."
The Cheetahs mentor was full of praise for his rivals, but cautioned those who want to put them on a pedestal above the rest.
It was suggested earlier in the competition, during a particular impressive spell by WP, that they are South Africa's version of the Crusaders - New Zealand's six-time Super 12/14 champions.
"Western Province are playing really good rugby at the moment, but they are certainly not yet as good as the Crusaders," he said.
The Cheetahs coaching staff also pointed to three backline players he feels are crucial to the visitors' cause.
"[Fullback] Gio Aplon, [centre] De Wet Barry and Sireli Naqelevuki are their key players for the clash on Friday." said Franco Smith, the Cheetahs' backline coach.
Erasmus focus on the threat posed by the WP loose forwards, including inspirational captain Luke Watson.
"Justin Melck and Luke [Watson] are excellent on the ground and we would try to counter them. We selected Barend Pieterse on flank to try and take some of their line-out possession.
"They showed against the Bulls how good they are on their own ball at line-out time and we need to contest strongly in that department," Erasmus said.
By Hannes Nienaber
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