Sunday, September 10, 2006
The log standing courtesy of
Cheetahs 11 8 3 0 245 8 40
Sharks 11 8 3 0 179 8 40
WP 10 8 3 0 60 5 37
B/Bulls 11 7 4 0 129 7 35
Lions 11 6 5 0 7 6 30
Griquas 10 5 5 0 (54) 3 23
Falcons 11 2 8 0 (167) 5 13
Pumas 11 0 10 0 (389) 3 3
The log standing courtesy of
Cheetahs 11 8 3 0 245 8 40
Sharks 11 8 3 0 179 8 40
WP 10 8 3 0 60 5 37
B/Bulls 11 7 4 0 129 7 35
Lions 11 6 5 0 7 6 30
Griquas 10 5 5 0 (54) 3 23
Falcons 11 2 8 0 (167) 5 13
Pumas 11 0 10 0 (389) 3 3
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09/09/2006 17:54 - (SA)
Cheetahs wys beker-durf
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In plaas van pampoene op die dak, het die Vrystaatse Cheetahs Vrydagaand die land se mees onortodokse breier en uitgeslape strateeg op die dak van sy tuisveld-pawiljoen in afrigter Rassie Erasmus gehad.
Erasmus het vanaf die pawiljoen se dak die Cheetahs se strategiese besluite geneem en sy span tot 'n vyfster- vertoning teen die Westelike Provinsie bestuur.
Die Cheetahs het dubbel en dwars vergoed vir die wind wat hulle verlede week teen die Leeus op Ellispark gesluk het. Die Cheetahs is weer bo-aan die punteleer in die Curriebekerreeks nadat hulle die Westelike Provinsie met 28-13 geklop. Hulle was teen rustyd met 13-10 voor.
Met die vertoning het die Cheetahs ook vergoed vir die blaps vroeër die seisoen toe hulle op Nuweland in alle afdelings van die spel die oorhand gehad het, maar slae gekry het.
Maar albei afrigters sê die pad na die eindstryd van die Curriebekerreeks is vol slaggate vir al vyf spanne wat die hoop koes om die eindstryd te haal.
Die WP-breier, Kobus van der Merwe het gesê sy span het een van sy swakste vertonings van die seisoen gelewer en sal aansienlik beter moet speel as hulle die eindstryd wil haal.
"Die Vrystaat is 'n goeie span. Hulle het hul kanse beter benut en ons op die agtervoet gehou. Ons voorspelers het swaar gekry. Ons verdediging was ook nie goed nie," sê hy.
Van der Merwe sê die volgende klompie weke gaan baie interessant wees. "Niemand se paadjie is maklik nie. Die Leeus het dalk die maklikste taak van al die aanspraakmakers. Hulle moet nog teen die Pumas, Griekwas en die Westelike Provinsie speel. Enigiets kan gebeur."
Vrydagaand se kragmeting was nie 'n skouspel soos 'n mens sou verwag van twee spanne wat daarvan hou om met die bal te hardloop nie, maar dit het alles gehad: opwinding, goeie lopies, baie goeie verdediging en soms skitterspel.
Die Vrystaat het die wedstryd gewen deurdat sy voorspelers oorheers het. Hy het die WP na die losballe geklop en vyf keer besit omgekeer. Ook in die lynstane was die Vrystaat se Rory Duncan, Corniel van Zyl en Barend Pieterse baas teen Francois van der Merwe en Gerrie Britz.
Die vaste voorspelers van die tuisspan het die spel in so 'n mate oorheers dat die man wat as die beste baljagter in die land beskou word, amper verdwyn het. Jy het net stukkies opflikkering van Luke Watson se goeie spel gesien. Trouens, op die dag se spel was die onderskatte Vrystater Ryno van der Merwe, beter as Watson. Die ander lede van die WP se lostrio, Robbie Diack en Justin Melck, was ook stiller as in vorige wedstryde.
Van der Merwe, Barend Pieterse, wat besig is om 'n baie goeie losvoorspeler te word, en Darron Nell was hoofsaaklik daarvoor verantwoordelik dat die Vrystaat balle by die besoekers kon "steel". Kabamba Floors het later self as losman skitterend vertoon.
In die vaste spel het Brok Harris, Hanyani Shimange en JD Moller hard probeer, maar Ollie le Roux, Richardt Strauss en Jannie du Plessis was net daardie rapsie beter.
Du Plessis, wat vroeër vanjaar by die Springbok-groep betrokke was, het weer getoon dat hy maar deur Jake White nader geroep kan word.
Maar dit was agterlangs waar die tuisspan die beste daaraan toe was. Hendrik Meyer, wat hom sowat 'n maand gelede by die Cheetahs aangesluit het, het weer getoon dat hy een van die heel beste senters in die Curriebekerreeks is. Hy het die verdediging 'n paar keer oopgevlek en op die verdediging ook sy man gestaan.
Op die dag se spel was hy beter as die Springbok De Wet Barry. Die Kapenaar het een keer met 'n skitterende breekslag die Vrystaat se verdediging oopgevlek en hy het 'n slag met een van sy kenmerkende plettervatte voor die dag gekom. Maar die res van die wedstryd was hy stil.
Dit is so jammer dat Meyer al vir Namibië se nasionale span gespeel het en nie vir Suid-Afrika in aanmerking kan kom nie. Hy kan waarde tot enige span toevoeg.
Saam met hom het Michael Claassens, Willem de Waal, Bevin Fortuin en Philip Burger, toe hy as impakspeler opgestuur is, die WP-agterlyn oortref. En die bloedjong Alwyn Hollenbach het ook weer getoon dat hy 'n aanvaller by uitnemendheid is.
Gio Aplon, die WP se jong en blitsige heelagter, het ook getoon dat hy as aanvaller uit die laaste vesting nie sy gelyke het nie. En die skralerige kêrel het 'n skopstewel wat jou moedeloos kan maak. Hy het 'n slag omtrent die helfte van die Vrystaat se span geklop voordat hy platgetrek is. Sy Bokkleure is naby.
Joe Pietersen is self 'n blink aanvaller. Dit is net jammer hy het nie meer kans gekry om sy waarde as driedrukker te toon nie.
Bolla Conradie en Naas Olivier se verstandhouding as skakelpaar raak ook al beter en veral Olivier begin sy stempel afdruk.
Punte: Cheetahs - Drieë: Claassens, Hollenbach en Burger. Doelskoppe: De Waal (2). Strafdoele: De Waal (3). WP - Drie: Conradie. Doelskop: Olivier. Strafdoele: Olivier (2).
Cheetahs wys beker-durf
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In plaas van pampoene op die dak, het die Vrystaatse Cheetahs Vrydagaand die land se mees onortodokse breier en uitgeslape strateeg op die dak van sy tuisveld-pawiljoen in afrigter Rassie Erasmus gehad.
Erasmus het vanaf die pawiljoen se dak die Cheetahs se strategiese besluite geneem en sy span tot 'n vyfster- vertoning teen die Westelike Provinsie bestuur.
Die Cheetahs het dubbel en dwars vergoed vir die wind wat hulle verlede week teen die Leeus op Ellispark gesluk het. Die Cheetahs is weer bo-aan die punteleer in die Curriebekerreeks nadat hulle die Westelike Provinsie met 28-13 geklop. Hulle was teen rustyd met 13-10 voor.
Met die vertoning het die Cheetahs ook vergoed vir die blaps vroeër die seisoen toe hulle op Nuweland in alle afdelings van die spel die oorhand gehad het, maar slae gekry het.
Maar albei afrigters sê die pad na die eindstryd van die Curriebekerreeks is vol slaggate vir al vyf spanne wat die hoop koes om die eindstryd te haal.
Die WP-breier, Kobus van der Merwe het gesê sy span het een van sy swakste vertonings van die seisoen gelewer en sal aansienlik beter moet speel as hulle die eindstryd wil haal.
"Die Vrystaat is 'n goeie span. Hulle het hul kanse beter benut en ons op die agtervoet gehou. Ons voorspelers het swaar gekry. Ons verdediging was ook nie goed nie," sê hy.
Van der Merwe sê die volgende klompie weke gaan baie interessant wees. "Niemand se paadjie is maklik nie. Die Leeus het dalk die maklikste taak van al die aanspraakmakers. Hulle moet nog teen die Pumas, Griekwas en die Westelike Provinsie speel. Enigiets kan gebeur."
Vrydagaand se kragmeting was nie 'n skouspel soos 'n mens sou verwag van twee spanne wat daarvan hou om met die bal te hardloop nie, maar dit het alles gehad: opwinding, goeie lopies, baie goeie verdediging en soms skitterspel.
Die Vrystaat het die wedstryd gewen deurdat sy voorspelers oorheers het. Hy het die WP na die losballe geklop en vyf keer besit omgekeer. Ook in die lynstane was die Vrystaat se Rory Duncan, Corniel van Zyl en Barend Pieterse baas teen Francois van der Merwe en Gerrie Britz.
Die vaste voorspelers van die tuisspan het die spel in so 'n mate oorheers dat die man wat as die beste baljagter in die land beskou word, amper verdwyn het. Jy het net stukkies opflikkering van Luke Watson se goeie spel gesien. Trouens, op die dag se spel was die onderskatte Vrystater Ryno van der Merwe, beter as Watson. Die ander lede van die WP se lostrio, Robbie Diack en Justin Melck, was ook stiller as in vorige wedstryde.
Van der Merwe, Barend Pieterse, wat besig is om 'n baie goeie losvoorspeler te word, en Darron Nell was hoofsaaklik daarvoor verantwoordelik dat die Vrystaat balle by die besoekers kon "steel". Kabamba Floors het later self as losman skitterend vertoon.
In die vaste spel het Brok Harris, Hanyani Shimange en JD Moller hard probeer, maar Ollie le Roux, Richardt Strauss en Jannie du Plessis was net daardie rapsie beter.
Du Plessis, wat vroeër vanjaar by die Springbok-groep betrokke was, het weer getoon dat hy maar deur Jake White nader geroep kan word.
Maar dit was agterlangs waar die tuisspan die beste daaraan toe was. Hendrik Meyer, wat hom sowat 'n maand gelede by die Cheetahs aangesluit het, het weer getoon dat hy een van die heel beste senters in die Curriebekerreeks is. Hy het die verdediging 'n paar keer oopgevlek en op die verdediging ook sy man gestaan.
Op die dag se spel was hy beter as die Springbok De Wet Barry. Die Kapenaar het een keer met 'n skitterende breekslag die Vrystaat se verdediging oopgevlek en hy het 'n slag met een van sy kenmerkende plettervatte voor die dag gekom. Maar die res van die wedstryd was hy stil.
Dit is so jammer dat Meyer al vir Namibië se nasionale span gespeel het en nie vir Suid-Afrika in aanmerking kan kom nie. Hy kan waarde tot enige span toevoeg.
Saam met hom het Michael Claassens, Willem de Waal, Bevin Fortuin en Philip Burger, toe hy as impakspeler opgestuur is, die WP-agterlyn oortref. En die bloedjong Alwyn Hollenbach het ook weer getoon dat hy 'n aanvaller by uitnemendheid is.
Gio Aplon, die WP se jong en blitsige heelagter, het ook getoon dat hy as aanvaller uit die laaste vesting nie sy gelyke het nie. En die skralerige kêrel het 'n skopstewel wat jou moedeloos kan maak. Hy het 'n slag omtrent die helfte van die Vrystaat se span geklop voordat hy platgetrek is. Sy Bokkleure is naby.
Joe Pietersen is self 'n blink aanvaller. Dit is net jammer hy het nie meer kans gekry om sy waarde as driedrukker te toon nie.
Bolla Conradie en Naas Olivier se verstandhouding as skakelpaar raak ook al beter en veral Olivier begin sy stempel afdruk.
Punte: Cheetahs - Drieë: Claassens, Hollenbach en Burger. Doelskoppe: De Waal (2). Strafdoele: De Waal (3). WP - Drie: Conradie. Doelskop: Olivier. Strafdoele: Olivier (2).
Province brought to their knees
Saturday 9 September 2006
The Vodacom Cheetahs thumped Western Province 28-13 in Bloemfontein to reclaim top spot on the Absa Currie Cup log.
The match was played at an incredible pace throughout, and lived up to all expectation as an exhibition of great attacking rugby. However, the Cheetahs were the more clinical of the two teams, dominating in all areas of the game.
The Free State forwards were characteristically physical, and outdid the favourites in the Vodacom Western Province loose trio at the breakdown. Luke Watson had a forgettable night for WP, being totally outplayed by Ryno van der Merwe and Kabamba Floors. The battle on the ground was a sore point for the visitors, and had Willem de Waal been more accurate the scoreline could have been even more one-sided, as WP conceded plenty of penalties in this area.
Free State were also far superior in the line-out, their jumpers providing silver service for their backs and disrupting the WP throws-ins. Watson’s charges were the exact opposite, looking very shaky in the set-pieces.
The first half saw the home side mauling especially well, and it was surprising that they couldn’t garner more reward for their efforts. That is not to say that they did not create any opportunities. The Cheetahs played it wide on numerous occasions, but were thwarted by superb WP defence.
It was WP who scored the first try, created by a step from fullback Gio Aplon, who offloaded to Bolla Conradie in space and he did little but round off the score.
Free State wasted no time in reply, and the sustained pressure on Joe Pietersen’s wing finally paid off, with Eddie Fredericks running away and eventually linking with Michael Claasens for the try. Alwyn Hollenbach had the opportunity of stretching the Cheetahs’ 13-10 lead at the half-time buzzer when he beat a flimsy Watson tackle to get in at the corner. However, a TMO decision proved that a last ditch effort by Corne Uys was sufficient enough to force Hollenbach’s leg onto the corner flag, and so the champs only went into the break with a slender three point lead.
The hosts capitalised on another opportunity after the half, when Bevin Fortuin ran over Pietersen and popped the ball to Philip Burger, the replacement winger, and the home team took an eight point lead.
Naas Olivier had another solid evening at pivot, and goaled all of his kicks for the second consecutive week. Despite earning his 1,000th point in first class rugby, De Waal had a poor night in terms of kicking for poles, with only five out nine of attempts proving successful. But his tactical kicking was very accurate, and the early bombardment on Pietersen’s wing proved highly effective.
Man-of-the-Match Hendrik Meyer was a nightmare for the WP backline, breaking the line at will and putting in some enormous hits on all would-be attackers. In the final quarter, the pressure from Free State finally told when a well-worked run by Gaffie du Toit set up Fortuin for the Cheetahs’ third try.
The match began as a great contest, but petered out as one-sided affair, with Province guilty of countless errors in the last 20 minutes. The Cheetahs are now one step closer to soldifiying a home semi-final, with the game against the Pumas next week likely to end in another four points towards the champs’ campaign.
Saturday 9 September 2006
The Vodacom Cheetahs thumped Western Province 28-13 in Bloemfontein to reclaim top spot on the Absa Currie Cup log.
The match was played at an incredible pace throughout, and lived up to all expectation as an exhibition of great attacking rugby. However, the Cheetahs were the more clinical of the two teams, dominating in all areas of the game.
The Free State forwards were characteristically physical, and outdid the favourites in the Vodacom Western Province loose trio at the breakdown. Luke Watson had a forgettable night for WP, being totally outplayed by Ryno van der Merwe and Kabamba Floors. The battle on the ground was a sore point for the visitors, and had Willem de Waal been more accurate the scoreline could have been even more one-sided, as WP conceded plenty of penalties in this area.
Free State were also far superior in the line-out, their jumpers providing silver service for their backs and disrupting the WP throws-ins. Watson’s charges were the exact opposite, looking very shaky in the set-pieces.
The first half saw the home side mauling especially well, and it was surprising that they couldn’t garner more reward for their efforts. That is not to say that they did not create any opportunities. The Cheetahs played it wide on numerous occasions, but were thwarted by superb WP defence.
It was WP who scored the first try, created by a step from fullback Gio Aplon, who offloaded to Bolla Conradie in space and he did little but round off the score.
Free State wasted no time in reply, and the sustained pressure on Joe Pietersen’s wing finally paid off, with Eddie Fredericks running away and eventually linking with Michael Claasens for the try. Alwyn Hollenbach had the opportunity of stretching the Cheetahs’ 13-10 lead at the half-time buzzer when he beat a flimsy Watson tackle to get in at the corner. However, a TMO decision proved that a last ditch effort by Corne Uys was sufficient enough to force Hollenbach’s leg onto the corner flag, and so the champs only went into the break with a slender three point lead.
The hosts capitalised on another opportunity after the half, when Bevin Fortuin ran over Pietersen and popped the ball to Philip Burger, the replacement winger, and the home team took an eight point lead.
Naas Olivier had another solid evening at pivot, and goaled all of his kicks for the second consecutive week. Despite earning his 1,000th point in first class rugby, De Waal had a poor night in terms of kicking for poles, with only five out nine of attempts proving successful. But his tactical kicking was very accurate, and the early bombardment on Pietersen’s wing proved highly effective.
Man-of-the-Match Hendrik Meyer was a nightmare for the WP backline, breaking the line at will and putting in some enormous hits on all would-be attackers. In the final quarter, the pressure from Free State finally told when a well-worked run by Gaffie du Toit set up Fortuin for the Cheetahs’ third try.
The match began as a great contest, but petered out as one-sided affair, with Province guilty of countless errors in the last 20 minutes. The Cheetahs are now one step closer to soldifiying a home semi-final, with the game against the Pumas next week likely to end in another four points towards the champs’ campaign.
Cheetahs feast on Province
08/09/2006 21:49 - (SA)
Bloemfontein - The Cheetahs once again stamped their class on the Currie Cup log Bloemfontein on Friday night.
The match, billed as a potential final rehearsal, lived up to expectations at times, as the Cheetahs defended well and played expansively when it was possible. The defending champions negated the potent Western Province loose trio by stealing a number of crucial turnovers.
It was a match of landmarks as Cheetahs centre Chris Kruger ran out for his 100th game, Ollie le Roux for his 50th and Willem de Waal scored his 1 000th first class point.
Cheetahs flyhalf De Waal landed two penalties in the first opening 40 minutes plus a conversion while his opposite number, Naas Olivier added a conversion and penalty.
Western Province were first to score a try when Bolla Conradie crossed the line, but Michael Claassens responded minutes later with a try for the Cheetahs.
The Cheetahs then extended their lead through a try by Phillip Burger, who was put away by fullback Bevin Fortuin.
The first half was a cracker, equally contested in all facets except the scoreboard where the Cheetahs led by 13 points to 10.
The home team scored minutes after the restart via Burger and further increased the gap with a De Waal penalty on the hour mark, to make the score 18-10, meaning Province needed to score at least twice.
The lead increased in the 68th minute when replacement back Alwyn Hollenback burst through brilliantly to set Fortuin up for a try.
De Waal added the conversion and the score soared to 28-13, effectively handing the game to the home team.
Tries: Michael Claassens, Phillip Burger, Bevin Fortuin
Conversions: Willem de Waal (2)
Penalties: De Waal (3)
Western Province:
Try: Bolla Conradie
Conversion: Naas Olivier
Penalties: Naas Olivier (2)
08/09/2006 21:49 - (SA)
Bloemfontein - The Cheetahs once again stamped their class on the Currie Cup log Bloemfontein on Friday night.
The match, billed as a potential final rehearsal, lived up to expectations at times, as the Cheetahs defended well and played expansively when it was possible. The defending champions negated the potent Western Province loose trio by stealing a number of crucial turnovers.
It was a match of landmarks as Cheetahs centre Chris Kruger ran out for his 100th game, Ollie le Roux for his 50th and Willem de Waal scored his 1 000th first class point.
Cheetahs flyhalf De Waal landed two penalties in the first opening 40 minutes plus a conversion while his opposite number, Naas Olivier added a conversion and penalty.
Western Province were first to score a try when Bolla Conradie crossed the line, but Michael Claassens responded minutes later with a try for the Cheetahs.
The Cheetahs then extended their lead through a try by Phillip Burger, who was put away by fullback Bevin Fortuin.
The first half was a cracker, equally contested in all facets except the scoreboard where the Cheetahs led by 13 points to 10.
The home team scored minutes after the restart via Burger and further increased the gap with a De Waal penalty on the hour mark, to make the score 18-10, meaning Province needed to score at least twice.
The lead increased in the 68th minute when replacement back Alwyn Hollenback burst through brilliantly to set Fortuin up for a try.
De Waal added the conversion and the score soared to 28-13, effectively handing the game to the home team.
Tries: Michael Claassens, Phillip Burger, Bevin Fortuin
Conversions: Willem de Waal (2)
Penalties: De Waal (3)
Western Province:
Try: Bolla Conradie
Conversion: Naas Olivier
Penalties: Naas Olivier (2)
Meyer briliant in Cheetah win - Sean Robson
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The Cheetahs moved to the top of the Currie Cup table with a comprehensive 28-13 defeat of WP in Bloemfontein on Friday night. MidielderHendrik Meyer continued to add to his burgeoning reputation with a Man of the Match performance.
It was always going to be a thriller of an encounter and for the first forty minutes there was very little to choose between the two sides. The Cheetahs got going early on as they put their big pack to work and Willem de Waal reaped the benefits with two penalties for an early six points lead.
De Waal’s 13 points on the evening saw him move past the 1000 mark for first class points. With the home forwards in the ascendancy Meyer went to work as he broke the line almost at will and at the same time set about embarrassing the once impressive De Wet Barry.
WP however have some magic of their own and little Gio Aplon was again a livewire on attack while playing his heart out in defence. The closeness of the half was reflected by the Cheetahs only holding a 13-10 lead at the whistle.
It was however the home boys who ended the half the stronger and they got off to a dream start in the second half. A terrific backline move created space out wide for Bevin Fortuin to draw the defence before handing the ball to Philip Burger to scoot over for his 10 try of the Currie Cup.
It was all downhill for the visitors from there on in as the Cheetahs dominated the tight phases while upsetting any loose ball WP may have hoped to secure. Ryno van der Merwe doing especially well to overshadow a jaded Luke Watson.
The Cheetah dominance was underscored in the final quarter when Meyer tackled Barry dragging him backwards all off 30 metres.
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The Cheetahs moved to the top of the Currie Cup table with a comprehensive 28-13 defeat of WP in Bloemfontein on Friday night. MidielderHendrik Meyer continued to add to his burgeoning reputation with a Man of the Match performance.
It was always going to be a thriller of an encounter and for the first forty minutes there was very little to choose between the two sides. The Cheetahs got going early on as they put their big pack to work and Willem de Waal reaped the benefits with two penalties for an early six points lead.
De Waal’s 13 points on the evening saw him move past the 1000 mark for first class points. With the home forwards in the ascendancy Meyer went to work as he broke the line almost at will and at the same time set about embarrassing the once impressive De Wet Barry.
WP however have some magic of their own and little Gio Aplon was again a livewire on attack while playing his heart out in defence. The closeness of the half was reflected by the Cheetahs only holding a 13-10 lead at the whistle.
It was however the home boys who ended the half the stronger and they got off to a dream start in the second half. A terrific backline move created space out wide for Bevin Fortuin to draw the defence before handing the ball to Philip Burger to scoot over for his 10 try of the Currie Cup.
It was all downhill for the visitors from there on in as the Cheetahs dominated the tight phases while upsetting any loose ball WP may have hoped to secure. Ryno van der Merwe doing especially well to overshadow a jaded Luke Watson.
The Cheetah dominance was underscored in the final quarter when Meyer tackled Barry dragging him backwards all off 30 metres.
man was that good to watch
at last - the cheetahs played with real intensity against a top side.
i thought province played well- but the slow poison of the cheetah pack got to them and then the cheetah backs were not too shabby either.
the try that fortuin dotted down was very good- everyone was looking for hendrik meyer and then it was the gaffster that spurted through.
good game to watch
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 9, 2006 @ 6:52 am
man was that good to watch
at last - the cheetahs played with real intensity against a top side.
i thought province played well- but the slow poison of the cheetah pack got to them and then the cheetah backs were not too shabby either.
the try that fortuin dotted down was very good- everyone was looking for hendrik meyer and then it was the gaffster that spurted through.
good game to watch
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 9, 2006 @ 6:52 am
Can you shed any light on Rassie’s lighting system?
What can he do with the lights that he cannot do with the radio?
Or are they a code to the players? for instance Philip Burger would have got a red light from Rassie when he tried the dropgoal. As if to say “Watse kak was daai?” :wink:
Comment by KSA Shark © — September 9, 2006 @ 6:55 am
hehehe ksa
congrats with your team as well
in three years time they will be awesome- even in 2006 they will be hard to beat.
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 9, 2006 @ 6:56 am
agree on philip burger ksa
in general he is a very unlike free state boykie
to call him a bit of a twat would not be an unfair comment- dont you sharks want him as well
sure the lights are for the players- it have replaced the flash cards
but no- i do not have a clue
like lineout calls- some of it will most likely a diversion
cant say i totally agree with it though
but then - thats the way coach erasmus is going- not going to be that vocal on it.
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 9, 2006 @ 7:00 am
Can you shed any light on Rassie’s lighting system?
What can he do with the lights that he cannot do with the radio?
Or are they a code to the players? for instance Philip Burger would have got a red light from Rassie when he tried the dropgoal. As if to say “Watse kak was daai?” :wink:
Comment by KSA Shark © — September 9, 2006 @ 6:55 am
hehehe ksa
congrats with your team as well
in three years time they will be awesome- even in 2006 they will be hard to beat.
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 9, 2006 @ 6:56 am
agree on philip burger ksa
in general he is a very unlike free state boykie
to call him a bit of a twat would not be an unfair comment- dont you sharks want him as well
sure the lights are for the players- it have replaced the flash cards
but no- i do not have a clue
like lineout calls- some of it will most likely a diversion
cant say i totally agree with it though
but then - thats the way coach erasmus is going- not going to be that vocal on it.
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 9, 2006 @ 7:00 am
Morning all!
What a great game to watch last night - the standard of the CC is certainly better than what it was in years.
Great attack, great defence, greatly entertaining.
Well done to the Cheetahs again - they were simply too good.
They did not really play exactly like I expected, they spread it wide much earlier than aticipated - but hell it worked!
One thing that really impressed me was their defence, and their work at the breakdown.
The WP loosies have hardly been shown up this year, last night they were, by a very understimated Cheetah trio.
One thing that was clear, is that although both teams had more or less equal attacking opportunity, the Cheetah guys’ support was much quicker when a guy broke the line - where were the Province loosies???
Also, the Cheetahs organised their defensive lines much quicker than Province did - Naas Olivier is not ready yet I am sorry to say, we still sit with a problem at 10 in Province, man I hope they give Dollie a run as soon as his contract with the Spears expires…might be too late for the CC, but we need him in Super rugby.
I though Barry was actually good last night, Uys had a quiet evening, but I predicted for the Cheetahs to nullify the Province attack, they need to shut moves down at Naas and Barry (slow distributors), Barry had one break through a bad tackle.
On the other hand, the Cheetahs spread the ball wide quickly, and with precision - how good is that Namibian?
Hats of to De Waal though too, never rated him, and he had a good game.
I think Bolla is way to slow still and Province must stop with Luke and others (forwards) picking the ball up from the rucks and start a backline move from there, that is Conradie’s job (and just to piss Davids off), because he is a specialist…
Someone mentioned we saw the future of the Bok fullbacks last night, and I agree - Aplon was again magnificent, BUT, he was shaded by Fortuin!
Brilliant game lad, I did not see who was man of the match but he had to be a serious contender.
How useless was the Fidjian last night?
And poor old Pietersen… Look he might have the heart of a Lion, but someone needs to work on his defensive technique!
He will get donnered over every time! Physics have yet to prove that object A, weighing 100Kg’s and moving at 30km/h in one direction, will be stopped by object B, weighing 70Kg’s and moving at a similar speed in the other direction…
All that can be fixed though by coaching him a better technique on how to tackle…
As predicted, Province gave away too many penalties in the beginning of the match - the slow poison worked its magic.
Well done Cheetahs, you are back with a bang and the CC is still wide open…
Comment by PissAnt — September 9, 2006 @ 8:45 am
thanks donner
yeah pa
first game since 22 october 2005 that the cheetahs had really played with that intensity that is required to beat the best.
i do not believe that wp played badly- cheetahs just played a very balanced game plan very well.
the breakdown weakness - as exploited by province in the newlands game was nullified- and yes PA- although de waal is pulling his goal kicks- he had his best balnced game i ever saw of him in oranje 10.
i really hope the cheetahs play like this for the rest of the season- that will esure 50/50 games at start-up and the other team will have to be awesome in order to beat them
so if they do- they are worthy champions
good for our game.
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 10, 2006 @ 7:38 am
the cheers for watson seem to be less certain. anyone?
Comment by cab — September 10, 2006 @ 12:36 pm
hehehe cab
puke twatson got his arse handed to him on friday night
regardt struass was much mor effective from oranje 2 on the deck than king carmisarb himself
most likely heh had been reading to much newspapers and rugbyblogs lately
gifappelkie gio aplon was an intense threat however- that hawston boykie is good- very good
overberg rulz
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 10, 2006 @ 3:59 pm
Morning all!
What a great game to watch last night - the standard of the CC is certainly better than what it was in years.
Great attack, great defence, greatly entertaining.
Well done to the Cheetahs again - they were simply too good.
They did not really play exactly like I expected, they spread it wide much earlier than aticipated - but hell it worked!
One thing that really impressed me was their defence, and their work at the breakdown.
The WP loosies have hardly been shown up this year, last night they were, by a very understimated Cheetah trio.
One thing that was clear, is that although both teams had more or less equal attacking opportunity, the Cheetah guys’ support was much quicker when a guy broke the line - where were the Province loosies???
Also, the Cheetahs organised their defensive lines much quicker than Province did - Naas Olivier is not ready yet I am sorry to say, we still sit with a problem at 10 in Province, man I hope they give Dollie a run as soon as his contract with the Spears expires…might be too late for the CC, but we need him in Super rugby.
I though Barry was actually good last night, Uys had a quiet evening, but I predicted for the Cheetahs to nullify the Province attack, they need to shut moves down at Naas and Barry (slow distributors), Barry had one break through a bad tackle.
On the other hand, the Cheetahs spread the ball wide quickly, and with precision - how good is that Namibian?
Hats of to De Waal though too, never rated him, and he had a good game.
I think Bolla is way to slow still and Province must stop with Luke and others (forwards) picking the ball up from the rucks and start a backline move from there, that is Conradie’s job (and just to piss Davids off), because he is a specialist…
Someone mentioned we saw the future of the Bok fullbacks last night, and I agree - Aplon was again magnificent, BUT, he was shaded by Fortuin!
Brilliant game lad, I did not see who was man of the match but he had to be a serious contender.
How useless was the Fidjian last night?
And poor old Pietersen… Look he might have the heart of a Lion, but someone needs to work on his defensive technique!
He will get donnered over every time! Physics have yet to prove that object A, weighing 100Kg’s and moving at 30km/h in one direction, will be stopped by object B, weighing 70Kg’s and moving at a similar speed in the other direction…
All that can be fixed though by coaching him a better technique on how to tackle…
As predicted, Province gave away too many penalties in the beginning of the match - the slow poison worked its magic.
Well done Cheetahs, you are back with a bang and the CC is still wide open…
Comment by PissAnt — September 9, 2006 @ 8:45 am
thanks donner
yeah pa
first game since 22 october 2005 that the cheetahs had really played with that intensity that is required to beat the best.
i do not believe that wp played badly- cheetahs just played a very balanced game plan very well.
the breakdown weakness - as exploited by province in the newlands game was nullified- and yes PA- although de waal is pulling his goal kicks- he had his best balnced game i ever saw of him in oranje 10.
i really hope the cheetahs play like this for the rest of the season- that will esure 50/50 games at start-up and the other team will have to be awesome in order to beat them
so if they do- they are worthy champions
good for our game.
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 10, 2006 @ 7:38 am
the cheers for watson seem to be less certain. anyone?
Comment by cab — September 10, 2006 @ 12:36 pm
hehehe cab
puke twatson got his arse handed to him on friday night
regardt struass was much mor effective from oranje 2 on the deck than king carmisarb himself
most likely heh had been reading to much newspapers and rugbyblogs lately
gifappelkie gio aplon was an intense threat however- that hawston boykie is good- very good
overberg rulz
Comment by Oranje Orakel — September 10, 2006 @ 3:59 pm
Cheetahs race past Province in Bloem
Friday September 08 2006
Three tries to one sees Cheetahs go top
The Cheetahs raced back to the top of the Currie Cup standings with a comprehensive and very impressive 28-13 victory over Western Province in their Round 11 match at Vodacom Park in Bloemfontein on Friday.
The Cheetahs, defending champions in South Africa's premier domestic competition, outscored Province by three tries to one in a game in which they dominated all aspects - set pieces, the breakdown, the running game and the scoreboard.
For Province it was one of those game they would rather forget. Not only have they lost their first place on the standings, but they actually slipped down to third place - with the Sharks having also moved past them on the standings.
The match, billed as a potential rehearsal for the Final, lived up to expectations at times, as the Cheetahs defended well and played expansively when it was on. The defending champions negated the potent WP loose trio by stealing a number of crucial turnovers.
This was a match of landmarks as the Cheetahs centre Chris Kruger ran out for the 100th game, Ollie le Roux for his 50th cap and Willem de Waal scored his 1000th first class point.
Hendrik Meyer had another outstanding game and is proving quite a find for the defending champions.
The Cheetahs fly-half, De Waal, landed two penalties in the opening 40 minutes, plus a conversion - while his opposite number, Naas Olivier, added a conversion and penalty.
After two early De Waal penalties (third and sixth minutes), Western Province scored the first try, when Bok scrum-half Bolla Conradie crossed the line in the 22nd minute.
It was try that completed a sublime move in which De Wet Barry put Gio Aplon into space with some slick passing in the tackle, with Aplon in turn offloading to Conradie.
But Michael Claassens responded minutes later with a try for the Cheetahs, a move in which the Cheetahs showed they too have some very skilled players. But it was the support play of the home side that secured this score.
Olivier slotted penalty in the 32nd minute and De Waal failed with one in the 38th - before the Cheetahs were denied by the TMO, with video replays showing that Alwyn Hollenbach's knee had touched the corner flag a millisecond before the replacement dotted down.
That left the Cheetahs with a three-point (13-10) lead at the break.
The Cheetahs then extended their lead through a try by Phillip Burger, who was put away by fullback Bevin Fortuin in the 45th minute.
Olivier again narrowed the gap with a 49th minute penalty, but De Waal replied with one in the 56th minute.
The game was sealed for the Cheetahs in the 67th minute, when Gaffie du Toit - cutting back on the angle - set Bevin Fortuin up with a try five metres from the touchline. De Waal added the conversion.
The Cheetahs then shut the visitors out for the last 12 minutes or so, as they continued to put WP under pressure and defending like demons to deny Province even a bonus point.
The scorers:
For the Cheetahs:
Tries: Claassens, Burger, Fortuin
Cons: De Waal 2
Pens: De Waal 3
For Western Province:
Try: Conradie
Con: Olivier
Pens: Olivier 2
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15 Bevin Fortuin, 14 Eddie Fredericks, 13 Chris Kruger, 12 Hendrik Meyer, 11 Gaffie du Toit, 10 Willem de Waal, 9 Michael Claassens, 8 Ryno van der Merwe, 7 Barend Pieterse, 6 Darron Nel, 5 Corniel van Zyl, 4 Rory Duncan, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Richardt Strauss, 1 Ollie le Roux (captain).
Replacements: 16 Wian du Preez, 17 Kobus Caldo, 18 Heinrich Brussouw, 19 Kabamba Floors, 20 Falie Oelschig, 21 Alwyn Hollenbach, 22 Phillip Burger.
Vodacom Western Province: 15 Gio Aplon, 14 Sireli Naqelevuki, 13 Corne Uys, 12 De Wet Barry, 11 Joe Pietersen, 10 Naas Olivier, 9 Bolla Conradie, 8 Robbie Diack, 7 Justin Melck, 6 Luke Watson (captain), 5 Gerrie Britz, 4 Francois van der Merwe, 3 Juan Harris, 2 Hanyani Shimange, 1 JD Moller.
Replacements: 16 Deon Fourie, 17 Schalk Ferreira, 18 Andries Bekker, 19 Francois Louw, 20 Pieter Louw, 21 Paul Delport, 22 Sarel Potgieter.
Referee: Marius Jonker (KwaZulu Natal)
Touch judges: Craig Joubert , Johann Meuwesen (Eastern Province)
Television match official: Shaun Veldsman (Boland)
Post a Comment
Friday September 08 2006
Three tries to one sees Cheetahs go top
The Cheetahs raced back to the top of the Currie Cup standings with a comprehensive and very impressive 28-13 victory over Western Province in their Round 11 match at Vodacom Park in Bloemfontein on Friday.
The Cheetahs, defending champions in South Africa's premier domestic competition, outscored Province by three tries to one in a game in which they dominated all aspects - set pieces, the breakdown, the running game and the scoreboard.
For Province it was one of those game they would rather forget. Not only have they lost their first place on the standings, but they actually slipped down to third place - with the Sharks having also moved past them on the standings.
The match, billed as a potential rehearsal for the Final, lived up to expectations at times, as the Cheetahs defended well and played expansively when it was on. The defending champions negated the potent WP loose trio by stealing a number of crucial turnovers.
This was a match of landmarks as the Cheetahs centre Chris Kruger ran out for the 100th game, Ollie le Roux for his 50th cap and Willem de Waal scored his 1000th first class point.
Hendrik Meyer had another outstanding game and is proving quite a find for the defending champions.
The Cheetahs fly-half, De Waal, landed two penalties in the opening 40 minutes, plus a conversion - while his opposite number, Naas Olivier, added a conversion and penalty.
After two early De Waal penalties (third and sixth minutes), Western Province scored the first try, when Bok scrum-half Bolla Conradie crossed the line in the 22nd minute.
It was try that completed a sublime move in which De Wet Barry put Gio Aplon into space with some slick passing in the tackle, with Aplon in turn offloading to Conradie.
But Michael Claassens responded minutes later with a try for the Cheetahs, a move in which the Cheetahs showed they too have some very skilled players. But it was the support play of the home side that secured this score.
Olivier slotted penalty in the 32nd minute and De Waal failed with one in the 38th - before the Cheetahs were denied by the TMO, with video replays showing that Alwyn Hollenbach's knee had touched the corner flag a millisecond before the replacement dotted down.
That left the Cheetahs with a three-point (13-10) lead at the break.
The Cheetahs then extended their lead through a try by Phillip Burger, who was put away by fullback Bevin Fortuin in the 45th minute.
Olivier again narrowed the gap with a 49th minute penalty, but De Waal replied with one in the 56th minute.
The game was sealed for the Cheetahs in the 67th minute, when Gaffie du Toit - cutting back on the angle - set Bevin Fortuin up with a try five metres from the touchline. De Waal added the conversion.
The Cheetahs then shut the visitors out for the last 12 minutes or so, as they continued to put WP under pressure and defending like demons to deny Province even a bonus point.
The scorers:
For the Cheetahs:
Tries: Claassens, Burger, Fortuin
Cons: De Waal 2
Pens: De Waal 3
For Western Province:
Try: Conradie
Con: Olivier
Pens: Olivier 2
Vodacom Cheetahs: 15 Bevin Fortuin, 14 Eddie Fredericks, 13 Chris Kruger, 12 Hendrik Meyer, 11 Gaffie du Toit, 10 Willem de Waal, 9 Michael Claassens, 8 Ryno van der Merwe, 7 Barend Pieterse, 6 Darron Nel, 5 Corniel van Zyl, 4 Rory Duncan, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Richardt Strauss, 1 Ollie le Roux (captain).
Replacements: 16 Wian du Preez, 17 Kobus Caldo, 18 Heinrich Brussouw, 19 Kabamba Floors, 20 Falie Oelschig, 21 Alwyn Hollenbach, 22 Phillip Burger.
Vodacom Western Province: 15 Gio Aplon, 14 Sireli Naqelevuki, 13 Corne Uys, 12 De Wet Barry, 11 Joe Pietersen, 10 Naas Olivier, 9 Bolla Conradie, 8 Robbie Diack, 7 Justin Melck, 6 Luke Watson (captain), 5 Gerrie Britz, 4 Francois van der Merwe, 3 Juan Harris, 2 Hanyani Shimange, 1 JD Moller.
Replacements: 16 Deon Fourie, 17 Schalk Ferreira, 18 Andries Bekker, 19 Francois Louw, 20 Pieter Louw, 21 Paul Delport, 22 Sarel Potgieter.
Referee: Marius Jonker (KwaZulu Natal)
Touch judges: Craig Joubert , Johann Meuwesen (Eastern Province)
Television match official: Shaun Veldsman (Boland)
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