Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Hi Cheetahs
Starting with passion!!!
Two games for the price of one……. SUPER 14 and VODACOM CUP
Join the Gauteng Cheetah Supporters Bus to and from Bloemfontein.
Only 24 seats available
Book before 1st February to secure your seats…. We leave at 10h00 Friday 10th February back home at 14h00 Saturday 11th February 2006.
All inclusive package: 1. Return bus trip. 2. Accommodation. 3. Breakfast 4. Entry to games.
5. Braai at the game.
6. Afterparty!!!!!!!!! at Mystic Boer
"Me & my Mate" package:
R1300 Per person sharing a room. ……not a bed!!!! Or
"Loner Ranger" package:
Price: R1 450 (own room) Or
"Supa Dupa" package:
R1 950 including own room, your Super 14 Jersey and Cheetahs Cap.
Fax your booking request with contact details to 0866 109 106, phoen me or email before 1st Feb to confirm.
Payment details will follow bookings.
Kobus van Rooyen Cheetahs Supporters Club 083 - 2777 955 011 - 477 3054
The Force is 'live

This arti from the official Western Force site, as part of OORB reporting on the use of technology to spread the game. Please note that Vodacom is the Tournament Sponsor in South Africa and Toohey's the sponsor in Australia.
Vodafone Joins Emirates Western Force
Tuesday, 31 January 2006
With less than two weeks to the start of the Tooheys New Super 14 season, the Emirates Western Force has kicked off 2006 with a major sponsorship partnership with Vodafone.
The sponsorship is part of a renewed three-year, multi million-dollar commitment to Australian rugby by Vodafone Australia.
In a first for Australian rugby, Vodafone will offer exclusive rugby content on Vodafone live!, including behind the scenes footage, interviews with players, match statistics and team updates.
Vodafone are on board with the Emirates Western Force
Vodafone has a strong track record of supporting winning teams such as Ferrari and the Emirates Western Force believes it will make a major contribution to that winning culture.
RugbyWA chief executive Peter O'Meara said Vodafone had always been a big supporter of rugby and he was thrilled the company had renewed its ties with the game.
"The Emirates Western Force believes that its partnership with a national brand of Vodafone's stature, which has a reputation for supporting it sponsorships with strong promotional activity, will generate a positive result for us both," O'Meara said.
General Manager of Vodafone WA, Darren Hayes said; "Vodafone, like many of its customers, has been a passionate supporter of Australian rugby for many years and we are excited to renew our ties with the rugby community.
"We want to bring this sponsorship to life for our customers and rugby supporters. Whether it's on their handset or at the game we will deliver a bigger, better rugby experience."
Through this sponsorship Vodafone also plans to strengthen ties with businesses, well known supporters of rugby.
"The SOHO and SME markets are a key focus for growth in 2006. We are rapidly expanding our products and services and plan to relate the benefits of the mobile through this sponsorship," Hayes added.
Existing customers will also have access to 'money can't buy' rugby experiences through Vodafone's customer loyalty reward program, Delight.
The partnership, which lifts the level of corporate support for Rugby to an all-time high, sees Vodafone take up the exclusive telecommunications sponsorship of the Wallabies, ACT Brumbies, QLD Reds and the Emirates Western Force, as well as becoming the sleeve sponsor for the NSW Waratahs.

28/01/2006 17:26 - (SA)
Telkom sit TV-aas aan sy hoek om breëband uit te brei
Telkom het nie aspirasies om hom as 'n televisiemaatskappy van formaat te vestig nie, maar soek eerder maniere waarop hy die gebruikers van breëbandtegnologie kan aanspoor om die bandwydte tot hul beskikking baie meer te gebruik.
En wêreldwyd is die ervaring dat die beskikbaarheid van mediadienste soos televisie, musiek en radio een van die suksesvolste maniere is om die benutting van breëbandtegnologie te bevorder.
Só sê mnr. Ricus Matthyser, die uitvoerende amptenaar van Telkom se afdeling vir nuwe sake, oor die nuus dat Telkom begin het met 'n aanvoorprogram om die lewensvatbaarheid van televisie-uitsendings oor Telkom se ASDL-breëbandlyne te toets.
Volgens hom gaan die toenemende gebruik van die bandwydte noodwendig daartoe lei dat die koste verbonde daaraan verminder.
Sowat 300 mense neem deel aan die aanvoorprojek wat Telkom saam met Microsoft en Alcatel onderneem.
Matthyser sê ervaring wereldwyd het reeds getoon dat die gebruik van breëbandtegnologie besonder geskik is vir mediadienste omdat dit baie meer geleenthede skep vir interaktiewe deelname deur die gebruikers as byvoorbeeld satelliettegnologie wat tans op groot skaal in Suid-Afrika gebruik word.
Die beskikbare tegnologie sal dit nie net vir gebruikers moontlik maak om toegang tot 'n onbeperkte getal televisiekanale te kry nie, maar die gebruiker sal onder meer na rolprente van sy eie keuse kan kyk wanneer hy wil en self kan besluit na watter televisieprogramme hy wil kyk en wanneer, ongeag van die skedule van die kanale wat die programme uitsaai.
En dan praat 'n mens nie eens van die magdom gebruike soos om na musiek en radioprogramme van jou keuse te luister, en musiek af te laai wanneer jy wil nie. "En jy kan na die musiek in surround sound op jou tuisvermaaksentrum luister, en nie meer oor die rekenaar se luidsprekers nie."
Die uiteinde gaan wees dat die gebruiker uiteindelik teen 'n billike prys 'n enkele pakket kan koop wat aan hom telefoondienste, internettoegang en unieke mediadienste sal bied.
Hoewel Microsoft en Alcatel betrokke is by die toetsprogram, is hul deelname gegrond op verskaffingskontrakte. Albei is groot verskaffers aan Telkom.
Microsoft se Media Centre-programmatuur is ook die instrument waarmee verbruikers se rekenaars en ander toerusting uiteindelik verbind gaan wees aan die netwerk waarop die mediadienste beskikbaar is.
Telkom het reeds in samewerking met Mecer besluit om die Media Centre, wat 'n rekenaar insluit, gratis te verskaf aan die sowat 6 000 gebruikers van Telkom se gevorderdste breëbandpakket om dit vir hulle moontlik te maak om met hul breëbandwydte toegang tot mediadienste te kry.
Matthyser sê die aanvoorprojek is nie soseer daarop gemik om te kyk of so 'n projek tegnologies lewensvatbaar is nie, want "ons weet reeds dat die tegnologie elders werk".
Die doel is eerder om te bepaal in watter mediadienste Suid-Afrikaners belang stel en of dit lewensvatbaar is om dié dienste vir hulle te bied.
"Ons soek aantwoorde op vrae soos of dit nog nodig is om 'n televisiekanaal wat rolprente uitsaai beskikbaar te stel, as die verbruiker sy eie rolprente uit 'n biblioteek kan kies."
Oor die vraag of Telkom sy eie programme gaan uitsaai, of sy netwerk vir iemand anders beskikbaar gaan stel, sê Matthyser dat besluite soos dié nog ná die aanvoorprojek geneem moet word.
" 'n Mens sal moet aanvaar dat Telkom minstens sekere uitsaaigeriewe sal moet inrig om die mediadienste te lewer en dat dit miljoene rande se beleggings sal vereis."
Hy sê Telkom gesels reeds met die televisiegroepe in Suid-Afrika, terwyl hy ook al talle aanbiedings gekry het van ander partye wat inhoud wil verskaf.
Claassen sê die ervaring in die buiteland het getoon dat van die groot telekommunikasiegroepe in Amerika en Europa, wat reeds televisie oor breéband beskikbaar stel, besluit het om die televisie-uitsendings self te bestuur.
So het die Amerikaanse groep SBC, wat tot onlans 'n aandeelhouer in Telkom was, sy diens met 200 kanale geskep met die mikpunt om dit tot sowat 1 000 uit te brei.
Oor die een vraag wat die skeptici dikwels vra - of Suid-Afrika se breëbandspoed vinnig genoeg is om 'n doeltreffende televisiediens aan te bied - sê Matthyser dat die 3 gigagreep per maand wat tans vir Telkom se breëbandkliënte beskikbaar is, meer as genoeg is om vir televisiedienste te gebruik.
Hy voorsien dus nie bykomende groot beleggings in nog breëbandwydte nie, maar sê dat dit uitgebrei sal word namate die behoefte daaraan ontstaan.
In Australië word bepaalde mediadienste selfs oor inbel-internetdienste beskikbaar gestel.
Telkom beskik oor 270 000 internetkliënte waarvan 120 000 ASDL-lyne het, wat beteken daar is reeds 'n grondslag vir 'n netwerk wat die grense van vermaak in Suid-Afrika in die afsienbare toekoms gaan verskuif.

These articles from www.volksblad.com

‘Cheetah-span beïndruk meer’
Jan 31 2006 02:15:06:847AM - (SA)
Herbert Pretorius
KAAPSTAD. – Die Vodacom-Cheetahs is meer indrukwekkend as die Stormers en die Katte, sê mnr. Pieter de Villiers.
Dié rugbyafrigter van die Suidelike Spiese se streekspan het in losmakers teen die Cheetahs, Katte en die Stormers gespeel.

Ofskoon De Villiers se span teen die Stormers die grootste van sy nederlae in sy kragmetings met Suid-Afrikaanse Super 14-spanne gely het, beskou hy mnr. Rassie Erasmus se hartlandspan as die indrukwekkendste.
“Wat my betref, was die Cheetahs die bes georganiseerde en gestruktureerde span.
“Hulle het met groter doelgerigtheid gespeel en het die basiese aspekte van die spel beter onder die knie gehad,” sê De Villiers.
Die Stormers sal hul dissipline blitsvinnig moet opknap of dít gaan hulle duur in die Super 14-reeks te staan kom.
Heel ironies is dit die mening van ’n afrigter wie se span die naweek in Wellington kwaai gestraf is weens húl ongedissiplineerdheid.
De Villiers glo die Stormers het deurgaans met moord weggekom in hul oorwinning van 73-5 oor die Suidoos-Kapenaars.
“Die skeidsregter (mnr. Marius Jonker) het die Stormers geen gunste bewys deur hulle nié te straf weens hul knaende oortredings in die losskrums en -gemale nie.
“Die Stormers het die bal deurlopend op die grond gespeel en boonop van die kante af ingestorm gekom. Oorsese skeidsregters het hulle in die verlede met heelwat kaarte vir presies dieselfde oortredings gestraf.
“Ongelukkig het my spelers weens die Stormers se ontoelaatbare spel die josie in geraak en is húlle gestraf.
“Toe al ons spelers op die veld was, het die Stormers min deurdringingsvermoë getoon. Trouens, die druk op hulle is eers verlig toe hulle teen minder spelers te staan gekom het.
“Die Stormers se agterlyn, met al sy Springbokke, het aanvanklik ook nie hond haaraf gemaak teen ons nie.
“Die Katte se grootste probleem lê by die verdediging van hul agterlyn. In hul wedstryd teen ons, was dít uiters verdag.”
De Villiers, wat die Suid-Afrikaanse o.21-span verlede jaar tot Wêreldbeker-glorie help voer het, het ook ’n mening oor die Stormers se veelbesproke vaste vyf.
“Hulle was nie sleg nie, maar gaan nie sommer ander pakke in die Super 14-reeks oorheers nie. En dít is kommerwekkend, want as die pak nie vorentoe gaan nie, gaan ’n aanvallende haker soos Schalk Brits ook aan bande gelê word.”
Volgens De Villiers is dit ook problematies dat die Stormers se buite-agterspelers te min besit op die voorvoet kry.
“Die buite-agterspelers kry die bal onder druk en vind dit dan moeilik om iets uitgerig te kry. Dít was verlede jaar ook Westelike Provinsie se probleem.
De Villiers meen ’n deel van die probleem lê ook by Peter Grant.
“Hy gee eenvoudig nie genoeg rigting aan die agterlyn nie. Dit vertel buitendien ’n storie as die span wat met krummels vir besit tevrede moet wees se losskakel die grootste indruk maak.”
De Villiers het hier verwys na Isma-eel Dollie, voorheen van WP, se blink vertoning teen sy meer geroemde teenstanders.
Dié uitgesproke breier wou nie ’n mening oor die Bulle en die Haaie se kanse in die Super 14-reeks huldig nie, aangesien hy hulle nog nie vanjaar in aksie gesien het nie.
Oranje Orakel lees elke oggend die Volksblad. teken sommer vandag in en kry elke oggend jou eie koerant op jou voorstoep
These articles from www.volksblad.com
Cheetahs vestig hoop nie net op losskakels
Jan 31 2006 02:14:59:240AM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
DIE rugbyspan van die Vodacom-Cheetahs sal nie maklik in die strik trap deur al sy hoop slegs op die skopskoene van Willem de Waal en Meyer Bosman te vestig nie.
De Waal en Bosman (albei losskakels) het in die oefenwedstryde teen die Western Force en Treviso uitstekend na die pale gekorrel.
Bosman was die enigste wat een keer teen Treviso skeef gekorrel het, terwyl die res deur hom en De Waal in die kol was.
De Waal was boonop die vorige twee jare die voorste puntemaker in die Curriebeker-reeks, terwyl Bosman in Europa selfs die Bokke se stelskopwerk by Percy Montgomery (heelagter) oorgeneem het.
Voordat Bosman verlede jaar sy kans as plaasvervanger op Curriebeker-vlak vir die Vrystaat gekry het, was hy die voorste puntemaker in SA Rugby se o.21-reeks.
Die Cheetahs is in die verdere bevoorregte posisie dat Gaffie du Toit (heelagter) voorheen die Bokke se eerstekeuse-stelskopper was. Du Toit het teen Treviso met ’n doelskop geslaag.
Barry Goodes, wat ’n aanspraakmaker vir ’n plek op binnesenter is, het vir sy klubspan, Shimlas, op losskakel uitgedraf en die stelskopwerk behartig.
Selfs Falie Oelschig (skrumskakel) het ’n geleerde skopskoen. Oelschig het teen Treviso sy agttal met sy lang kantlynskoppe op die voorvoet gehou en hy het al op Curriebeker-vlak suksesvol die stelskopwerk as kaptein van die SWD-Arende behartig.
Oelschig kan in noodgevalle die stelskopwerk oorneem, hoewel hy na verwagting op die bank sal sit, met Michael Claassens wat skerp vertoon.
“Ons moet nie net op ons stelskopwerk vertrou nie,” sê mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs.
“Franco (Smith, agterlynafrigter) oefen kliphard aan dié spelers se skopwerk en ek is tevrede met hul korrelwerk,” sê die Cheetah-breier.
Dié losskakels se skopwerk gee die Cheetahs nietemin baie vertroue voordat die hartlandspan op 10 Februarie teen die Bulle in ’n Super 14-wedstryd speel. Hoewel die Cheetahs vanweë die belangrikheid van bonuspunte beklemtoon het hulle wil drieë in die Super 14 behaal, sal stelskopwerk uiteindelik die koring van die kaf skei.
Teen Treviso het die hartlandspan met sewe drieë onderstreep hy kan meer bonuspunte as wat verwag word in die Super 14 inoes.
Smith gee nie net aandag aan Bosman-hulle se skopwerk nie, maar Bevin Fortuin (heelagter) en al die Cheetah-senters moet weekliks vir skop-oefeninge by dié agterlynafrigter aanmeld.
Die Cheetahs weet stelskopwerk sal veral teen die Bulle belangrik wees, omdat die Noord-Gautengers goeie losskakels in Derick Hougaard en Morné Steyn het.
Mnr. Vlokkie Cilliers is die Bulle se skopafrigter.
Oranje Orakel lees elke oggend die Volksblad. teken sommer vandag in en kry elke oggend jou eie koerant op jou voorstoep
Monday, January 30, 2006

Hierdie storie vanaf www.volksblad.com
Ollie en Os ruik kruit teen Bulle
Jan 29 2006 10:09:36:277PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
WELKOM. – Noem die naam Bulle en dit is asof Ollie le Roux kruit ruik, die bloed kan proe en die adrenalien voel pomp.
Gooi die naam van Os du Randt sommer in dieselfde hoed as Le Roux s’n.
Dit is asof dié Bok-loskopstutte as ’t ware hul peil met minstens 30% verbeter wanneer hulle teen die Bulle speel of met hul voorbereiding vir die Vodacom-Cheetahs se rugbywedstryd teen die Noord-Gautengers besig is.
Saterdag se Cheetah-sege van 52-11 hier oor die Italiaanse kampioenspan, Treviso, is ’n sprekende voorbeeld van Le Roux-hulle se verbeterde vorm.
Mnr. Rassie Erasmus (breier) glimlag ook breed oor Wian du Preez (loskopstut) se inklimspel teen Treviso voordat die Cheetahs op 10 Februarie in Bloemfontein in ’n Super 14-wedstryd teen die Bulle op die veld draf.
Erasmus het Le Roux egter ná die wedstryd teen Treviso uitgesonder.
“Ollie is ’n speler van wêreldgehalte.
“Hy kan in enige posisie in die voorry sak,” sê Erasmus.
“Ollie het in die laaste drie wedstryde (met CJ van der Linde wat beseer is) op vaskopstut gespeel en hom goed van sy taak gekwyt.
“Sy houding is van groot waarde vir die span,” sê Erasmus.
Van der Linde behoort vandeesweek weer volstoom aan die Cheetah-oefeninge deel te neem.
“ ’n Mens moet onthou Ollie het in 1994 op haker vir die Bokke gespeel. Sy toegewydheid is ’n voorbeeld vir die res van sy spanmaats.
“Hy is ’n ongelooflike speler,” sê Erasmus.
Die Cheetah-skrumwerk was uitmuntend teen Treviso, en Du Preez, Le Roux en Du Randt het ’n groot bydrae gelewer. Du Randt se plettervatte het ’n mens boonop aan sy goeie peil in 1995 herinner.
“Ons skrums was nie goed teen die Western Force nie, maar ek het altyd geweet ’n agttal kan sy krag en tegniek nie oornag kwyt wees nie.
“Ek dink dit was ’n geval van swak konsentrasie teen die Western Force.
“Daar was nie baie skrums teen Treviso nie, maar ons het op hul ingooi goeie druk op hulle geplaas,” volgens die Cheetah-breier.
Le Roux het sy waarde reeds in verlede jaar se Curriebeker-eindstryd beklemtoon.
Hy is ’n speler wat sielkundige houe kan uitdeel, maar terselfdertyd bereid is om sy wang te draai as hy aan die ontvangkant is. Hy weet presies hoe om die vonk aan sy spanmaats op belangrike tye in die wedstryd te verskaf.
Ná drie oefenwedstryde bestaan min twyfel dat die Cheetah-stutfaktor, met Le Roux aan die voorpunt, ’n groot faktor in die Super 14 sal bly.
Die taai mededinging wat Du Preez aan dié twee Bokke op loskopstut bied, sal verder verseker dat Le Roux en Du Randt se aandag nog nie op hul pensioengeld gerig word nie, maar eerder om die man in die saal in die nommereen-trui te wees.
Follow the Money
Ford is to close 14 plants and shed 25 30,000 jobs. Most would seem to be in the USA, but that is bad news for more than just Ford employees in America. Every new car needs tyres, spark plugs and light bulbs, so there will be a downturn among suppliers. When America sneezes, the rest of us catch a cold.
Do not lose sight of this chilling fact, Dubya has borrowed more money than every other President, from George Washington to Bill Clinton, combined. Dubya has turned a budget surplus into a trillion dollar deficit and it is planned to increase. America is borrowing from nations which save their money and it will end in tears. Debts have to be repaid and to do that countries have to sell things. America's two largest manufacturers, Ford and General Motors, are facing bankruptcy. If they were not who they are, where they are, neither would be in business.
Before the end of 2006, Toyota will have overtaken The General to become the world's most prolific maker of vehicles. GM is basically bankrupt and, unlike Ford, has yet to address its problems. It used to be said that what is good for General Motors is good for America and that was probably true, but the downside is what is bad for General Motors...
Despite this, I have seen it suggested, on another website, that GM should consider Formula One as part of its revival strategy. This would be like trying to douse a fire with petrol. Besides, what name would be used when you have a choice of Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, Saab, Holden, Vauxhall and Opel?
Ford has factories everywhere and it also owns roughly a quarter of Mazda (the Ford Cougar coupé used a Mazda platform, the result was dire). The Ford Puma coupé of 1997 was designed in Britain, on a Fiesta platform, and made in Spain. The engines however, needed a special treatment and, since the production was only 5,000 units a year, all the engine blocks were shipped to Yamaha in Japan, then shipped back to Spain.
Ford still makes a profit in Europe, and in South America, but it is failing in North America. Fuel and steel prices are rising, partly because China has entered the world market in a big way. American customers are turning away from large engined trucks and SUVs because, increasingly, they do not make economic sense. Furthermore, cars made for the North American market rarely have an application elsewhere.
Ten years ago Chrysler introduced its Neon saloon to the UK. On paper it looked a bargain, it had all the bells and whistles at a keen price. On value for money, it was swell, but it bombed because it had no virtue as a machine to drive. It was fine on an American freeway, with a 55 mph speed limit, but damn all use where I live, where the roads have corners and lots of them.
Pitpass is about motor racing, and as I keep saying, motor racing is not fuelled by petrol, it's fuelled by money. Ford has been the most creative contributor to all branches of the sport for more than 40 years. Le Mans, Indianapolis, F1, F2, F3, Formula Junior, saloons, various and manifold, let's not forget the great Ford/BMW battles of the early 1970s, plus rallies and, of course all the various Ford formulae. Ford has been great for motor sport and motor sport has been great for Ford.
At the beginning of 1959 you could still buy, in Britain, the Ford Popular, which looked like a Gothic chapel on wheels. Its specification was from an earlier age: sidevalve engine, beam front axle, cable brakes, three speed gearbox (with a throw measured in feet) and vacuum operated windscreen wipers. The wipers were swell, they worked okay on the flat at a constant speed, but if you came to a hill, you had to drop a gear and take a run at it. The harder you pushed on the loud pedal, the slower the wipers went, until they stopped. This was not what you needed on a dark and wet night with headlights that hardly got beyond the front bumper.
By the end of the same year you could buy the 105E Anglia with an engine which was a class leader. The Anglia also had a four speed transmission and for the next decade road testers would compare all gear changes, no matter how expensive the car, to the sweetness of the Ford 'box. None surpassed the transmission in what became the cheapest Ford. Ford led the way with it most inexpensive model, it beat Ferrari, Porsche and Aston Martin, the Ford gearbox was the business.
That 105E engine, with assistance from Cosworth, swept Formula Junior and established the dominance of the British motor racing industry because it killed off all the small constructors elsewhere.
Ford realised that a major influence in sales was the guy in every office who 'knew all about cars'. Suddenly Ford was getting a great name and we had landmarks like the Lotus Cortina, the Mustang and, in due time, the Sierra Cosworth. Forty years on and the Mustang is the Hollywood director's car of choice to portray a slightly off the wall hero, Aiden Quinn drives one in Conviction. Tom Cruise has a Mustang in The War Of The Worlds. The Shelby 450 GT version was top of Nicholas Cage's list in Gone In 60 Seconds while, in the TV series, Spenser For Hire, 'Spenser' (Robert Ulrich) was given a Mustang though he doesn't drive one in the books.
I don't even have to mention James Bond (two movies) and Bullitt, I am talking only about Mustangs at least 30 years old, but still the coolest car on the block. Tom Cruise drives an old car in War Of The Worlds and it marks him out as the special guy who will do something about those pesky Martians. A Camero of similar vintage would not send the same signal even though it is, on balance, the better car.
Ford was recently in Formula One through Jaguar Racing. The writing was on the wall when Bill Ford III demanded to know who the heck was Eddie Irvine, his company's top paid employee. When the COE has not heard of the leader of Ford's F1 team, the F1 team is doomed.
It is always the same, a few guys in senior positions, wanted the paddock passes and the cred. Various factions in Ford had been playing off each other like courtiers fawning around a Renaissance prince. One day the prince said, 'I am Bill Ford III. I am the prince. I am in charge.' Courtiers (aka suits) were sent home to tend their estates,
A problem faced by Ford and General Motors when producing in North America, is the deals struck with the union, United Auto Workers. Both companies are signed to welfare and pension schemes. In the case of Ford, that represents a layout of US$ three billion per year, or $1,000 per car. GM's bill, pro rata, is about the same. Between them, they will lay out $8 billion in 2006 on medical care and pensions, once they have done that, then they can think about making a profit.
In mature European countries, health care is free to the individual (it is not actually free, since it is paid for through taxation). If I am taken ill in Paris, I will receive excellent health care from a local hospital and the same is true if a person from France if taken ill in my city. Nobody will ask, 'How are you paying'? Both of us have already paid.
On New Year's Eve, The Times speculated that within 12 months Ford and/or General Motors may have to apply for bankruptcy protection. UAW had negotiated a small reduction (less than 4%) in medical care cost and this had received the backing of 51% of the membership. Some members, however, are claiming that the vote was rigged and want to go to court. If that happens, the true condition of either company could be exposed. Both are broke. A recent poll showed that 74% of American consumers would not buy a car from a company under bankruptcy protection. If either Ford or GM had to apply for protection, they would be finished,
Ford and GM are kept alive by banks, to whom they owe hundreds of billions of dollars. If Henry and The General fall, banks will fall. The whole American economy could collapse. That was not funny in 1929 and it would be even less funny in 2006. If you have a pension plan, it will be linked in some way to the American economy.
American unions are powerful, but then their fight for recognition is recent and, often, was bitter. In the 1920s, Henry Ford himself sanctioned the hire of gangsters to break union picket lines and you do not hire men with broken noses for their persuasive diplomacy. There are historical reasons why the unions are wary of management.
Another factor in all this is China. Ford and GM have both invested in China and last year, GM made nearly 250,000 vehicles there. Volkswagen, which has been in China for nigh on 20 years, made almost twice as many. BMW is in China, in partnership with Brilliance. Honda is in China, like it or not, a Chinese company has copied Honda designs.
The Chinese government has a relaxed attitude to copying, ask Microsoft. China represents itself as a modern nation, but it is a hotbed of piracy.
At present, China is servicing its home market with cars, but in about five years time it will begin to export. The effect will surely be like the arrival of Japanese cars. Nothing could compete with Japanese cars when they first arrived in Europe. For a start, they came laden with what were otherwise optional extras', such as a radio. It was economic sense to put a radio in every car when they were being sent by sea 12,000 miles. You bought a Japanese car from the showroom, you did not order one, ticking a box for a radio and paying extra. You did not go through a list of colour options, you chose a red one, or a blue one, and the prices were so keen nobody argued.
My DVD player became temperamental recently so I added a new DVD player to my shopping basket at a local supermarket, along with the bread, the eggs and the orange juice. It cost less than the recommended retail price of a Harry Potter DVD, bung it in the basket. Not only that, but in every way it is superior to the DVD player I junked. I cannot find 'Made In China' anywhere on it, but it was made in China. In small letters on the box is 'Made in PRC' (People's Republic of China). The word 'China' does not actually appear.
In 2003, it cost $34 per hour to employ a car worker in the USA and $2 an hour to employ one in China. A car worker in the USA is covered for their medical care, but there is no such obligation in China. Until recently, a Chinese worker received medical care as a matter of right, China was a down the line Marxist state, but now the individual must pay. Much of the population cannot afford to pay.
On BBC World Service recently I heard a heart rending interview with a Chinese peasant farmer. His wife is dying of cancer and she needs treatment he cannot afford. His only option is to rise early and pick herbs in the hope that a folk remedy may alleviate her condition. Herbs do not cure cancer, she needs chemotherapy, or surgery, but herbs is all the guy can offer. Not long ago, his wife would have been treated, free to the individual, with the best medical care his region could offer.
Think of this man, and his wife, and their children, when next you see effusive coverage from Shanghai for something as unimportant as a motor race.
We have an irony in that American car workers, in a capitalist state, have negotiated medical care and China, still a one party, nominally Marxist, state, has withdrawn the healthcare that we, in Europe, take for granted.
Recently, we in the West, followed the story of miners trapped in a coal mine in West Virginia. That wouldn't make the news in China because, literally, it happens every day. Thirteen coal miners are killed in China every single day, 365 days a year. Yup, that means more than 4,000 killed in 2005. It's amazing what you pick up from BBC World Service.
China is operating sweatshop conditions so the rest of the world can enjoy goods cheaper than I have known in my lifetime. My DVD player cost a twelfth of what I paid for a basic VCR (no remote) 20 years ago.
Of course, the Chinese are stealing the markets. We in the West beat our brows over children in sweatshops, but how did we become rich? It was through exactly the same process. In Britain we had women and children, as young as four, down coal mines. Mill workers were often slaves in all but name. There were slaves in America's Deep South who had an easier time than some of my forebears. It was better to be a black butler in a big house on a Georgia plantation than it was to be a mill worker, or a miner, in Britain. Freedom? Who had the greater freedom? Was it the butler, an essential pivot in a great house, or was it the kid, apparently free, who was chained to a loom? Who ate better? Who wore the better clothes? Who had more authority?
Of course, the butler could be sold, in theory, but nobody is going to sell a good butler. On the other hand, kid loses an arm in a machine, sack the kid. The kid will be 'free', free to beg on the streets or become a thief,
Ever read John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath? If not, you should. Steinbeck could write like an angel on occasion, and this is such an occasion. The novel tells of the exploitation of migrant workers in America, and it happened within living memory.
Britain was the first to exploit workers, because we created the Industrial Revolution, but everyone else has followed the pattern. In our case, one of the main prongs was the mass production of cotton goods. We did not care who else we made poor, people using hand looms, our mills took cotton thread and made it into cloth, which we sold round the world.
China is an ecological disaster, but then so was 19th Century London and New York. Actually, both cities were ecological disasters until recently. Want to understand exploitation of labour? Watch On The Waterfront. The same things happened in ports in Britain, but Hollywood once tackled big issues. There was a time when Hollywood was not about the hero running in slow motion from the explosion and somehow not being lacerated from flying glass, metal or brick,
China is doing what the UK and the USA once did. It is making products which undercut the market and it is using the same exploitative techniques which we once used as a matter of course and have conveniently forgotten.
Recently I bought a new TV, flat screen, 28", no bell unrung and no whistle unblown. On the front is the name 'Bush'. My family had a Bush radio in 1948, it is a name with resonance for me. Bush stands for sturdy men, men who smoke pipes and who perhaps maintain a pigeon loft. It has 'Bush' on the front, but it was made in China. If it wasn't made in China, I couldn't have afforded it.
I think that we in the West should buy while we can because China is headed for crisis. After nearly sixty years of Marxism, its banking system is fragile. No matter what else the British did, we left India with a sound infrastructure and cricket. China does not have a sound financial infrastructure, and there is something else, it has no trade unions.
When I was a teacher, I made sure that a union was behind me before I entered a classroom, It was good advice from a fine Headteacher. I never needed the union, but it was always behind me. I have a friend, a teacher, who did need her union, and her union delivered. I am a union man.
China does not have independent trade unions, but it will. There are an estimated 190 million migrant Chinese workers (they have moved within China to obtain work) and 48% of them (more than 90 million workers) have not received their contracted wages, many have not been paid at all. Ninety million is an awful lot of pissed off people. It's roughly the population of the UK and Scandinavia, plus Holland and Belgium.
When Formula One visits Shanghai, TV presenters (who are put up in five star hotels) gush about the economic miracle. They never mention the 4,000 miners who die each year, the 90 million who haven't been paid or the hundreds of millions who cannot afford basic health care which, once, was free. No government can contain that level of discontent for long.
China is trying to be both a Marxist state and a free enterprise zone. That is a recipe for disaster unless you have an internal buffer, such as an independent union movement along with, in parallel, an independent media. Google has done a deal with China and the big news is that while it will censor websites critical of the Chinese leadership, it will tell the Chinese user that they have been denied access. This is supposed to be progress?
The big question is, which will collapse first, China or America? Ford and General Motors are essentially bankrupt, therefore America is bankrupt. America is borrowing money to service its military and, one day, will have to redeem the loans. China cannot continue its present course because someone, one day, will say, "This ain't right". Such a thought was the start for Chairman Mao.
I think it is a race between America and China as to be the first to implode.
The overall winner will be India. India has been catching up with China. India has many problems, but it does have a solid infrastructure, it is a democracy and it has a free press. There are all sorts of problems involving corruption, but the basic structure is sound.
America used to have a sound infrastructure, China never has had one. China has never been more than a lot of people sharing the same land mass. Did you know, for example, that the staple grain for a third of Chinese is not rice, but millet? Try ordering millet with your Chop Suey and egg roll.
The other thing about dealing with India, as we will have to, is that Indians are crazy about cricket. I think we English may have a slight advantage there, we know about 'deep gully' and 'silly mid off', and Johnny Frenchman, and Kurt der Kraut, has no idea what we're talking about. I suggest that we keep it that way.
In the meantime, buy all the cheap stuff you can and then sit back and watch the firework display as Chine and America battle to be the first to implode. Please remember, you read it first on Pitpass.com.
Mike Lawrence
Friday, January 27, 2006
When in Melbourne-

The official Force website reports as follows:
Emirates Western Force on Crusade in Melbourne
Tuesday, 24 January 2006CRFU/RugbyWA

David Fitter and Reuben Thorne will lock horns in Melbourne on Saturday
Melbourne's Olympic Park Stadium will be transformed into a battleground on Saturday January 28 for a pre-season match-up between the world's strongest provincial rugby union team, the Crusaders, and Tooheys New Super 14 newcomers, the Emirates Western Force.
The match, a Crusaders home game, will be a baptism of fire for the squad as they take to the field for the first time against an established Super 14 team. The club from Canterbury won five Super 12 titles, and are the reigning champions.
Melbourne-born tight head prop David Fitter is looking forward to playing his first match in front of his home crowd since joining the Emirates Western Force and becoming a Wallaby in the 2005 Northern Hemisphere tour.
"It's exciting to be part of a new team and even more exciting for me to play in front of my home crowd," Fitter said. "While the pressure on the team to win is less intense than it would otherwise be during the season, all players need to prove they are ready to play their position. This will mean a creative and skilful game for sports fans."
With the recent sell-out of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games Rugby 7's finals and the hype surrounding the pending English tour in Melbourne, organisers expect a bumper crowd to fill Melbourne Olympic Park.

Restoring "Pride"

Another cut & paste jobbie, this time from www.rugby365.com, from the pen of Jan de Koning
Stormers to restore 'lost pride'
Thursday January 26 2006
'It's important to start well'
The Stormers, after a dismal 2005 when they finished ninth on the Super 12 standings, are out to restore their lost pride in the inaugural Super 14 and reproduce the form that saw them reach the semi-finals in 1999 and 2004.
As the Cape franchise head into their second and final pre-season outing, against the Southern Spears in Wellington on Saturday, the coaching staff and players emphasised the importance of a solid start to the tournament.
That means getting off to a winning start in Round One, against the Cats in Johannesburg on February 11.
Hooker Hanyani Shimange, who will start the season as the Stormers' first choice hooker after a couple of years on the bench, made no secret of the fact that being on top of the Super 14 standings is their main priority.
"Yes, there is the issue of relegation in the South African set-up, but we're not concerned about that," Shimange said.
"We are looking forward to the season, and t is pretty exciting, because it's a fresh start for everyone ... with the new management team," the Bok hooker said.
"We are just hoping to bring the Stormers back to what they were a couple of years ago."
Asked how he feels about the possibility that he could even be first choice in the Bok team, with Bok captain and hooker John Smit still on the injury list, he said that is also not his focus at the moment.
"I've got a job to do on the field and that is to do well for the Stormers and hopefully we'll be No.1 team on the log," he said.
Bok star Schalk Burger, who will lead the Stormers against the Spears on Saturday, also said the Stormers have something to prove after last year's dismal showing in the Super 12.
"We've got a job to do this year," Burger said. "I'm very excited about this year, because we have a point to prove as the Stormers and we still got to play for our Springbok spots>"
He added that Saturday's outing in Wellington is vital in terms of the team's preparations.
"It is our last game before the Super 14 start and it is our last opportunity to try out a few things. We have to get our structures in place and build up some confidence."
But he warned that the Spears should not be underestimated.
"The Spears will give it a full go. They are a bunch of young, talented guys and it is an opportunity for them to steal the spotlight and become famous."
Coach Kobus van der Merwe also warned against the dangers of underestimating the Spears, South Africa's Super 14 team in waiting.
Despite losing 48-0 to the Cheetahs and 29-11 to the Cats, Van der Merwe feels they will have a lot to offer on Saturday.
"They're a very young team and even though they've only been together since the beginning of the season, they don't lack any enthusiasm and spirit," Van der Merwe said. "They gave the Cats a hard time last week in East London and you can't underestimate anyone.
"It is important for us to start well and this is the last contact game for us before the Cats [Round One of the Super 14], so we're not going to go out there and just chuck everything around.
"We want to play to our structures, and what we've practiced over last two weeks, so the guys can go into the Cats game with confidence.
"They [the Spears] have a point to prove in terms of their participation [in the Super 14 next year]. We know they'll come with everything they've got, and we won't underestimate them,"
By Jan de Koning
Verdediging is belangrik
Man wat span glo besteel, aangekeer
Jan 24 2006 11:02:03:677PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
DIE Vodacom-Cheetahs se plettervatte word nie sonder rede as die voorste lakwerk deur enige Suid-Afrikaanse rugbyspan beskou nie.
Selfs nie ’n glibberige grypdief kon ’n gaping in die Cheetahs se verdedigingslinie vind nie.
Die vermeende dief, ’n 20-jarige jong man van Bloemfontein, het verlede week sy eerste verskyning by die oefening van die Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs by die Oud-Greys-velde in Bloemfontein gemaak.
Hy het toe na bewering verskeie spelers se drafskoene, selfone en horlosies gesteel.
Maandag was hy terug en het hy glo Hannru Haupt, flank van die Vrystaat, se drafskoene, horlosie en selfoon gesteel. Mnr. Jaco Peyper, bestuurder van die Cheetah-spanne, het toe die Vodacom-Cheetahs se gebruiklike veiligheidswag, mnr. Ernst Koalane, aangesê om gistermiddag se oefening op die Oud-Greys-velde by te woon.
Die jong man het sy kans gesien en na bewering mnr. Charl Strydom, ’n tegniese raadgewer van die Cheetahs, se videokamera gesteel. Koalane het sy oog op die man gerig gehad en hom naby ’n bekende pandjieswinkel geplettervat.
’n Klag is gister teen die jong man aanhangig gemaak en die polisie hoop om die gesteelde goedere binnekort aan die spelers terug te besorg.
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Cheetah-Force Game: Audio being webcast
The warm-up game between the 2006 Super 14 contestants Emirates Western Force and Vodacom Cheetahs at the Subiaco Oval in Perth, can be followed from 1300 CAT on the web by logging onto www.sportfm905.com.
See attached link.
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Rasta Mahn is nervy in the olde 'Hood

'Nervous' Erasmus ready for the challenge
Monday January 09 2006
Benetton Treviso heading to South Africa
Rassie Erasmus, admittedly very nervous ahead of his first season as a Super 14 coach, is looking forward to the Cheetahs' debut season in SANZAR's provincial showpiece event.
The Cheetahs, who are back in training at their Bloemfontein base, have an interesting pre-season programme - which includes matches against the Southern Spears, the Western Force and Italian powerhouse Benetton Treviso.
They will open their campaign in the Super 14 on February 10, when the Cheetahs play the Bulls in Bloemfontein.
But for now Erasmus' focus is firmly on the pre-season friendlies, which will be his yardstick to see where his team stands.
"You are always nervous before the start of the season, especially the Super 14 [a much bigger challenge than the Currie Cup, which the Cheetahs won last year]," Erasmus said,
"It will take us a few games to get the cohesion right. The main aim of our pre-season matches is to gel the team into a unit.
"We have the talent, the [players have the commitment and we have all the facilities. There is nothing I can complain about. It is now just a matter of putting it all into play in the warm-up matches," he added.
The Cheetahs do have a few pre-season injury concerns.
Springbok loose forward Henro Scholtz is still recovering from his shoulder surgery, Bian Vermaak (a lock/flank) is also recovering from a shoulder injury, Rory Duncan (another utility forward) is recovering from knee surgery and wing Gavin Passens is also struggling with a leg injury.
There remains doubt over the availability of Springbok prop CJ van der Linde, who has a serious foot injury. Although the exact extent of the injury has not been confirmed, Erasmus has him down as a doubtful starter for the tournament.
The warm-up match against the Southern Spears, in Port Elizabeth on Saturday, is the ideal blow-out for the Cheetahs.
Erasmus says he knows very little against the opposition (who is a combination of Eastern Province, Border and South Western Districts).
"The match will give us an indication as to how far we are down the road - in terms of match fitness and contact play," Erasmus said.
He won't be fielding a full-strength team and will take a 26-man squad to PE. All 26 players will get game time, most of them at least a half.
After that it is a trip to Pert where they will face the Western Force on January 21.
Erasmus feels it will be an ideal "dry run" to see how his charges cope with travelling.
The final warm-up is against Benetton Treviso, in Welkom on January 28. Treviso is the current log leaders in the Italian Super 10 competition, although their Heineken Cup form has not been as impressive.
They also have a number of well-known South Africans in their ranks.
Players like utility back Marius Goosen and utility forward Marco Wentzel will know exactly what to expect of the Cheetahs.
"They will be a great test for us ahead of the Super 14," Erasmus said.
Springbok flank Juan Smith will be leading the Cheetahs, after taking over from recently retired Naka Drotské.
Smith, who made his Springbok debut against Scotland in 2002, is a very experienced player and played in the 2003 World Cup. He is also confident ahead of the upcoming season.
"We are fortunate to have very good forwards and a talented backline," Smith said. "We have Meyer Bosman and Willem de Waal at fly-half and Keith Lowen and Barry Goodes at centre. And the list of good players goes on."
By Jan de Koning
OORB BLOG BOOK Friday 13th Jan 2006
In a The Herald online article- Spears players hoping to see red- Sbongile Dimbaza is reporting on the status of the game and provides important information for people who wants to attend the game. It seems that the official Spears site is not carrying anything new at the moment. In stark irony with the "lets paint the town red" wave of the Spears, the Cheetahs will be welcomed by a nice piece of homely colour - courtesy of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro.

Donner has posted a piece on the action with a Cheetah niggle attached and you can view and comment on www.ruggaworld.blogspot.com. The game will also streamed live on the internet so visit the Spears website - link provided on OORB home page
The two articles of note that was published by Hendrik Cronje in today's Volksblad and that is available on www.volksblad.com is quite interesting.
In Cheetahs wil in Super 14 met groter flair speel, it is reported that Franco Smith- the backline coach of the Vodacom Cheetahs- wants to test a new attacking plan against the Spears- as attack will be of similar importance to the Vodacom Cheetahs as their trusted 2005 defence.
The other article- Ockie van Zyl kan impakspeler vir Super 14 word - is shedding some light on the role of Ockie van Zyl- loose forward/lock from the Griffons- in the 2006 campaign. It seems that he will be part of a super-sub squad that Mr Rassie Erasmus will use to impose a specific gameplan in the later stages of certain games.

The other interesting discussion point of the day so far is a post on Keo.co.za that is about the draft and the fact that no-one was actually drafted. The comments later turned out to be more about the quota requirements than the draft - but there were some interesting points made.
Please visit these sites and comment and debate on OORB. It will be interesting to see your views.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
OORB BLOG BOOK 12 Jan 2006 1315
Hendrik Cronje has written a story in Volksblad that is available online at www.volksblad.com in which he clearly projects the feeling in the Cheetah Camp that they should be wary of the Southern Spears in their January 14 warm-up Clash.
It is the view of OORB that a lot of bad press had been published on the chances of the Spurs- but that it will be of paramount importance to the future of South African Rugby that the individuals responsible for the Southern Spears- be willing and able to take up the Red Chalice and convert promise and asperation into critic-silencing performances on the field over the next 3 seasons.
I am still of the opinion that it is a two way-honour, both for the Cheetahs and the Spears to be involved in Saturday's match and I hope that the Cheetah Players & management will conduct themselves in a classy and mandarin-like manner this weekend. I am sure that Tony McKeever will be welcoming the Vodacom Cheetahs as friends of the field in the Windy City and that Ashlee Johnson and his team will take them on with everything they have.
Yes if they put 50 points past the Spears- lets cheer, because that is what is expected- but in that Cheering process let us celebrate the game of Rugby Union and not jeer at the hopes and asperations of others, which had been in rugby terms, also been , like the Free State, Griquas & the Griffons, been denied a fair share of the Rugby table.
It is clear that the Cheetah Management & Players does take the possibility of defeat into serious consideration and the best way of ensuring that defeat is not inflicted on them is to do the obvious- execute the coach's gameplan... to perfection
So enjoy it Vodacom Cheetahs... you are part of a historic moment.. do us proud.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
You are welcome to add your ideas and general comments on this post.
Oranje Orakel wants to highlight two great postings today- both on www.ruggaworld.blogspot.com
First PissAnt posted a good read on attacking play named Attacking the attacking game and then Rasputin had posted a well researched piece on the Jewish contribution to Bok history.
Please go and read it will be well worth your while. Just make sure that if you are past 65 and want to read PA's arti that you have already been to the loo, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
There is a couple of good informative posts on Keo.co.za but it seems more that story already on the net had been re worked.
For me the most interesting snippet of today, thus far is the part where Hendrik Cronje is speculating in the Volksblad-and on the website www.volksblad.com that young Pierre Spies might be turning out at 8 for the Bulls this year.
This will surely add some pace to the Bulls defence.
Hopefully Aldo & BloemBull can add some insight here.
Oranje Orakel
Friday, January 06, 2006
When a plan gomes together
In comparison, the other Super 14 newbie in 2006 has now stopped taking in new members. Eish no substitute for good planning . Article & Photo from the Official Force Website.
Emirates Western Force cracks 20,000 Members
Friday, January 06, 2006RugbyWA
The Emirates Western Force will play in front of more than 20,000 members in 2006
More than 20,000 people have now become members of the Emirates Western Force, reinforcing its position as Australia's biggest club in the Tooheys New Super 14 competition.
And, a recent survey shows the majority of Emirates Western Force members do not have memberships with other professional sporting organisations in WA.
The on-line survey of 4000 members indicates that more than 80% of all respondents were not members of the WACA, West Coast Eagles, Fremantle Dockers, Perth Glory or Perth Wildcats in 2005.
RugbyWA chief executive Peter O'Meara said the results suggested the Emirates Western Force had provided many West Australians with the opportunity to become members of a professional sporting organization for the first time.
"We are not taking fans away from the other codes. By and large, we are catering for a lot of West Australians whose sport of choice is rugby and they have been patiently waiting for the professional game to arrive," he said.
Mr O'Meara said he was delighted with the latest membership count and grateful for the support of the WA public.
He said that with around 270 companies having secured corporate hospitality packages, he expected Subiaco Oval to be buzzing with energy and excitement on game-day.
Mr O'Meara said the first opportunity to see the Emirates Western Force play would be at the trial match against South African team, the Cheetahs, at Subiaco Oval on Saturday 21 January.
Cut-price tickets for the pre-season game against the Cheetahs can be bought through Ticketmaster and will go on sale to members on Monday January 9 and the general public on Thursday January 12.
** Members of the public wanting to become members of the Emirates Western Force for the 2006 season have until the end of January. No further membership applications (other than out-of-town membership applications) will be accepted after January 31, 2006. Memberships for the 2007 season will be launched later in the year.
Home to the Western Warriors, Fremantle Dockers and West Coast Eagles AFL Football teams, Subiaco Oval is the largest and most recognised stadium in Western Australia, with a capacity of over 43,000 and world-class facilities.
Subiaco was built in 1908 and was then known as Mueler Park, with the first match on 9th of May in that year between Subiaco and East Perth. The facilities have been consistently improved since that time. The 3-Tier Stand which dominates the end behind the goals opened on 31 August 1969 and the 2-Tier Stand on the members’ wing on 27 April 1981. The ANZ Stand opposite the members stand opened on 14 May 1995, that stand included 2-Tiers of seating and also Corporate boxes on the wing.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The Swan is looking after the hatchlings
RugbyWA Challenge Cup Launched
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Emirates Western Force Academy head coach Steve McFarland will help oversee the cup
RugbyWA has today launched a new preseason competition for 2006, involving players from the Emirates Western Force.
The RugbyWA Challenge Cup is designed to provide high quality rugby in the February/March window ahead of what will be an exciting 2006.
The tournament will be played over three consecutive weekends. The four sides will be selected from the Emirates Western Force playing squad, Perth Gold players from 2005, Under 19 development players and Emirates Western Force Academy players.
Clubs will also be asked to nominate players for consideration. The program will be overseen by the soon to be appointed Perth Gold head coach and Emirates Western Force Academy Head Coach Steve McFarland.
All matches will be played as double headers at Rugby Park , Perry Lakes on the following dates:
18 February 2006
25 February 2006
4 March 2006
From these matches, a Perth Gold squad will be selected for the 2006 Australian Rugby Shield. The tournament will also give much needed match fitness to those professional players and match officials involved in the 2006 Premier Rugby season.
Squads will be selected in mid-January. RugbyWA encourages all clubs to participate and to advise their players and coaches of this opportunity as soon as possible.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Let us take a look at the round ball
Oranje_Orakel has a healthy respect for George Dearlaney's soccer views and post it therefore on OORB.
The year ahead for football
03/01/2006 12:18 - (SA)
If the last games of 2005 are anything to go by, then 2006 is going to be a cracker of a year for football. I have been glued to my TV watching as much as possible, and even though the local domestic season is on hold for Nations Cup, the last few matches of the season were tremendous viewing.
As football lovers, we have so much to look forward to. The year starts off with English Premiership clashes of note. Arsenal hosting Man United in possibly the last league clash between these two at Highbury.
Arsenal will be off to their new ground at Ashburton next season, so this fixture should be a classic. The English Premiership is arguably the toughest league in the world simply because of the pace at which the games are played.
And at this time of the year, the teams are playing 4 matches in 8 days - if you can survive this period, you have done well. This is the time of the year when a bad run can ruin your whole season.
The African Cup of Nations starts in a few weeks, and although I always hold hope for Bafana Bafana, I have no confidence in the team that has been selected.
We will be without most of our international stars, and unless there is a late change of heart by some of them, we go into the tournament with a largely inexperienced team.
Egypt is a hot, dry, desolate unforgiving country and our players will do exceptionally well to get through the group stage into the knockout rounds.
Football galore
Nevertheless, the tournament means we get to watch lots of football for 6 weeks and I fancy Nigeria to make up for their disappointment of not qualifying for Germany, by winning the Nations Cup.
The Champions League starts up again in February and just looking at some of the fixtures gets me excited.
Although ManYoo won't be in the second stage for the first time in a decade, I am big enough to put my personal allegiances aside and enjoy the quality of football that will be on display.
Barcelona versus Chelsea is the pick of the bunch, and in some respects this should possibly have been the final.
Chelsea knocked Barca out last season before falling to eventual winners Liverpool, so revenge will certainly be on the cards for the Catalans.
My opinion is that if there is a God of football, then Barcelona should go through this time.
They have been sublime this season, and although Chelsea dominate the English Premiership, you sometimes get the sense that they are not as entertaining as they could be.
Mourinho has just threatened to drop Joe Cole if he does too many tricks! Imagine Frank Rijkaard telling Ronaldinho to take it easy...
Closing stages
Then we have the closing stages of the various leagues around the World, plus the closing stages of the various knockout cups including the FA Cup, where I hope ManYoo get Chelsea and give them a hiding the likes of which they have never known (or maybe just another 4-0 as in 1994).
This then takes us up to the final of the Champions League, where I hope Barcelona face Juventus in a battle of the two best teams in the World who also play great football (Liverpool don't count because any team that includes Hyypia in defence can't play great football from the back!) Juventus are at 8-1 at the bookies, and that is a good bet for me.
And just when the Champions League comes to an end, we have a two week break and then the 2006 World Cup kicks off in Germany.
Although South Africa will not be there, there are plenty of African countries to cheer for and I will be throwing my hopes and wishes (and prayers) behind Angola.
It is the first time they have qualified for the World's greatest tournament, and they have former colonial overlord Portugal as their first opponents.
They play a great brand of attacking football with skill and power and after heading the group that included Nigeria they should have confidence in making a good show at the tournament. I fancy them to get through to the knockout rounds.
I'm sure we will all marvel at the new batch of Brazilians on show, and this year could be the first time that a South American team wins the World Cup in Europe (Brazil's '58 win in Sweden doesn't count - that's Scandinavia). How does anyone plan on stopping Ronaldinho, Robinho, Kaka, Adriano and co?
I fancy putting some money on perennial underachievers Spain and Holland. Both teams have fantastic talent in their squads, they just never deliver. Maybe this will be their year? England will fade as apart from Rooney, Gerard and Lampard they have no creative spark.
These three are good enough to dominate any match on their own, but I have never seen a midfield combination of Gerard and Lampard play well together - they are too similar in style.
All this action only takes us to the start of July and then it's time for all the leagues to start again! It's going to be a great year and apart from the obvious suspects, I hope that your team, wherever they are and whatever league they play in give you great joy and entertainment this year.
George represented Bafana Bafana in the early 1990s and is a Manchester United fanatic. He has a football book collection and reads Kick Off religiously
Mac is getting pushy
McKenzie to query ARU about Wallaby job
Tuesday January 3, 3:59 PM
NSW Waratahs mentor Ewen McKenzie has as many questions to ask of the Australian Rugby Union as it will of him when he fronts the peak body about the national coaching role.
Applications for the position, which became vacant when Eddie Jones was sacked last month, are due by January 13 and, while McKenzie has yet to even apply, his busy Super 14 schedule is expected to mean he will be one of the first interviewed.
The ARU has indicated it would like to fill the role sometime in February and early favourite McKenzie is keen to know just what's involved in terms of how other coaching staff and personnel fit into the equation.
"It might be a two-way interview," he quipped.
"It's a question of what the structure is in the end and that's what's delayed the whole process - putting that together."
"The $64 question is - what are you applying for; what are you applying to do?
"I don't know if it is an orthodox coaching job or otherwise - so I guess when that becomes a bit clearer people will work out whether it suits them."
Jones was very much known as a stand alone coach who had exacting standards of his support staff but ultimately took responsibility for all key decisions.
In his time with the Waratahs, McKenzie has shown more of an egalitarian streak, involving and praising the work of his assistants more readily.
"I'm certainly not getting stressed about it because I'm focused on getting the job I've actually got right. It would be easy to lose your focus and get everything wrong," McKenzie said..
"I just can't see (other applicants) downing tools and walking away to what they are committed to already."
McKenzie has his plate full with the Waratahs with official training starting this week and NSW's three major trials and the opening three games of the Super 14 - starting February 10 - all away fixtures against Queensland, the Stormers and the Bulls.
There is also a three-day country tour starting on Wednesday.
The Waratahs' Wallabies representatives won't start training until next week at which point McKenzie will have some serious positional decisions to contemplate.
The success of Mat Rogers - who was given compassionate leave from NSW following the death of his father Steve - at five-eighth during the Wallabies' tour and the move of Lote Tuqiri from wing to centre gives the coach food for thought.
"I will sit down and talk to (Mat). I haven't had a detailed discussion with him yet, we'll just see how he comes back.
"Obviously we are aware of his desires.
"(But) how we start the game might not be as important as where and how people play throughout the game."
McKenzie said Brumbies recruit and five-eighth Sam Norton-Knight had been very impressive in pre-season training while he'd have to closely consider what he did with rookie forwards Tatafu Polota-Nau and Leroy Houston, who played for Australia in their European tour but had not yet played Super 12.
"We don't want to be heaping too much pressure on these guys - they are only young kids coming out of programs," he said.
"It's great that they've got the opportunity so early but we have to consolidate and make sure they have got the requisite skills."
The official Waratah site run this piece on the coach.
McKenzie Committed to HSBC Waratahs for 2006 Committed for 2006 .. HSBC Waratahs head coach Ewen McKenzieFriday, December 02, 2005NSWRU Media Unit
HSBC Waratahs head coach Ewen McKenzie has affirmed his commitment to NSW for the inaugural 2006 Super 14 season following the departure of Wallaby coach Eddie Jones.
However, McKenzie said he will nominate for the national coaching position when the ARU calls for applications.
"I've always said that if the job becomes available down the track, then I would apply for it." McKenzie said at training today.
"I'm fully committed to coaching the Waratahs next year but see no reason why I couldn't make the transition to the national job immediately afterwards, if I was the successful candidate."
Despite having two more years to run on his NSW contract, McKenzie has the full backing of NSW Rugby if he chooses to apply for the Australian head coaching position.
"We fully support Ewen's ambition to be Wallaby coach and will not stand in his way if he is selected," said NSWRU Chairman, Arvid Petersen.
"Part of our role is to produce coaches as well as players and if the ARU chooses Ewen as its next mentor then we will release him at the end of the Super 14 season."
NSWRU Chief Executive Officer Fraser Neill said Ewen has already left a lasting legacy with succession planning playing a large part.
"Ewen has assembled an extremely talented group of coaches and management staff since taking over two years ago and together they have formed a culture of excellence which is to be admired.
"NSW has always believed in Ewen's coaching ability and that's why we renewed his contract after year one.
"We are in a very strong position structurally and that means after Ewen's third Super 12/14 season next year, NSW Rugby will continue to thrive even if he his snapped up by the ARU."
Position: Tighthead Prop
Born: 21.6.65, Sydney, NSW
Test Caps: 51 Australia (1988-1997)
State Caps: 37 NSW (1987-1995)
Coaching: 1999 - 2000 ACT Brumbies, 2000-2003 Australian Wallabies, 2004 - present NSW Waratahs
Ewen McKenzie was appointed Head Coach of the HSBC Waratahs prior to the start of the 2004 Super 12 season, his first head coaching role. He led the team to the 2005 Super 12 final in just his second year at the helm.
His experience is vast, after being involved in close to 100 Tests as a player or coach.
Prior to joining the Waratahs, Ewen spent four years with the Wallabies under Rod Macqueen then Eddie Jones. His technical knowledge of forward play is without peer. He was also involved in a coaching capacity with the ACT for three seasons.
His playing record includes a World Cup win and 51 Test caps, the most by any Australian prop. Ewen was part of the legendary all Randwick front row of Daly, Kearns & McKenzie that dominated Test Rugby in the early 1990s.
Ewen played in a Super 12 final with the ACT (1997) and was capped 37 times for NSW between 1987 and 1995.
Porta becomes bullish
Rugby-Porta seeks bigger stage for Argentine Pumas
Tuesday January 3, 8:54 AM
BUENOS AIRES, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Argentina's greatest player Hugo Porta is hoping his standing in world rugby can help the Pumas secure regular top-level competition.
Former flyhalf Porta, who ended his career in the early 1990s, has returned to the Argentine Rugby Union (UAR) fold as president of their sub-committee for international relations.
"My personal challenge is to try to obtain a fixed competition for the national teams. I want the Pumas to compete with the best," Porta said in an interview with the daily Clarin published on Monday.
"I think I can give much more to (Argentine) rugby from the international perspective with the contacts I have than being the team's trainer," said Porta, who denied any ambition to coach the Pumas.
"We'd have to see what the Pumas can bring to (a competition like)...the Six Nations," said Porta, a former Argentine ambassador to South Africa.
Eighth-ranked Argentina are the only team in the world's top 10 who do not play in one of the two big, annual competitions, the Tri-nations in the southern hemisphere or Europe's Six Nations.
Coach Marcelo Loffreda made a plea for inclusion in the Six Nations when Argentina played the British and Irish Lions in Cardiff in May, enhancing their reputation with a 25-25 draw.
The Force is back
trong>Rugby Back in Action after Christmas Break
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Emirates Western Force forwards at work with the scrum machine
The Emirates Western Force have resumed training and RugbyWA offices have re-opened after taking time off to celebrate Christmas and New Year.
The playing squad is back on the paddock, and it wasn't long before the heavy stuff returned as preparation continues for the Tooheys New Super 14 season.
The entire squad has now assembled in Perth, although the Wallabies that toured Europe in late 2005 will not commence training until next week when they finish their annual leave.
The Emirates Western Force will kick-off in the Super 14 on February 10 against the Brumbies at Subiaco Oval. The team will have a home trial game on January 21 against the Cheetahs, South Africa's new entrant in the competition.
Oranje_Orakel is the proud owner of a 79 aircooled kombi.
VW ditches air-cooled kombis
03/01/2006 08:48

With their unique air-cooled engines sputtering to life, brand-new classic Volkswagen minivans chug off the assembly line after a manufacturing ritual barely changed since hippies turned the boxy vehicle into a counterculture icon.
Instead of heading on long, strange trips across Latin America's largest country, these minivans go straight to work on the streets of Brazil's largest cities for deliveries of all kinds, as ambulances, mobile convenience stores and even troop transports for soldiers.
But this Friday, a long chapter in the history of Volkswagen AG ends when the last air-cooled engine will be hoisted into a vehicle seen as a museum piece almost everywhere else across the planet.

THE LAST LAP: One of the last air-cooled Volkswagen engines ready for installation. Beetlemaniacs will notice it has trailing-arm suspension rather than the more primitive swing-arm suspension used on SA-built beetles.
VW is being forced to change the minivan's historic rear-mounted engine because of a new Brazilian emissions law to reduce pollution that goes into effect in 2006. Production will continue next year, but the van known here as the "Kombi" will get a new water-cooled engine and a radiator for the first time.
The switch marks the last hurrah for the simple engine developed in the 1930s by famed German engineer Ferdinand Porsche, his key element of a 'Volkswagen', or 'People's Car' that anyone could afford.
"It's the end of a very long era," said Ivan McCutcheon, editor of Britain's VolksWorld magazine for fans of the vans and now-out-of production VW traditional beetles. "The VW air-cooled engine has been perhaps the greatest produced engine in numbers the world has seen."
The move comes three years after Volkswagen's Mexican division stopped production of the minivan, and churned out its last two-door bug sedan with an air-cooled engine. All told, about 6 million of the minivans were built with the air-cooled engine worldwide, adding to the more than 20 million beetles manufactured.
Volkswagen Brasil says Kombi production is actually expected to increase next year from about 10 000 minivans annually to 12 000, because the new engine can run on either gasoline or pure alcohol - widely used as fuel in Brazil, where it costs about half the price of gas.
The body of the minivan won't change, however, and Volkswagen's Sao Paulo factory will churn out Kombis in keeping with tradition, minus the high-tech robots that do most of the work in modern car factories.
The Kombi, by contrast, is made by workers who shove the windows into place by hand, use mallets to tap out imperfections in the vehicle's body and do a final quality check on the doors by slamming them shut while listening to make sure they sound right.
Volkswagen isn't concerned about losing market share with the new engine because executives believe the vehicle still has several advantages the competition can't match: A list price of about $15,400 (R97 328) and capacity to carry a metric ton of goods.
Although the liquid-cooled engine could technically handle air conditioning, there are no plans to list it as an option. Brazilian Kombi buyers, market research shows, wouldn't pay the extra cost. It will have a little more power, with a top speed of 130 km/h, as opposed to the 120 km/h maximum with the air-cooled engine.
"There's just no cheaper way to transport a ton of cargo," said Hans-Cristian Maergner, president of VW's Brazilian division.
To mark the engine changeover, VW is churning out about 200 Kombi "Silver Edition" models for collectors. They are outfitted with the old engine, but painted silver, instead of the classic Brazilian white - so owners can then paint them with brightly coloured logos advertising their businesses.
"I never thought about getting one before because I thought they'd be around forever," said Lucio Calixto, a photo services store owner who already has a 1994 Brazilian-made VW bug.

THE TRADITIONAL WAY: A worker at the VW's Sao Paulo plant installs the fascia of a Silver Edition Kombi.
With his wife snapping pictures of him picking up the Silver Edition minivan at a VW dealership and receiving the keys from a manager, Calixto explained that he loves the engine because it's easy to work on, can be rebuilt cheaply and lasts for decades if cared for properly.
"Ever since I was a kid I was fascinated with it," Calixto said.
Unlike most Brazilian Kombi owners, Calixto will use the minivan for weekend outings - easily fitting his family of five into a vehicle that can take seven passengers.
Although VW produces the minivan for sale only in Brazil, about 30 of the special editions are expected to make their way across the Atlantic Ocean via British importers, said McCutcheon, the editor of VolksWorld.
After being shipped and modified to meet British vehicle standards, the minivans end up costing $23,300 (R147 256) for a basic model to $30,400 (R163 110) for a version decked with special extras for camping trips.
"Here, you would only buy one as a luxury item," McCutcheon said. "This would be bought by somebody who has done quite well for themselves and wants the retro '70s look for the weekend."
JANUARY 2, 2006
Ferrari and De Beers
Although there is no official word at all on the subject there is much speculation that the De Beers diamond company is to replace the Vodafone sponsorship in 2007. If this is confirmed it will mean that De Beers is investing at least $50m a year in Ferrari. The company, which was started in 1888 by Cecil John Rhodes, is a complicated one although it is still controlled by the Oppenheimer Family. In 1994 De Beers was charged by the United States Justice Department with antitrust violations for conspiring to fix prices for industrial diamonds.
This embarrassment (which was settled in 2004 with De Beers pleading guilty and paying a fine) led to changes in the business with Nicky Oppenheimer becoming chairman in 1998. This led to a split with its longtime partner Anglo American and a major rethink. The firm was delisted from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and split into different businesses: including DTC, the rough diamond trading company, which sells around 40% of the world's diamonds. In addition De Beers set up a 50-50 joint venture with Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, each party investing $250m, to create an independently managed and operated retail chain using the De Beers brand to challenge customers such as Tiffany and Cartier. The first De Beers LV jewelry store opened in London in December 2002 and others have since followed in Japan, New York and Paris. The aim is for there to be 100 stores around the world selling De Beers-branded jewelry by 2012.
The retail business was only given the go-ahead by the European Union after the main De Beers company agreed not to give preferential treatment to De Beers LV which must buy its diamonds on the open market.
De Beers LV is still to create any serious profits but is planning to increase its marketing spend to promote sales.
We believe that De Beers LV will probably be one of several companies to replace Vodafone.
We continue to hear that another will be Telecom Italia broadband business Alice.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Leaping Ahead

www.grandprix.com is running the following value-added content- on the Intel BMW partnership.
Why Intel is in F1
Intel, the world's biggest chipmaker, will launch a major rebranding shortly. The phrase "Intel Inside" is to be dropped and the new motto will be "Leap Ahead". The company will also be changing its corporate logo. This will feature a swirl around the company name and the disappearance of the lowered "e". The aim of all this is to change the perceptions about the company as it moves from being a PC chip supplier to other areas of technology. The details of a new marketing campaign, which will include the F1 deal with BMW, will be revealed at the forthcoming Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
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