Saturday, July 15, 2006
Spinning and "some" of its long term effects
15/07/2006 14:59 - (SA)
Flip Buys: Dink vir jouself of word slagoffer van propaganda
Die meeste mense is maklike slagoffers van propaganda, het die Franse kenner Jacques Ellul gesê. Dit is omdat hulle glo dit bestaan uit leuens en bogstories wat geen ingeligte persoon sal uitvang nie.
Mense assosieer ook propaganda met uitgediende ideologieë en politieke stelsels en glo nie dat dit nog in moderne demokrasieë voorkom nie. Hierdie onderskatting van propaganda hou nie rekening met die feit dat die moderne, gesofistikeerde propaganda sy eertydse kru en uitgediende vorme heeltemal ontgroei het nie.
Die harde agitasie-propaganda wat die massa in die verlede moes opsweep, het plek gemaak vir 'n sagte en verfynde stelselpropaganda wat staatsmag oor uiteenlopende groepe heen in die samelewing moet vestig.
Hierdie moderne vorm van propaganda het in Amerika ontstaan om vinnig eenheid te kon verkry en die miljoene immigrante wat die land in die negentiende eeu binnegestroom het, te assimileer. Sielkundige standaardisasie was die oplossing om in 'n kort tyd 'n breë nasionale konsensus onder verskillende groepe te kry.
Dit is gedoen deur die sogenaamde American way as standaard-ideo logie onder almal te vestig. Maar daar was ook 'n belangrike ekono miese dryfveer, naamlik om 'n standaard-massamens met gemeenskap like sienings en behoeftes te vestig wat die reusagtige Amerikaanse massaproduksie kon verbruik en die ekonomie kon laat groei.
Propaganda is ook in ander state in die wêreld gebruik en misbruik om nasionalisme aan te blaas en die bevolking agter die regering te verenig. Dit was ook al baie keer 'n staatmaker-strategie om mense en groepe "vrywillig" van hul identiteite afstand te laat doen ten gunste van 'n nuwe nasionale eenheid.
Dink maar net hoe dit in die ou Suid-Afrika aangewend is ter ondersteuning van die Nasionale Party. Kyk maar ook hoe propaganda in die nuwe bedeling gebruik word om steun vir die regering te mobiliseer, opponente te diskrediteer en om in grypende rassewetgewing deur die breë gemeenskap aanvaar te kry.
Maar is daar 'n verband tussen die platval van Afrikaners ná 1994 - en die feit dat die ou bedeling se stelselpropaganda geëindig het en vervang is deur nuwe stelselpropaganda?
Ellul se navorsing is boeiende leesstof. Hy sê propaganda wat skielik saam met 'n bedeling tot 'n einde kom, het 'n ingrypende invloed op die voormalige ondersteuners. Die bekende wêreld wat deur die ou bedeling se propaganda geskep is, verbrokkel en hulle voel oornag soos vreemdelinge in hul eie land.
Alles verander en alles waarin hulle geglo het, verdwyn in die omwen teling. Die nuwe stelsel skiet alles van die oue aan flarde in 'n poging om homself te vestig, en die ou bedeling bestaan nie meer om homself te verdedig nie.
Hierdie toestand lei tot die ontbinding van die groep en 'n gelyklopende disintegrasie van die individue daarvan. Hulle verloor vertroue in hulself, in die saak waarvoor hulle gestaan het, in die vorige leiers, in die lewe. Hulle onttrek hulle aan die groep, ons word ek, en vorige lewensideale lyk in die nuwe era belaglik.
Daar is 'n gevoel van woede, ontnugtering en vertwyfeling. Hulle voel belieg, selfs verraai, en onttrek hulle aan die openbare lewe . Hulle voel dat al hul opofferings verniet was en dat hulle vir die gek gehou en misbruik is deur die ou stelsel. Hulle verloor heeltemal belangstelling in hul vorige lewe en word afsydig teenoor hul gemeenskap, geskiedenis, helde, simbole, instellings en idees.
Volgens Ellul kan mense wie se propaganda skielik afgesny word, selfs begin ly aan senuwee- en sielkundige probleme en skuldkomplekse. Die nuwe stelsel se propaganda draai die krane oop in 'n poging om voormalige teenstanders te demobiliseer, sy eie geldigheid te vestig en om moontlike mededingende stelsels onder verdenking te bring. Alles van die ou stelsel word as boos voorgehou, terwyl die nuwe stelsel, sy leiers, denkbeelde en simbole besing word.
Niemand wil meer aan iets van die ou bedeling raak nie en jy plaas jouself buite die beskaafde debat as jy buite die amptelike ideologiese raamwerk dink of praat. Dít mag nie betwyfel word nie. Baie keer loop 'n groep selfs oor na die voormalige vyand, en ander kere kom die nuwe geslag in opstand teen die vorige omdat hulle nie kan glo dat hul ouers die ou bedeling gesteun het nie.
Die vraag is of die grootskaalse emigrasie van wit mense ná 1994 nie ook hieruit spruit nie. Wat kan 'n meer finale breuk met alles van die verlede wees as om uit die land en weg van die groep te trek?
Die vraag is of die meerderheid Afrikaners nie slagoffers van die ou én die nuwe bedeling se propaganda was en is nie. Baie mense het feitlik alles in die ou bedeling vir soetkoek opgeëet, en eet nou weer 'n keer heerlik saam en glo weer alles.
Die enigste antwoord is dat mense sal moet leer om vir hulself te dink en om by hul kinders die waarde van selfstandige menings in te prent. Bronne sal ook gevind moet word om onafhanklike navorsingsinstellings tot stand te bring wat grondliggende diepte-navorsing kan doen. Bemagtig mense met kennis of nog 'n geslag gaan die slagoffers van propaganda word.Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A view with vision
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Rassie Erasmus: future Springbok coach
There aren't many coaches in the Super 14 who have played in the professional era. There are fewer who have the potential to be the best in the coaching field. Rassie Erasmus has that potential.I watched my recorded Boots & All from last week. There was a short interview with Rassie. Towards the end of the interview he summed up the season and got to what they'd learnt. The first thing he said was that he'd made some mistakes. He'd tried some things as coach that he thought would work and didn't. He didn't make excuses. He volunteered his learnings. Only then he talked about the players. All he said was that some have stepped up and some haven't. Then he finished by saying that for those players and coaches that didn't make it, they'd be pushed aside. The game was bigger than them.
Wow. No excuses. Nobody demanding his accountability. He volunteered it. What a difference.
It is difficult to believe that this is the man that Laurie Mains thought had psychological problems. It is far easier to reconcile the man we see today with the stories of the guy who spent every second focused on the game. Spending hours analysing his game, his teams game and the competitors on video.
To back all of that up, his team have held their heads high in this year's competition. And they hold the Currie Cup. On that day, Rassie stood smiling in the background.
What a refreshing difference in the South African coaching world.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Posted on Friday, July 07, 2006 - 17:41
The South African Rugby Union and Rugga SA have met on numerous occasions to discuss a range of issues that are of mutual concern to both parties.
Rugga SA joined SARU in the condemnation of the current spate of serious incidents of violence at club matches especially in the Boland area, which have attracted widespread media coverage.
Both parties agree that every effort must be made to put an immediate end to such unfortunate incidents, and that solid measures must be put in place to deter and prevent any future violent conduct from both participants and spectators at club matches in the effected regions.
For the record, is important to note that the position of SARU with regards to Rugga SA was ratified at the Presidents Council meeting of May 26, 2006. Throughout its deliberations with Rugga SA, SARU as the national controlling body of rugby in the country, emphasised that it recognises and respects the authority of its affiliated Provinces
A SARU delegation, comprising of Oregan Hoskins (SARU President), Mpumelelo Tshume (Chairman of the Board of SA Rugby), Mveleli Ncula (Deputy CEO) and Dr. Ismail Jakoet (SARU secretary) met with a Rugga SA delegation as recently as 30 June 2006. The purpose of the latest meeting was to articulate the official position of SARU in respect of the resolution adopted by the Presidents Council.
During the June 30 meeting, SARU informed Rugga SA that:
q SARU is fully committed to the eradication of violence on our rugby fields and is deeply concerned about the current state of affairs in the areas where such violence have occurred.
q SA Rugby seeks an unconditional commitment from Rugga SA that they would operate under a single united rugby controlling body in this country, namely SARU.
q Upon receipt of this commitment from Rugga SA, the SARU President pledged to work with Rugga SA to ensure their incorporation into SARU and to address the issues to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.
Rugga SA agreed to the commitments requested by SARU.
Also, it was agreed that in the interim, Rugga SA would continue with its activities until their eventual passage into SARU has been achieved.TRIES FOR CHARITY
It is also a good reason for the Cheetahs to score a whole bag ful of tries whenever they play
Wonder what Coach Erasmus opinion on this "FestRugby" initiative will be?
Tries for Charity’
NOU druk hulle drieë vir liefdadigheid. Tafelronde Vrystaat en die Vrystaatse Rugby Unie (VRU) het hande gevat in ‘n projek waarin ses provinsiale liefdadigheidsorganisasies gaan baat vind elke keer wanneer die Vrystaat Cheetahs ‘n drie druk in ‘n tuiswedstryd in vanjaar se Curriebeker reeks.
Volgens mnr. Steph Rossouw, lid van Tafelronde Vrystaat en projekbestuurder, word hierdie projek reeds met groot sukses by die Natalse Haaie en Blou Bulle gehou. “Die projek is ‘n inisiatief van Tafelronde, maar sonder ‘n vennoot soos die VRU kan ons dit nie doen nie. Dit is ook ‘n bewys van die venootskappe wat organisasies soos Tafelronde en die VRU moet smee om hulle deel vir die gemeenskap te kan doen.
“Die twee doelgebiede op Vodacompark word in ses blokke gedeel en ‘n blok word aan elke liefdadigheidsorganisasie toegeken. Wanneer die Cheetahs ‘n drie druk in byvoorbeeld Vrystaat-versorging se blok, ontvang Vrystaat-versorging ‘n bedrag geld wat deur al tien takke van Tafelronde Vrystaat geborg word. So ontvang elke organisasie geld wanneer ‘n drie in sy blok gedruk word. Aan die einde van die seisoen, oorhandig ons dan die geld aan die organisasies. Gedurende die wedstryd sal die stadionaankondiger aankondig in watter organisasie se gebied ‘n drie gedruk is,” sê Rossouw.
Die ses organisasies wat hierby gaan baat is Vrystaat-versorging, Hospice Vrystaat, Nicro Vrystaat, Kansa Vrystaat, Reik-na-‘n-droom Vrystaat en
Childline Vrystaat.
Will be interesting to see which team will walk its respective talk.
Lions prepared for catfight
07/07/2006 21:16 - (SA)
Hennie Brandt, Beeld
Johannesburg - The Lions are prepared for a mammoth battle up front when they take on the Currie Cup champions, the Cheetahs, in Bloemfontein on Saturday afternoon.
Whether Wikus van Heerden (captain) and his cubs will be able to withstand the heat in the oven will be determined by their young tight five.
In Currie Cup terms they are still very inexperienced and they will be targeted by the Cheetahs pack.
The experienced lion in the pack who has to keep the tight five together is the 27-year-old hooker James van der Walt.
It will be expected of him and the looseforwards Van Heerden, Cobus Grobler and Ernst Joubert to give support and provide leadership to the young props, Gert Muller (tighthead, 20) and Heinke van der Merwe (loosehead, 21) and their locks, Jean Deysel and Gerhard Mostert (both 21).
You do not have to be an Einstein to realise the Cheetahs will do everything possible to overpower the young Lions both physically and mentally. The Springbok loosehead of the champions, Ollie le Roux, will without doubt play an important role as he is a master in this department. He will also want to show the Lions, along with his front row teammate, Jannie du Plessis (tighthead), that they are playing in Cheetah country.
Somebody who has first-hand knowledge of forward play is Leon Boshoff, the Lions forwards coach. As a former hooker he knows what it takes to remain standing under tremendous pressure.
Stand together and form a unit
Boshoff said: "Experience is important. The Cheetahs have someone like Ollie who can anchor the pack. The young tight five of the Lions must stand together and form a unit. Things can happen if they do that and support one another.
"When it comes to the scrums, your props are just as good as the locks scrumming behind them. Good support by the props are also of prime importance for the jumpers in the lineouts."
Cheetahs coach Rassie Erasmus laid the foundation for the team's victories last season by concentrating on solid scrums and lineouts. Without quality possession from these phases, any team will face disaster.
The Lions have first-hand knowledge of this after they battled against both the Sharks and the Blue Bulls.
Lions coach Eugene Eloff says that is why it is important the team get good possession against the Cheetahs.
"If we do that, the Cheetahs can't do anything. That's why we're not concentrating on them, but on what we must do."
TV: from 15:00 on MNet, SS1.
Now for an opinion on the game from the local press.
Cheetahs het appeltjie met Goue Leeus te skil
Jul 07 2006 10:24:51:153PM - (SA)
Hendrik Cronjé
DIE Vodacom-Vrystaat-Cheetahs het vandag ’n appeltjie met die Goue Leeus te skil.
Maar mnr. Rassie Erasmus, afrigter van die Cheetahs, sê sy rugbyspan het ’n besonderse skerp mes nodig as hy op Vodacompark in Bloemfontein in ’n Curriebeker-wedstryd daarin wil slaag. Dié wedstryd begin om 15:00.
“Die Leeus het ons verlede jaar twee keer maklik geklop.
“Ons sukkel altyd teen hulle,” sê Erasmus.
“Die Leeus speel net sonder drie van hul Springbokke (Lawrence Sephaka, Jaque Fourie en Enrico Januarie), so ons sal ná vandag presies weet wat ons ware krag is,” sê die Cheetah-breier.
Eerder as om te erken dat sy span dié seisoen vinnig uit sy blokke is, sê Erasmus die Cheetahs se goeie spel en 18 drieë in slegs twee wedstryde is te danke aan ’n gunstige Premierliga-loting.
Erasmus sê voorts vandag se uitslag kan deur die spanne se vertonings in die vaste fasette bepaal word.
Dít is waar die Cheetahs se Ollie le Roux, Wian du Preez, Jaco du Toit, Richardt Strauss, Jannie du Plessis, Rory Duncan, Corniel van Zyl en Barend Pieterse die skaal effens in die gasheer se guns swaai. Die Leeus se vaste vyf-voorspelers (wat plaasvervangers insluit) van Heinke van der Merwe, Daniel Muller, James van der Walt, Ettienne Reynecke, Gert Muller, Jean Deysel, Willem Stoltz en Gerhard Mostert, het nie soos in die Cheetahs se geval soveel ervaring aan sy kant nie.
Boonop kombineer Michael Claassens (skrumskakel) en Willem de Waal (losskakel) dié seisoen voortreflik.
Claassens het sy peil herwin nadat hy aan die einde van die Super 14-reeks nie soos ’n Bok gespeel het nie.
Claassens sal egter die Suid-Afrikaanse o.21-skrumskakel van die Leeus, Jano Vermaak, nie ’n halwe kans moet gun nie.
Langs Claassens kan De Waal vir ’n derde agtereenvolgende Saterdag in dié reeks wys hy is ook ’n aanvallende losskakel.
De Waal, wat die speler van die wedstryd teen die Valke was, kan dalk in die eerste 40 minute opdrag kry om meer met sy skopskoen te dikteer as wat die geval in die wedstryde teen die Valke en die Wildeklawer-Griekwas was.
Die spanne is:
Cheetahs: Bevin Fortuin; Giscard Pieters, JW Jonker, Dale Heidtmann, Gavin Passens; Willem de Waal, Michael Claassens; Ryno van der Merwe, Darron Nell, Hendro Scholtz (k), Barend Pieterse, Corniel van Zyl, Jannie du Plessis, Jaco du Toit, Ollie le Roux. PLAASVERVANGERS: Richardt Strauss, Wian du Preez, Rory Duncan, Kabamba Floors, Falie Oelschig, Chris Kruger, Phillip Burger.
Leeus: Louis Ludik; Wylie Human, Jaco Pretorius, Wayne Julies, Grant Esterhuizen; Earl Rose, Jano Vermaak; Ernst Joubert, Cobus Grobbelaar, Wikus van Heerden (k), Gerhard Mostert, Jean Deysel, Gert Muller, James van der Walt, Heinke van der Merwe.
PLAASVERVANGERS: Ettienne Reynecke, Daniel Muller, Willem Stoltz, Schalk van der Merwe, Rory Kockott, Jody Rose, Jaco van Schalkwyk.
Skeidsregter: mnr. Tappe Henning.
Afskop: 15:00.
TV: van 14:30 af op SS/M-Net en SS1/DStv.Friday, July 07, 2006
Sharks vs Pumas
There's been a lot of talk about the Sharks "B-team" that's been picked for tonight's game. I'd like to post a brief rundown on the players, based on what I know of them, hopefully to allay any fears that there might be about the strength of this team.
1) Kees Lensing. Enough said, I think. Everyone knows Kees, the former Bulls and Namibian hardman. A very good scrummager, but a lot less effective in the loose than Mxoli or Carstens. Expect him to do a 50-minute demolition job, before Mox comes on to clean up.
2) Skipper Badenhorst. The weakest of the hookers in the squad in terms of all round game, but probably the second best scrummager after Smit. Lineout throwing is the major concern. Has been known to play well in the loose, but isn't consistent enough (vs Bulls in last 2004 Super 12 he was a king!). Probably in the starting lineup due to questions around Jenneker's temperament.
3) Danie Saayman. Currently about the only fit tighthead in either Sharks team. Danie is a very dependable, hard-working player and a brilliant scrummager. He also scores match-winning tries.
4) Wouter Moore. Alas, I don't know much about this guy. Another youngster we borrowed from Orakel-country. Apparently played SA u19 and u21, so should definitely have the pedigree
5) Steven Sykes. I have my doubts about this kid. A reasonable lineout option and a grafter in the tight, but seems to lack the hard edge that we need in the pack. Let's hope he proves me wrong.
6) Keegan Daniel. SA u21 star and impact player of note, Keegs gets a chance to resume the dynamite combination with Kankowsi from last year's Natal u21 team. This guys has such good anticipation, coupled with great hands and heaps of pace. Expect him to run riot tonight.
7) Jaco Gouws. The elder statesman in this young back row. Gouws is more a journeyman than a matchwinner, but his high work rate, good defence and leadership skills bring a lot to the team.
8) Ryan Kankowsi. Another exciting young backrower - big, strong and fast. Ryan is a regular SA 7s representative. I expect him and Keegan to hunt as a pack, Kankowsi feeding off loose ball that Daniel secures. A great prospect.
9) Sandile Nxumalo. Sandy has the best pass of any of the Sharks scrummies, but his form has been inconsistent of late. Desperately in need of gametime, let's hope he shows what he can do by focusing on his strengths and doing the basics well.
10) Steve Meyer. Incredibly, this chap has yet to represent the Sharks at senior level. A workmanlike player with a great boot. He is a devastating tackler and controls a game very well.
11) Craig Burden. Big strong chap who got limited gametime in the Super 14, but looked pretty good. Uses his strength well to break tackles.
12) Andries Strauss. Yet another poached Cheetahs youngster, Straussie is a very relaxed, confident player. Strong on defence and stands up well in the tackle, never losing possession. Lacking a bit of pace, but expect him to give this backline direction.
13) Okkie Vermeulen. Ok, another Free Stater. Sorry guys! Okkie runs straight and hard and is an exciting talent. Saw him play against the self-same Pumas in the Vodacom Cup and he was dynamite. My bet for a hat-trick.
14) Dusty Noble. Impressed against WP with his high workrate and good anticipation. Lacking a bit in the top-end stakes, but expect him to have a busy evening. Pretty good defender.
15) Brett Hennessey. Vampire-boy is safe under the high ball and very very quick, but his decision-making worries me. Still, the only fit fullback in the squad (thanks Snake). Let's see how he goes tonight.
Some good backup on the bench as well, in Mox Mxoli, Jodi Jenneker and Nikolai Blignaut... these guys are the new, black generation of Sharks forwards and have us all very excited. Jenneker is another Lukas van Biljon, but hopefully he can be kept on the rails. Blignaut is an enforcer and Mox is just a downright phenomenon. A young Ollie if you must compare him to someone. I have no idea who Conrad Stoltz is.
In the backs. Mathie and Bobo are well-known, although both need to find a period of sustained form. Scott was poor last week and will hope to deliver an improved showing. Bobo was better than he has been in some time and will want to build on that. Stick hasn't played for the 15s side in a while, but he is full of running. Another SA 7s man.
All-in-all, a well-balanced team. Front row is hard as rock, second row a bit of an unknown. Back row full of running. Workmanlike halfback combination, but good distributors both. Strauss as the general, responsible for unleashing the deadly back 4.
I can't wait!
According to the Saru website, Coach Erasmus is not willing to tackle the Pride of the South African Savanah- the Lion, Rugby Union’s Jozi-based Lions- without gloves.
Good on him then- the memory of the two domestiCCtiff 2005 defeats handed to the CC Champs 2005 must still be fresh in his analytical mind. He started the CC 2005 season with a squad largely taken from the Free State Vodacom Squad- with some experienced players from the last Super season of enforced unity to the Cats franchise.
These two defeats was largely the making of a superbly played game in Bloemfontein by the Lions- where their tight 5 had at the very least- parity and the DavidS acclaimed -backrow had confiscated the better part of the spoils. The Lions had put a lot of pressure on Willem De Waal’s defensive capabilities and with quality ball- the Eloff coached backline – had displayed their skills in masterful style.
In the away game the eventual scoreline was much closer- when coach Erasmus had started to protect Willem De Waal by rotating him with crunch tackler Barry Goodes- Channel One was not the M1 highway anymore for the Jozi Jollers to gain yards with. This tough match would also be the turning point in the Cheetahs season. Although again on the loosing side, the hard work and the players belief- in Coach Erasmus – Low Risk game plan- was starting to pay dividends.
Seeing that a ship does not sail on yesterday’s winds- and that a lot of rugby was played since then, I am still of the opinion that the two losses is still fresh enough in both the Coaching Staff and the players minds- that there will be no complacency in the Cheetah 22- when match day arrives.
Is there room for complacency—well the 2006 form might allow the Cheetahs to feel just a bit windgat.
Not only is Eloff now the Head Coach of the Lions and some of the sharpest Lion backline claws is either injured or away with the Springboks, the Lions had also lost almost its entire Tight Five. Its highly rated loose trio- of Ernst Joubert, Wikus van Heerden and Cobus Grobbelaar is however unchanged and it does have almost an entirely new and experimental backline- save the experience and flair of Wayne Julies and the experience of Human and Esterhuizen at the wings.
The Lions had lost both its opening games against the Sharks and Bulls- pipped by most pundits- both “realworld” and “couch –based” to be the form sides of CC 2006.
In direct contrast- the Cheetahs had opened the season against the Griquas and the Falcons with a huge bang, starting the games with the Coach’s low risk game- but switching in the second part of the first half to the more traditional Vrystaat game- which Coach Erasmus describes as Festival Rugby”. This enabled them to score a bucket full of tries, collecting 2 valuable bonus points, for and against points, and that corrosive enabler- -confidence.
In all fairness, the 2006 Cheetahs is nobodies Country Couzins anymore, and will have lost some of the “underdog” appeal that have made them the whole country’s – second team. They are after all the current custodians of that most hallowed piece of silverware, the Currie Cup.
The fact that the Cheetah team is a very settled one- with only two changes- one forced- Dale Heidtman for Meyer Bosman and Corniel Van Zyl for Rory Duncan-added to home ground advantage- must make the Cheetahs the favourites. This do create an untried Cheetah midfield- which might be exploited by the crafty Wayne Julies.
The choice of Dale Heidtman- who is stronger in defence than on attack- may indicate that Coach Erasmus wants to police Channel 1 again with Oranje 12- which will then in any case force the players to stick for longer passages to the Low Risk Plan- enforced by a competent pack and a rejuvenated and confident de Waal. Expect the fireworks to start when Floors, Valie, Kruger and Burger join from the bench.
As both coaches believes in fetching- expect the Loose forwards to be very competitive and influential in the eventual result. If the Lions were to cause an upset- it will start with a better than expected show of the young five- its loose trio to dominate and then the backline to spread it wide.
It is OORB’s opinion that Coach Erasmus will not err strategically in prescribing “Fest Rugby. It might be a tactical error- if the on field decision makers-move away too early or too frequently from the trusted Low Risk Rugby. Or- hopefully it could turn out to be another 50 pointer.
Cheetah Players to watch out for
Willem De Waal
JW Jonker
Philip Burger
Weather and snotsiek permitting , Oranje Orakel, MadameO and all the Orakels will be rooting for their team at Vodacom Park. It should be an entertaining game.
Let me be blunt in my prediction:
Cheetahs to win this game – with a healthy 15 point margin- after an initial see-saw game that will be an showcase of the youthful flair of the Lions- underwritten by a hardcore backrow against an ever-maturing Cheetah team that will demonstrate its ability to start with one style of rugby-Low risk Rugby- then to switch at will between that style and the traditional Vrystaat “running-the-ball-wide” game.
Oranje Orakel
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Johnson is a CHEETAH!
The exact duration of his contract is not known at this stage by OORB.
Johnson will compete for the orange and white no 8 jumper against the established Ryno VD Merwe- considered by many as one of the most underrated players in South African Rugby. It will be interesting to see Ryno vd Merwe response on the field.
It seems that Coach Erasmus is not a "sizest" coach as Coach White - and that the 8 th man role in Cheetah rugby is on defense almost as a secondary "fetcher".
Volksblad further report that Pieter De Villiers- the SA u 21 Coach - is of the opinion that the Cheetahs had made an excellent purchase- as Johnson is - "the only 8th man is South African rugby that can take the ball accross the gain line from primary possesion".
It seems that Johnson will have some one on one fitness sessions with the Cheetah fitness coach Jaques Nienaber. Volksblad do not anticipate that Johnson will be in the match 22- against the Lions on Saturday.
It will be interesting to see when Coach Erasmus plays Johnson- as he will - most surely- not be a splinter gatherer. Will the Cheetahs need to change their plays with Johnson at 8? , also of huge interest will be the possibility of the Cheetah CC final hero- Kabamba Floors- playing with Johnson in the same backrow.
If the Cheetahs are sure of tight 5 parity, in scrums, rucks, mauls and lineouts- a loose trio of Scholtz- captain and 7, Johnson - at 8, and Floors might just be an option. OORB are not sure of the competitiveness of Johnson as a "liftable" option at the back of the lineout. A innovation can be to test Johnson at 2 and the Cheetah "Luftwaffe" Meastro- barend Pieterse athe back of the lineout- but this is maybe a bit-pie-in-the-sky advise from OORB.
A lineout specialist loosie can then be on the bench.
This backrow could be extremely effective against teams with explosive backs- also it will protect and retain Oranje posession well at the breakdown- seeing that the Cheetahs are playing a more traditional Vrystaat expansive game in 2006.
So Ashlee- welcome in Bloem.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Please include the Supporters as well- you might just be surprised with the value that will be added.
Strategic plan for SA rugby
02/07/2006 22:04 - (SA)
Liam del Carme, Beeld
Johannesburg - A task team, appointed to draw up a strategic plan for the running of SA rugby until the 2015 World Cup tournament, will meet for the first time on Monday.
SA Rugby has called for a plan to be drawn up as soon as possible - with Golden Lions president Jannie Ferreira at the helm - to serve as a guide for the next nine years.
"We should have started this process a long time ago", Ferreira said at the weekend. "SA Rugby has asked me to drive a process through which we must draw up a strategic plan for the game. It must be an umbrella plan that will incorporate all aspects of the game.
"We hope to make much progress on Monday. We will meet for a whole day and have to report to the presidents' council afterwards. We hope to get a lot done."
Ferreira said he had assembled a team of experts with diverse expertise for the task.
"I have asked a team of twelve to get the process underway. There are coaches, technical people and analysts. People such as national coaches Peter Jooste and Ian McIntosh will be there." Ferreira added that SuperSport analysts Owen Nkumane and Dan Retief would also be involved in the process.
Jooste was unable on Sunday to shed much light on the workings or the task team. "We still have to work out how we will go about it but we will know more after the meeting on Monday," he said.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Become more media savvy
30/06/2006 10:15 - (SA)
Lizette Rabe
It's not only a matter of being media literate, to be able to read between the lines, that enables us to understand any given news, whether in print, broadcast or new media.
It is also knowing about your rights as a citizen in terms of freedom of expression - and how it is or is not manipulated by those who think they have a right to decide what others may think and say.
Build your sixth media sense, in other words, by becoming more media literate to the extent of being media savvy.
What's this all about?
It's still about the SABC's censoring of the Mbeki profile. The latest fall-out is the alleged censoring of certain commentators. SABC journalists were asked not to use certain people as analysts because of their criticism of the government.
And it represents one of the unfortunate - and one too many - low points in our recent "free" media history.
It is a serious infringement on freedom of expression when apparatchiks decide on behalf of journalists who may or may not comment on events. The fact that it is happening at our public service broadcaster, makes it even more serious.
The reverse of this alleged censoring also needs attention: how does it reflect on those who are allowed to comment?
The flipside of this decision means that those who may be contacted are "cleared" by the head honchos.
How would these "approved" commentators feel about the situation they suddenly find themselves in? How does this impact on the credibility of those commentators and analysts?
This is yet another reason why media consumers should develop their sixth sense by reading between the lines.
We need media literacy campaigns so that news consumers can understand the undercurrents in what is already a whirlpool of information coming their way. Otherwise we're as good as in the dark, despite a well-developed media infrastructure available to the majority of South Africans.
Need the fifth estate?
No wonder blogging - citizen-journalism - is referred to as the fifth estate: to watch the so-called fourth estate.
But where will it end? A sixth estate, to watch the fifth estate?
The Fourth Estate, the so-called watchdog, must protect its independence, and must do so fiercely.
Hopefully all journalists will protest against the infringement of their colleagues' independence at the SABC. And a call for all analysts and commentators to refrain from co-operating until this matter has been cleared, should also be supported.
As the South African National Editors' Forum's slogan with respect to media freedom goes: what you can't see, can hurt you.
This chapter in the history of our "free" media illustrates that point once again. Practise your sixth sense, and read between the lines to know that which you cannot see, can hurt - and hurt you badly.
# Lizette Rabe is head of the postgraduate Department of Journalism at the University of Stellenbosch, a Sanef council member and Sanef-convenor for the Western Cape. And she's addicted to news.
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